Future Release v1.21 (2017-03-03)
- Messages in gpnode to inform end of process
- Improved log for gpnode with syntaxic color and select level of verbosity
- Added list of recent opened projects in gpnode_gui
- Improved toolbar in gpnode_gui
- Tab in GPViewer to send picture to camera
- Added point/point + value/rect/rect + value in layer viewer
- Improved script in gpviewer with call and echo commands
- Added support for component, removed hwlib
- Removed poppler to simplify dependencies
- Fixed toolchain windows for cross compile
- Camera explorer fixed interractions delete/select
- Fixed image save in flow viewer (bad image size)
- Fixed warning in quartus synthesis
Release v1.20 (2017-01-10)
- HWLoop functionnalities (exemple project for test automation on real platform)
- Auto test bench creation
- Multi flows viewers (mask, rect, points...)
- viewers manager
- IP documentation integration in gpnode_gui
- clocks, parameters and flow size editable in graphical mode
- enhanced control on blocks view with gpviewer
- size of flow graphically visible in gpnode_gui
- roi
- gaussian
- sobel
- prewitt
- roberts
- laplacien
- dilate
- erode
- negate
- scharr
- threshold
- Improved blocks view and interractions in gpnode_gui
- Improved tutorial, documentation completed
- PHP7 compatibility
- gpviewer stabilized on disconnect/connect camera
- gpnode_gui stabilized
Release v1.10 (2016-09-09)
- Backend component introduction
- Informations (author, version, licence...) ingregrated to IP
- Base components for IP devellopement
- gpnode GUI completed for node generation
Release v1.00 (2016-06-15)
- Properties on flows propagated by blocks
- Dynamic viewer adaptation
- Node editor and viewer
- Camera Explorer
- New GUI tool: gpnode (beta)
- Complete review of gpviewer
- All propertymap expressed in global context in node_generated.xml
- FI default value
Release v0.95 (2016-02-29)
- gpdevice/gpproc added enum commands
- By-pass process generated as default process
- Fixed io xml format
- Documentation review
- setpropertymap command
- block_generator slave fixed
- gpviewer cameracom can handle small data package
Release v0.95-beta (2016-02-04)
- Command line tools now checks instance name validity
- hwlib introduced
- new tools : gpdevice and gpproc
- gpnode completed bash completion
- command line tutorial improved with dynamic parameters samples
- gpblock splitted into gpdevice and gpproc
- Fixed gpblock bash completion without project
- CI bug with no defined clock
Release v0.95-pre (2016-01-27)
- gpblock added generation of slave registers feature
- Improved bash completion
- gpblock complete commands set
- Fixed bash wrappers
- Various bugfix in gpblock
Release v0.90 (2016-01-06)
- Tutorial for using command line tools
- Introducing gpblock with a basic block generation
- Improved documentation
- Improved distribution system
- Fixed windows version
Release v0.90-pre (2015-12-14)
- Automatic scripts to deploy
- Introducing gpnode and gplib command line tool instead of generate_node script
- Documentation for tools
- command line completion scripts
- IP and toolchains moved to support directory
- Rename special blocks
- Full review of directory structure
Release v0.80 (2015-06-24)
Only an internal beta version, not distributed