Before you start it is a wise precaution to backup your databases, settings1.php and any customised files you wish to keep.
This installation guide assumes that you are already reasonably familiar with WeeWX and that it is already installed on your computer along with a webserver, php and curl. For a light-touch webserver.
If you have not already done so, you must update your WeeWX installation to version 3.9.2 or later. This is required to facillitate nested copying during the skin install process. Follow the various installation type links on this page for instructions on updating. This version of Weather34 is compatible with WeeWX 3.9.2/Python2.7 and WeeWX 4.0.0.bx/Python2.7 or Python3.x (Intructions for WeeWX 4 can be found at
If you are carrying out a fresh install of WeeWX, my own personal preference is to use the method ( However, this increases the chances of requiring more path edits in the configuration files. Alternatively use one of the dedicated packaged installs (,, or
- Please familiarise yourself with the location of your WeeWX system files including your bin/user folder, skins folder and weewx.conf file. If you are unsure where to find these, please refer to the installation processes here: - which shows various WeeWX installation scenarios.
IMPORTANT. After installing PHP please make sure you install all the PHP modules appropriate for your version of PHP. Failure to due so may mean that forecasts and current conditions fail to update. This is an example for PHP7.3 modules on a Debian based distribution: -
sudo apt-get install php-cli php-fpm php-json php-sqlite3 php-zip php-gd php-mbstring php-curl php-xml php-pear php-bcmath
sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php
sudo a2enmod php7.3
sudo systemctl restart apache2
Install PyePhem ( From the command line depending on the version of Python you use: -
sudo python2 -m pip install pyephem or sudo python3 -m pip install pyephem
Once completed, make sure you save weewx.conf
If you have have the CRT extension (Cumulus Real-Time) extension installed, unless you require it for another purpose, you can remove it now. (sudo ./wee_extension --uninstall crt)
This install process assumes that your are using one of the officially documented WeeWX installs and a typical Apache2 web server configuration of /var/www/html. In this instance, at the end of the installation process your path to thw Weather34 skin will be /var/www/html/weewx/weather34. If your installation deviates from this, you will need to adjust the paths in your weewx.conf after the installation process has taken place.
The default WeeWX extension installer (wee_extension) was not really intended to deal with monolithic structure of the Weather34 skin. It is possible to configure an install package to use wee_extension, but it is a difficult and tedious process to maintain for this skin. I am very gratefully to Jerry Dietrich for writing a new installer specially for Weather34. This installer copies everything to the correct places and automatically configures the correct web server ownerships, permissions and groups etc. The whole process is very fast and your skin will be up and running without having to wait till the end of the first archive cycle. By using the supplied configuration files,, packaged or MacOS installed versions of WeeWX can be catered for.
From the command line: -
sudo git clone cd weewx-Weather34 sudo python You will be prompted for the config file for your WeeWX install type. Enter packaged.conf if your WeeWX was installed by Debian, RedHat or Suse methods [default option] or Enter setup_py.confconf if your WeeWX was installed by method or Enter packaged.conf if your WeeWX was installed by MacOS method
Alternative install method 1: -
Download from unzip cd weewx-Weather34-master sudo python You will be prompted for the config file for your WeeWX install type. Enter packaged.conf if your WeeWX was installed by Debian, RedHat or Suse methods [default option] or Enter setup_py.confconf if your WeeWX was installed by method or Enter packaged.conf if your WeeWX was installed by MacOS method
Alternative install method 2 (if you already have the installer from a previous installation): -
Download from into the folder where is already located sudo python You will be prompted for the config file for your WeeWX install type. Enter packaged.conf if your WeeWX was installed by Debian, RedHat or Suse methods [default option] or Enter setup_py.confconf if your WeeWX was installed by method or Enter packaged.conf if your WeeWX was installed by MacOS method
The installer will prompt you for the location of your WeeWX webserver folder. The default is set to /var/www/html/weewx. If your path is the same, just press enter otherwise you must type in your full path.
Restart WeeWX.
You can now test that the template is working by opening it up in your browser. Initially you will see random demo data. Click on the menu button at the top-left corner and select settings. This will open up a web form in which you apply your own settings. Pay particular attention to the location of the w34realtime.txt file being generated on a loop cycle by weeWX. The default location is “/[html_root]/weewx/w34weather/realtime.txt” (for example /var/www/html/weewx/w34weather/w34realtime.txt).
A new feature is an alternative method of obtaining api data from web services (eg forecasts, metar, etc). This is particularly suitable for those who's servers/isps setups do not allow the weewxcron method. It also allows you to specify the frequency of calls so as not to exceed daily limits or put too much strain on the server. Selection of these services can be made towards the foot of the settings form page. If you use this method you must disable the weewxcron method by reanaming the file weewxcron.php to weewxcron.disabled. If you prefer to continue with the weewxcron method, set the 'Select web service codes' field in the settings form page to a blank (there is a blank option in the drop-down selection list)
If you have any issues please raise directly with [email protected].