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Thomas Hellstrøm Olsen edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 24 revisions
  1. Parts
  2. Settings
  3. Orientation
  4. Tips and Tricks


NOTE: If you plan on using the Tapchanger Dragonburner dock you must use the custom cowl by OstroMa. We always recommend to use the original cowls when possible and the Modular Dock does not require any special Cowl, print the original from the Dragonburner repo.

Coming Soon


All print settings are the same as Voron Standards or better. NOTE: Shuttle needs to print with "support touching buildplate"


Print orientation is flat on the parts back with supports enabled currently, we are working on models with integrated supports.

Print Orientation

Tips and Tricks

Heat Treating

If you printed the shuttle and backplate and things are just not smooth or you have slight binding, you can Heat Treat it and here is how.

  • Fully assemble the shuttle and backplate with Bushing, Pins, Screws and Magnets
  • Set your heat bed to 100-110°C
  • Once at temperature, mate both parts fully, and set them on the bed with the backplate (tool side) down
  • After 20+ minutes pick them up and slide them 3-4 times, then fully mate them once again
  • Set down on the backplate (tool side) someplace cool (Desk) and let them cool without touching them for 5+ hours
  • Try and slide them again and you should feel an improvement, you can try this multiple times if you are still not satisfied

Big thank you to unguided-wanderer on Discord for this technique.

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