0.13.0-SNAPSHOT (under current development)
- In case of an shutting down selendroid-standalone (using an already started emulator) this fix is fixing the NPE.
- Switching to Buck build tool.
- Support to custom keystore, password, alias. #536
- Added freeing on selendroidPort on driver.quit() #557
- The activity class is not any longer immediately loaded. #558
- Fixes bug in findElementsByName() #559
- Optimize searching for elements in selendroid #560
- Allowed disabling of adb logcat device logging with flag #561
- Cleaned up repetitive error handling in selendroid-server #562
- Stop swallowing exception when waiting for instrumentation #563
- Allow selendroid-server start timeout to be passed on command line #564
- Added "-h" and" --help" options to selendroid-standalone-server.
- Split up SelendroidLauncher main().
- Added capability to load in extension handlers and a test bootstrap class
- Assume AUT is already installed if LaunchActivity specified & no matching appsStore entry #567
- Propagate unhandled exceptions in AUT as AppCrashedException
- Added server-side support for low-level actions API
- Added client side implementation of the multi touch screen
- Added empty()/copyOf()/withMerged() to SelendroidCapabilities
- Added ability to run GC and set system properties.
- GetElementAttribute returns null if attribute is not set. Fixes #568
- Removed manual looper as we can now get the device to dump crash logs to a file
- Added SelendroidStandaloneDriverEventListener to allow hooking into events during Selendroid startup
- Run bootstrap and launch main activity on the UI thread in ServerInstrumentation
- Fixed cloning of existing session capabilities in GetCapabilities()
- Added logging of selendroid traffic statistics
- Prevent hardware devices from showing up multiple times in the DeviceStore
- getWindowSize() now supports API levels < 13
- Changed getScreenSize() to use Dimension instead of string, added support for emulators with string skin names
- Fixed loading of keystores with no password
- Send connection: close header in responses. Fixes #458
- Removed 'SelendroidKeys.ANDROID_HOME' because emulating the home key using Instrumentation is not supported in Android. Use adb to emulate the home key in your tests.
- Return capabilities immediately after session creation instead of redirecting
- Lowered severity of logs in isSelendroidRunning(), made messages more informative.
- Made E2E tests use SelendroidStandaloneServer
- findElements() returns an empty list instead of throwing an exception.
- Standardises URLs / makes them compliant with the WebDriver specification
- Fixed crashlog detection on older devices
- Improved cleanup of devices on failed server startup
- Marked 'execute_native' scripts as deprecated. The native script
was removed, please use the new multi touch implementation. - Upgrading to latest Selenium 2.43.1
- Upgrading to latest Android Atoms
- Upgrading to latest Selenium 2.42.2
- Fixed http response encoding header
- Support for 'activity-alias' manifest tag by adding a new optional capability -launchActivity
- Adding new background / resume custom api endpoints, available in the client: SelendroidDriver.backgroundApp() and SelendroidDriver.resumeApp()
- Avoid returning duplicate elements for findElementsBy
- Migrated http-server from webbit to netty
- Adding new call log feature: SelendroidDriver.addCallLog / readCallLog
- Fixes: #487
- Bumping selenium dependency to version 2.41.0
- Added support for switching contexts (NATIVE_APP/WEBVIEW)
- Removed deprecated property 'androidTarget' in selendroid capabilities.
- Removed default locale 'en_US' in selendroid capabilities
- Fixes: #362, #371, #338
- Added command line option
to force installation of Selendroid Server & app under test - Logging Selendroid Standalone configured options
- Element.tagName() should return lower-case string
- Fixed wrong mapping of StaleElementException (was WebDriverException)
- Added a unified and configurable logging system for standalone and selendroid server
- adding support for new 'network_connection' endpoint which will be in the client API for selenium in 2.42
- Rotation Support
- Fixes: #268, #284, #309, #275
- Adding support for disabling native events for sendKeys command to support e.g. German umlauts (#7,#110)
- Added support for sending key events, send text, tap and execute shell command via adb connection
- removed -installedApp command line parameter of the selendroid-standalone jar
- Selendroid standalone supports by default already started emulators. Even if they are started manually after selendroid-standalone has been started, they are identified and can be used for test sessions.
- Minimized create session time by skipping installation of the app under test or the selendroid-server if they are already installed.
- Support execute async script (#254)
- Add native execute script action TwoPointerGesture. this is temporary solution until the mobile WebDriver multi touch spec is implemented #292
- Introducing a sessionTimeout (in seconds) that will automatically stop a session. Default value is 30 minutes.
- Added support for using 'platformVersion', 'platformName' and 'automationName' in capabilities in order to support Selenium 3.0
- Added support for using switch context endpoints to support Selenium 3.0. Swith to window mechanism is still available.
- In order to support Selenium 3, Page source is now returned as an XML (or HTML in the case of HTML-based platforms) document representing the UI hierarchy.
- Until multi touch support based on the new w3c spec is implemented, there is a native script that can be used for multi touch gestures.
- Added a more detailed error message when instrumentation fails #328
- Default selendroid-standalone port is changed from 5555 to 4444
- Added support for switching to a frame in webview
- Fixes: #155, #163, #177, #179, #184, #188, #202, #209, #210, #211, #213, #214,#216, #223, #231
- Refactoring of our end-to-end tests
- Support for navigating back, forward and refresh
- removed -restartAdb option
- Adding Alert api support while in a webview
- adding -noClearData option to avoid calling adb shell pm clear when calling driver.quit()
- Support for running AndroidDriver to test mobile web pages.
- Introduce an API to control the screen brightness and whether it's on.
- making screenshots work again for emulators and using the -installedApp option
- Avoid retaining references to Views that have been disposed.
- Prevent temporary APKs from cluttering the cwd.
- #114 Optimizing logcat handling and retry handling for selendroid-server start
- Emulators are started on display configured in capabilities
- Device logcats are available as logging type "logcat"
- The feature to restart adb has been removed
- Selendroid-standalone can register himself as a node to a Selenium Grid hub by using command line parameters (-hub and -host)
- Selenium Automation Atoms has been updated to fix #127
- Support for Android KitKat (Api Level 19)
- Full support for Windows #146
- Support for running multiple instrumentation servers #112
- Better support for different platform names Android Sdk #128
- Smaller refactorings
- Selendroid-Standalone can be configured to use specific emulator starting options
- Selendroid-Standalone can be configured to use a specific keystore for signing apks
- fix for 'Arbitrary port number binding is broken' #105
- Added xpath locator for native context
- selendroid can now handle multiple web views on the same activity
- new inspector with the ability to display html source code of a web view.
- multiple bug fixes
- Support for Set, Get, Delete Cookies for WebViews
- hardware device handling is now based on the ddmlib library which means devices can be now hot plugged.
- selendroid-standalone can is now taking screenshots by default using ddmlib library.
- selendroid-shell has been removed from the core project
- selendroid-server port can now be configured
- Updated to use the lastest Selenium automation Atoms.
- Official support for windows
- Emulator and instrumentation start handling was massively improved
- selendroid-standalone can handle installed apps which is can speed up especially test case development.
- Selenium Log API is now supported
- small bugfixes
- several smaller bug fixes: #52, #51, #50
- In the capabilities locale, emulator and androidTarget are now optional.
- moved all packages to domain selendroid.io
- added new component: selendroid-standalone
- moved the documentation from wiki to web page: http://selendroid.io
- selendroid gem has been refactored to support only starting selendroid-shell
- Removed dependencies: Guava, commons-io, slf4j-android
- Find By Tag Name refactored to find by the class now, not by text
- L10n Locators not longer available, the translation can be done executing the script: ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("getL10nKeyTranslation", "l10nKey");
- Several bug fixes
- Gem does support the new location of aapt.
- Gem does require Ruby version >= 1.9.2
- Moved from google gson library to org.json
- Added first support of Selenium Advanced User Interactions API
- Added to the selendroid-gem new commands to support
- build-and-start: automatically build the selendroid-server and resigns the given apk with the debug certificate and starts afterwards the selendroid server.
- start: Starts the selendroid server on the first available Android device.
- Fix for bug #6 that solves send key to an element.
- Fixed a bug in getCapabilities handler that adds now e.g. support for javascript.
- Fixed a bug in getElementLocation handler
- Added support for:
- Get size of an element
- Get attribute of an element
- Get the info if an element is displayed or enabled
- execute script (only supported for webview mode)
- Added css locator support in webviews
- selendroid-grid-plugin that adds support to use the selenium grid for parallel testing
- Fix for native UI hierarchy handling
- Several smaller bugfixes with regards to element handling
- Gem can now be use on Windows
- Gem source has been added to the main project
- Added FindByPartialLinkText locator support for native and webview elements
- Adding (experimental) mechanism to add 'executeScript' in Native
- fixed to major bugs #1 and #2
- Created an inspector that allows to inspect the application under test and makes it easier to write test cases: http://localhost:8080/inspector
- Added support for pressing keys like the Android menu button.
- Fixed a bug in taking screenshots. Now pop up dialogs are included as well.
- Added /sessionId/keys support and a client library that contains already selenium as dependency and the interface SelendroidKeys.
- The gem contains an interactive shell that starts automatically selendroid-server and a Ruby webdriver client that allows to interactively try commands out.
- Added locator strategy by class for native and web view context
- added support for all available locators findElement, findElements and corresponding find child element and find child elements.
- initial Selendroid version including support for android native and hybrid apps.
- Driver support:
- takeScreenshot
- getPageSource
- get current url/ activity and open activity
- Driver supports following find element locators:
- for web views: by id, by xpath, by text, by name
- for Android native: by id, by l10n key, by text
- Found elements features:
- click, clear, enter text, getValue, is selected and submit
- Driver support: