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This repository was archived by the owner on Oct 29, 2020. It is now read-only.
Aaron Schachter edited this page Feb 27, 2016 · 105 revisions


User login


  • username: (string) required. The user username.
  • password: (string) required. The user password.


If login was successful, the response contains values to use when making subsequest authenticated requests during the session. See for details.

  • token: (string). The header value to post as X-CSRF-Token.
  • sessid: (string). The value to set for the Cookie header.
  • session_name: (string). The name of the Cookie header to post.
  • user: (object). The logged in user.

Example request:

 -d '{
  "username":"[email protected]",
  }' -H "Content-type: application/json" 
  --header "Accept: application/json"

Example response:

    "sessid": "OlRJjdQNZyYgxjmF7c0GtUSiO1pCczRCOzqetJJMs5w",
    "session_name": "SESS8de1794320df15914c40c2b37d51eff2",
    "token": "-XmDawHfJ3MRBFGgBvHaF4_RlHq0Dp_xfffGimzr6mM",
    "user": {
        "uid": "38",
        "name": "batman",
        "mail": "[email protected]",
        "theme": "",
        "signature": "",
        "signature_format": "plain_text",
        "created": "1392999246",
        "access": "1405601994",
        "login": "1405601911",
        "status": "1",
        "timezone": "UTC",
        "language": "",
        "picture": "0",
        "data": false,
        "uuid": "8a88c274-d4b4-4f66-b8b7-59029173248c",
        "sid": "KWB0uMKU5IyS2Xgw27v7wnhF9HKoVfJ23dFFt0r7o8s",
        "ssid": "",
        "hostname": "",
        "timestamp": "1405601911",
        "cache": "0",
        "session": "",
        "roles": {
            "2": "authenticated user"

User logout


Example request:

curl -X POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "X-CSRF-Token: -XmDawHfJ3MRBFGgBvHaF4_RlHq0Dp_xfffGimzr6mM" --header "Cookie: SESS8de1794320df15914c40c2b37d51eff2=OlRJjdQNZyYgxjmF7c0GtUSiO1pCczRCOzqetJJMs5w"

Example response:


Get authentication token

Returns the X-CSRF Token for the logged in user.


Example response:



Retrieve a campaign collection


Note: Only campaigns with a campaign type of campaign are returned (e.g. sms_game campaigns are filtered)

Optional Query Parameters

  • ids (string|csv)
    • Specify the campaign(s) to return
    • ex: /campaigns?ids=123,456,789
  • count (default is 25)
    • Set the number of campaigns to return in a single response
    • ex: /campaigns?count=25
  • page (integer)
    • For pagination, specify page of campaigns to return in the response
    • ex: /campaigns?page=2
  • staff_pick (boolean)
    • If set to true, will only return staff pick campaigns
    • ex: /campaigns?staff_pick=true
  • mobile_app (boolean)
    • If set to true, will only return campaigns tagged for the mobile app
    • ex: /campaigns?mobile_app=true
  • mobile_app_date (date)
    • Return mobile campaigns valid for a given date
    • ex: /campaigns?mobile_app_date=2015-09-02
  • term_ids (string|csv)
    • Return only campaigns that are tagged with the term IDs specified
    • ex: /campaigns?term_ids=123,456,789
  • random (boolean)
    • If set to true, will return campaigns in random order
    • ex: /campaigns?random=true
  • cache (boolean)
    • Defaults to true
    • If set to false will not cache request and if already cached, it will be removed from cache
    • ex: /campaigns?cache=false

Retrieve a specific campaign


  • id (int) [Required]
  • The id of the campaign node to retrieve data for.

Example request:

Example response:

  data: {
    id: "362",
    title: "Comeback Clothes",
    campaign_runs: {
      current: {
        en: {
          id: "1227"
      past: [ ]
    language: {
      language_code: "en",
      prefix: "us"
    translations: {
      original: "en",
      en: {
        language_code: "en",
        prefix: "us"
      en-global: {
        language_code: "en-global",
        prefix: null
    tagline: "Recycle old or worn-out clothes to help all the planets.",
    created_at: "1393518858",
    updated_at: "1452893294",
    status: "closed",
    time_commitment: 5,
    cover_image: {
      default: {
        uri: "",
        sizes: {
          landscape: {
            uri: ""
          square: {
            uri: ""
        type: "image",
        dark_background: false
      alternate: null
    staff_pick: true,
    competition: true,
    facts: {
      problem: "11.1 million tons of fabric that could be recycled ends up in landfills every year. That's the equivalent of over 70 billion t-shirts.",
      solution: null,
      sources: [
          formatted: "<p>"Textiles." United States Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed February 24, 2014.</p> "
    solutions: {
      copy: {
        raw: "Instead of trashing old clothes, give them a second life by recycling them. You’ll save water, energy, and landfill space.",
        formatted: "<p>Instead of trashing old clothes, give them a second life by recycling them. You’ll save water, energy, and landfill space.</p> "
      support_copy: {
        raw: "Run a drive at your school to collect recycled clothes and drop them off at your local H&M.",
        formatted: "<p>Run a drive at your school to collect recycled clothes and drop them off at your local H&amp;M.</p> "
    pre_step: {
      header: "Run Your Drive!",
      copy: {
        raw: "If you’re lucky, you’ll see more mustard-, blood-, and mystery-liquid-stained stuff than ever before! Gross! Hooray!",
        formatted: "<p>If you’re lucky, you’ll see more mustard-, blood-, and mystery-liquid-stained stuff than ever before! Gross! Hooray!</p> "
    latest_news: {
      latest_news: null
    causes: {
      primary: {
        id: "4",
        name: "environment"
      secondary: [
          id: "4",
          name: "environment"
    action_types: {
      primary: {
        id: "7",
        name: "donate something"
      secondary: [
          id: "7",
          name: "donate something"
          id: "11",
          name: "host an event"
        id: "8",
        name: "improve a space"
    issue: {
      id: "347",
      name: "recycling"
    tags: [
        id: "48",
        name: "trash"
        id: "348",
        name: "recycling"
        id: "349",
        name: "clothes"
        id: "350",
        name: "h&m"
        id: "102",
        name: "drive"
        id: "49",
        name: "earth"
        id: "351",
        name: "planet"
        id: "97",
        name: "environment"
        id: "352",
        name: "eco"
        id: "366",
        name: "collection"
        id: "668",
        name: "music" 
    timing: {
      high_season: {
        start: "2015-07-18T00:00:00+0000",
        end: "2015-07-25T00:00:00+0000"
      low_season: null
    services: {
      mobile_commons: {
        opt_in_path_id: "165501",
        friends_opt_in_path_id: null
      mailchimp: {
        grouping_id: null,
        group_name: null
    mobile_app: {
      dates: {
        start: "2015-11-01T00:00:00+0000",
        end: "2016-02-01T00:00:00+0000"
    reportback_info: {
      copy: "Submit your photo before June 20 to qualify for the scholarship.",
      confirmation_message: "Going green is always in style! Thanks for helping the Earth.",
      noun: "Items",
      verb: "Recycled"
    uri: ""

Retrieve a campaign (will be deprecated)


nid (int) Required. The Node nid to retrieve content for.

Example request:

curl \
 -H "Accept: application/json"

@todo: Make this live under api/v1/campaigns/:nid as well to keep consistent.

Campaign signup

Creates a User Signup for the given Campaign nid if a Signup does not exist.


Must be authenticated to post.

  • uid: (int). The user uid reporting back. If not included, the uid of the current user will be used.
  • source: (string) required. The signup source, e.g. iphone, android

Example request:

curl -X POST 
--header "Content-type: application/json" 
--header "Accept: application/json" 
--header "X-CSRF-Token: G136HF5yB5ZZawvrsOfU4gw0poUOaQygPrsJlaFakMU" 
--header "Cookie:SESSd57f2aef87e6d4352ce5db4659184fa7=mKI5_yfoXYBz3r4o95utui4fwBV_lUO1JNN1nEVsPRg" 
-d '{
  "uid": 1702889,
  "source": "sms"

Response: Signup sid, if success.


Campaign reportback

Creates or updates a User Reportback for the given Campaign nid.


Must be authenticated to post.

  • uid: (int). The user uid reporting back. If not included, the uid of the current user will be used.
  • nid: (int) required. The node nid the user is reporting back to.
  • quantity: (int) required. The number of reportback nouns verbed.
  • why_participated: (string) required. The reason why the user participated.
  • file_url: (string) required if file is not provided. An image URL for the reportback.
  • file: (string) required if file_url is not provided. Base64 encoded file string to save.
  • filename: (string) required if file is provided. Necessary for Drupal File API save (see dosomething_reportback_get_file_dest).
  • caption: (string). Corresponding caption for the reportback image.

Response: The reportback rbid if success, FALSE if not.

Example request:

curl -X POST 
--header "Content-type: application/json" 
--header "Accept: application/json" 
--header "X-CSRF-Token: G136HF5yB5ZZawvrsOfU4gw0poUOaQygPrsJlaFakMU" 
--header "Cookie:SESSd57f2aef87e6d4352ce5db4659184fa7=mKI5_yfoXYBz3r4o95utui4fwBV_lUO1JNN1nEVsPRg" 
-d '{
  "quantity": 30,
  "uid": 1702889,
  "file_url": "",
  "why_participated": "Test from API",
  "caption": "API Testing!"

Example response:



Retrieve a signup collection


Optional query parameters

  • user (string|csv)
  • User id to get a specific user's signups
  • eg: /signups?user=98
  • campaigns (string|csv)
  • Comma separated list of campaign ids to get signups
  • eg: /signups?campaigns=362,1172

Example request:

Example response:

  data: [
      id: "243",
      created_at: "1400103603",
      campaign_run: {
        id: "1816",
        current: true
      uri: "",
      campaign: {
        id: "1173",
        title: "Thumb Wars",
        campaign_runs: {
          current: {
            en: {
              id: "1816"
            en-global: {
              id: "1816"
          past: [ ]
        language: {
          language_code: "en",
          prefix: "us"
        translations: {
          original: "en",
          en: {
            language_code: "en",
            prefix: "us"
          en-global: {
            language_code: "en-global",
            prefix: null
        tagline: "Send friends Thumb Socks to remind them not to text and drive.",
        status: "active",
        type: "campaign",
        reportback_info: {
          copy: "Send us a shot of your friend rockin' their Socks!",
          confirmation_message: "Thumbs up, Thumb Warrior! Thanks for keeping your friends -- and the streets -- safe.",
          noun: "Thumb Socks",
          verb: "shared"
      reportback: {
        id: "75",
        created_at: "1400106458",
        updated_at: "1435775063",
        quantity: 12,
        uri: "",
        why_participated: "This is just a test",
        flagged: false,
        reportback_items: {
          total: 5,
          data: [
              id: "498",
              status: "approved",
              caption: "DoSomething? Just did!",
              uri: "",
              media: {
                uri: "",
                type: "image"
              created_at: "1402439166",
              kudos: {
                data: [ ]
              id: "499",
              status: "approved",
              caption: "DoSomething? Just did!",
              uri: "",
              media: {
                uri: "",
type: "image"
              created_at: "1402439166",
              kudos: {
                data: [ ]

Retrieve a specific signup


Example request:

Example response:

  data: {
    id: "42",
    created_at: "1394567434",
    campaign_run: {
      id: "0",
      current: false
    uri: "",
    campaign: {
      id: "1173",
      title: "Thumb Wars",
      campaign_runs: {
        current: {
          en: {
            id: "1816"
          en-global: {
            id: "1816"
          past: [ ]
        language: {
          language_code: "en",
          prefix: "us"
        translations: {
          original: "en",
          en: {
            language_code: "en",
            prefix: "us"
          en-global: {
            language_code: "en-global",
            prefix: null 
        tagline: "Send friends Thumb Socks to remind them not to text and drive.",
        status: "active",
        type: "campaign",
        reportback_info: {
          copy: "Send us a shot of your friend rockin' their Socks!",
          confirmation_message: "Thumbs up, Thumb Warrior! Thanks for keeping your friends -- and the streets -- safe.",
          noun: "Thumb Socks",
          verb: "shared"
      reportback: {
        id: "75",
        created_at: "1400106458",
        updated_at: "1435775063",
        quantity: 12,
        uri: "",
        why_participated: "This is just a test",
        flagged: false,
        reportback_items: {
          total: 5,
          data: [
              id: "498",
              status: "approved",
              caption: "DoSomething? Just did!",
              uri: "",
              media: {
                uri: "",
                type: "image"
              created_at: "1402439166",
              kudos: {
                data: [ ]

Create a kudos record


Required parameters

  • reportback_item_id
  • user_id
  • term_ids


Retrieve a kudos collection


Optional query parameters

  • reportbackitems (string|csv)
  • Comma separated list of reportback ids to get kudos
  • eg: /kudos?reportbackitems=714,2381
  • count (integer) default = 25
  • Number of kudos to retrieve
  • eg: /kudos?count=3

Retrieve a specific kudos


Create a kudos record


Required parameters

  • reportback_item_id
  • user_id
  • term_ids


Retrieve a reportback collection

Optional Query Parameters

  • campaigns (string|csv)
    • The ids of specified campaigns to get reportbacks
    • ex: /reportbacks?campaigns=1080,362
  • status (string|csv)
    • Comma delimited list of reportback statuses to collect reportbacks for
    • ex: /reportbacks?status=promoted
  • count (integer)
    • The number of reportbacks to retrieve
    • ex: /reportbacks?count=5
  • random (boolean)
    • Boolean to indicate whether to retrieve reportbacks in random order
    • ex: /reportbacks?random=true
  • page (integer)
    • For pagination, specify page of reportbacks to return in the response
    • ex: /reportbacks?page=3
  • load_user (boolean)
    • Flag to indicate whether to make call to northstar to retrieve full user data.
    • ex: /reportbacks?load_user=true
  • flagged (boolean)
    • Boolean to indicate whether to also retrieve flagged reportbacks.
    • ex: /reportbacks?flagged=true

Retrieve a specific reportback


Example request:

Example response:

  data: {
    id: "1982",
    created_at: "1427226250",
    updated_at: "1428442705",
    quantity: 12,
    why_participated: "Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.",
    flagged: false,
    reportback_items: {
      total: 2,
      data: [
          id: "1990",
          caption: "Sed posuere consectetur est.",
          uri: "",
          media: {
            uri: "",
            type: "image"
          created_at: "1427226250",
          status: "approved"
          id: "1992",
          caption: "Cras justo odio, facilisis.",
          uri: "",
          media: {
            uri: "",
            type: "image"
          created_at: "1427226629",
          status: "approved"
    campaign: {
      id: "58",
      title: "Shelter Pet PR"
    user: {
      id: "128847239"


Retrieve a collection of Reportback Items


Optional query Parameters

  • campaigns (string|csv)
    • Comma separated list of campaign ids
    • eg: /reportback-items?campaigns=1080,362
  • status (string) default = promoted,approved
    • Comma separated list of statuses
    • These include promoted, approved, excluded, flagged
    • Only promoted and approved are available to anonymous requests.
    • eg: /reportback-items?status=promoted
  • count (integer) default = 25
    • Number of items to retrieve
    • If paginated, number to show per page
    • eg: /reportback-items?count=10
  • random (boolean) default = false
    • Boolean to indicate whether to retrieve items randomly
    • eg: /reportback-items?random=true
  • page (integer) default = 1
    • If data is paginated, can specify a specific page of retrieved data
  • load_user (boolean)
    • Flag to indicate whether to make call to northstar to retrieve full user data.
    • ex: /reportbacks?load_user=true

Example request:,362,1283&status=promoted,approved&count=3&random=true

Example response:

  pagination: {
    total: 166,
    per_page: 3,
    current_page: 1,
    total_pages: 56,
    prev_uri: null,
    next_uri: ",362,1283&status=promoted,approved&count=3&page=2"
  retrieved_count: 3,
  data: [
      id: "572",
      caption: "DoSomething? Just did!",
      uri: "",
      media: {
        uri: "",
        type: "image"
      created_at: "1402439166",
      status: "approved",
      reportback: {
        id: "78",
        created_at: "1395858155",
        updated_at: "1423857962",
        quantity: 20,
        why_participated: "Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.",
        flagged: false
      campaign: {
        id: "362",
        title: "Comeback Clothes"
      user: {
        id: "2688313"
      id: "658",
      caption: "DoSomething? Just did!",
      uri: "",
      media: {
        uri: "",
        type: "image"
      created_at: "1402428343",
      status: "approved",
      reportback: {
        id: "89",
        created_at: "1394658072",
        updated_at: "1394743866",
        quantity: 12,
        why_participated: "Because I want everybody to look cool!",
        flagged: false
      campaign: {
        id: "362",
        title: "Comeback Clothes"
      user: {
        id: "486418",
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Dow", 
        photo: "",
        country: "US"
      id: "5874",
      caption: "Morbi leo risus porta ac.",
      uri: "",
      media: {
        uri: "",
        type: "image"
      created_at: "1423757294",
      status: "approved",
      reportback: {
        id: "895",
        created_at: "1423757294",
        updated_at: "1423757423",
        quantity: 1,
        why_participated: "Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.",
        flagged: false
      campaign: {
        id: "1321",
        title: "Hunt Day 5: Band-Aid Brigade"
      user: {
        id: "4878998"
        first_name: "John",
        last_name: "Smith", 
        photo: "",
        country: "US"

Retrieve a specific Reportback Item


Example request:

Example response:

  data: {
    id: "85071",
    caption: "For a great cause!",
    uri: "",
    media: {
      uri: "",
      type: "image"
    created_at: "1426110120",
    status: "approved",
    reportback: {
      id: "63344",
      created_at: "1425694214",
      updated_at: "1426697649",
      quantity: 151,
      why_participated: "So many clothes and other textiles go to waste every year because they are unwanted and too worn to go to Goodwill. This is a great way to get rid of those clothes and help out the environment too!",
      flagged: false
    campaign: {
      id: "362",
      title: "Comeback Clothes"
    user: {
      id: "1892717"
      first_name: "John",
      last_name: "Dow", 
      photo: "",
      country: "US"

Review a Reportback File

Only available to Users with view any reportback permissions.


  • status: (string) required. The status to set on the Reportback File. Possible values: approved, promoted, excluded, flagged

  • flagged_reason: (string) If status is set to flagged, the reason why.

  • delete: (int) If status is set as flagged, sending a delete value of 1 will delete the Reportback File from the server.


Connection status


Anonymous user

Example request:

curl -X POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json"

Example response:

    "sessid": "3gX-K6doyyVopXe_NpXkFeEyzomTDJTkLgIzW22RXsc",
    "session_name": "SESS8de1794320df15914c40c2b37d51eff2",
    "user": {
        "uid": "0"

Authenticated user

Example request:

curl -X POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "X-CSRF-Token: -XmDawHfJ3MRBFGgBvHaF4_RlHq0Dp_xfffGimzr6mM" --header "Cookie: SESS8de1794320df15914c40c2b37d51eff2=OlRJjdQNZyYgxjmF7c0GtUSiO1pCczRCOzqetJJMs5w"

Example response:

    "sessid": "TBusFTgEF6-ihAE2VwxXSq-NaZr3hxX6A1fkrdwAc9g",
    "session_name": "SESS6fca668d7b440bf013b2728c61429728",
    "user": {
        "uid": "38",
        "name": "batman",
        "mail": "[email protected]",
        "theme": "",
        "signature": "",
        "signature_format": "plain_text",
        "created": "1392999246",
        "access": "1405601994",
        "login": "1405601911",
        "status": "1",
        "timezone": "UTC",
        "language": "",
        "picture": "0",
        "data": false,
        "uuid": "8a88c274-d4b4-4f66-b8b7-59029173248c",
        "sid": "KWB0uMKU5IyS2Xgw27v7wnhF9HKoVfJ23dFFt0r7o8s",
        "ssid": "",
        "hostname": "",
        "timestamp": "1405601911",
        "cache": "0",
        "session": "",
        "roles": {
            "2": "authenticated user"

Set a variable

Must be authenticated as an administrator.


name: (string) required. The name of the variable to set. value: (string) required. The value to set it to.

Example request:

curl -X POST --header "Content-type: application/json" --header "Accept: application/json" --header "X-CSRF-Token: G136HF5yB5ZZawvrsOfU4gw0poUOaQygPrsJlaFakMU" --header "Cookie:SESSd57f2aef87e6d4352ce5db4659184fa7=mKI5_yfoXYBz3r4o95utui4fwBV_lUO1JNN1nEVsPRg" -d '{"name": "dosomething_user_random_variable", "value": 5234232}'


List of terms

Currently only returns Cause terms. Available to public, but users with relevant access will see a Inbox Count.


Retrieve Individual Term





  tid: "123",
  vid: "5",
  name: "Sports",
  description: "",
  format: "markdown",
  weight: "0",
  uuid: "9fb331e7-e09e-4a98-8cae-0234e3855305",
  vocabulary_machine_name: "tags",
  metatags: [ ]

Get Term pending Reportback Files

Must have access to review reportbacks.



Find a user

Allows for finding a User uid by mobile or email. Only available to a logged in administrator.


  • parameters (array). Required. Possible keys:
    • email (string)
    • mobile (string)

Response: An array of Users (with only uid exposed). If no Users found, an empty array is returned.

Example URL:[mobile]=2125550001

Example response:

        "uid": "5"

Create a user

Currently available to anonymous users.


  • email: (string) required.
  • password: (string) This is the raw password that the user will use to login.
  • birthdate: (int) string. Expected format YYYY-MM-DD
  • first_name: (string)
  • last_name: (string)
  • mobile: (string)
  • user_registration_source (string) Used to indicate if an import or external app has created the User.

Response: The created User object.

Example request:

curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Accept: application/json" -d '{"email":"[email protected]","password":"password","birthdate":"1995-12-31","first_name":"Aaroni","last_name":"Schachterelli","user_registration_source":"services"}'

Example response:

    "mail": "[email protected]",
    "name": "[email protected]",
    "status": 1,
    "created": 1406642100,
    "pass": "$S$DjfasdfaQrls3ynt2asdfasdfve6dxyPURoosasdfasdfZGiFTxC6dxyPURoq7iY1yX3j",
    "field_birthdate": {
        "und": [{
            "value": "1995-12-31",
            "timezone": "UTC",
            "timezone_db": "UTC",
            "date_type": "datetime"
    "field_first_name": {
        "und": [{
            "value": "Aaroni"
    "field_last_name": {
        "und": [{
            "value": "Schachterelli"
    "field_user_registration_source": {
        "und": [{
            "value": "services"
    "uuid": "6b105ed7-e9c5-4946-a1e3-439e49af4ceb",
    "uid": "1700329",
    "theme": "",
    "signature": "",
    "access": 0,
    "login": 0,
    "language": "",
    "picture": 0,
    "init": "",
    "roles": {
        "2": "authenticated user"
    "field_under_thirteen": {
        "und": [{
            "value": 0
    "field_address": {
        "und": [{
            "element_key": "user|user|field_address|und|0",
            "thoroughfare": "",
            "premise": "",
            "locality": "",
            "administrative_area": "",
            "postal_code": "",
            "country": "US"

Get member count



       "formatted": "2,900,343",
       "readable": "2.9 million"

Get User activity

Returns signup and reportback data, if exists, for given uid and nid.



  sid: "1361",
  signed_up: "1422312631",
  source: null,
  rbid: "681",
  created: "1422046181",
  updated: "1422046181",
  quantity: "1",
  why_participated: "12",
  num_participants: null,
  flagged: "0",
  flagged_reason: null,
  fids: [
  node_title: "Comeback Clothes",
  noun: "Items",
  verb: "Recycled",
  quantity_label: "Items Recycled"

Get password reset URL

Only available to a logged in administrator.

  • Must include UID of the user



[ '' ]

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Reportback retrieve


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