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Aaron Schachter edited this page Jan 19, 2016 · 25 revisions

Getting started


Run pod install to create Lets Do This.xcworkspace. Working on the News Feed requires installing React Native locally.

Untracked files

Add the following files to the project, which are untracked in our repo:

  • Lets Do This/keys.plist
  • Lets Do This/Resources/Fonts/Brandon_bld.otf
  • Lets Do This/Resources/Fonts/Brandon_med.otf


React Native

We're using React Native to render the News Feed. The LDTNewsFeedViewController view is set to a RCTRootView which embeds a NewsFeedView React Native component.

The NewsFeedView queries the LDT News API to populate the News Feed content and render it as a React Native ListView.

Building locally

Our LDTAppDelegate stores a global jsLocation property that all RCTRootView classes should use, in order to make local development easier. Local development requires running npm start in the project directory (as you'll see the red React Screen of Death tell you if you build without it).

Hacks for now:

To develop locally, I comment/uncomment relevant lines in LDTAppDelgate - (BOOL)application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: (see inline comments).

To compile any changes to the main.jsbundle, run this in the project directory:

curl 'http://localhost:8081/index.ios.bundle?platform=ios&dev=true' -o main.jsbundle

Looking to solve this with a build step in #752

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