What's Changed
- Chat card screen by @JayaBadarawada in #291
- Scroll bug allway bottom by @Alona-Kirichenko in #292
- Bug disclaimer show up after rerender by @Alona-Kirichenko in #293
- Chat edit function by @JayaBadarawada in #294
- Chat tests by @JayaBadarawada in #296
- Chat delete image update by @JayaBadarawada in #297
- Release/1.3.0 by @covetous in #300
- open chat for everyone. updating react native by @Alona-Kirichenko in #299
- Bug/at my time screen time entries list is not on full screen. Bug/ DropDown to sort users at admin screen looks under text by @Alona-Kirichenko in #303
- Fixing bug with layout for android at HomePage screen by @Alona-Kirichenko in #302
- Update cloud functions to 2nd generation by @Alona-Kirichenko in #301
- Download data cloud func to second gen by @Alona-Kirichenko in #306
- Updating to version 1.4.0. With support for chat for everyone. by @covetous in #309
- Release/version/21 by @Alona-Kirichenko in #310
- Chore/remove mobx by @Saanicc in #311
- All meny close automatically. Test activity if no activity. Small bugs with text by @Alona-Kirichenko in #304
- Add workspace settings by @Saanicc in #312
- Update the react native version by @Saanicc in #314
- Inaktive users can not use app by @Alona-Kirichenko in #313
- Clean up jest mocks by @Saanicc in #315
- Disable the logga tid button for #jagsomväntarpåaktivitet by @Saanicc in #316
- Use enum instead of const by @Saanicc in #317
- Feature/about page by @Saanicc in #318
- Automatically unlink I waite activity from a user if user has real activity by @Alona-Kirichenko in #319
- Send email when exporting data by @Saanicc in #320
- Fixing bug on android img permission by @Alona-Kirichenko in #321
- Feature/show all activities for superadmin by @Saanicc in #322
- Update packages by @Saanicc in #323
- Add update email functionality by @Saanicc in #324
- Update android applicationId by @Saanicc in #325
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.6.1