INTERSPEECH-2023-Papers Application New collections Neural Processing of Speech and Language: Encoding and Decoding the Diverse Auditory Brain 🆔 Title Repo Paper 633 Coherence Estimation Tracks Auditory Attention in Listeners with Hearing Impairment ➖ 2378 Enhancing the EEG Speech Match Mismatch Tasks with Word Boundaries 1347 Similar Hierarchical Representation of Speech and Other Complex Sounds in the Brain and Deep Residual Networks: an MEG Study ➖ 121 Speech Taskonomy: Which Speech Tasks are the most Predictive of fMRI Brain Activity? ➖ 282 MEG Encoding using Word Context Semantics in Listening Stories ➖ 1949 Investigating the Cortical Tracking of Speech and Music with Sung Speech ➖ 414 Exploring Auditory Attention Decoding using Speaker Features ➖ 1776 Effects of Spectral Degradation on the Cortical Tracking of the Speech Envelope ➖ 964 Effects of Spectral and Temporal Modulation Degradation on Intelligibility and Cortical Tracking of Speech Signals ➖