7094 |
Abstract Action Scheduling for Optimal Temporal Planning via OMT |
8901 |
Pairwise-Label-Based Deep Incremental Hashing with Simultaneous Code |
6208 |
Talk Funny! A Large-Scale Humor Response Dataset with Chain-of-Humor |
8765 |
NaMa: Neighbor-Aware Multi-Modal Adaptive Learning for Prostate Tumor |
12810 |
Translate Meanings, Not Just Words: IdiomKB’s Role in Optimizing Idiomatic |
6244 |
Transferable Adversarial Attacks for Object Detection Using Object-Aware |
6477 |
Taxonomy Driven Fast Adversarial Training |
3295 |
Kumaraswamy Wavelet for Heterophilic Scene Graph Generation |
9125 |
Efficient Online Crowdsourcing with Complex Annotations |
4045 |
BDIQA: A New Dataset for Video Question Answering to Explore Cognitive |
9193 |
Semantic-Guided Novel Category Discovery |
5992 |
MedSegDiff-V2: Diffusion-Based Medical Image Segmentation with Transformer |
8024 |
Rating-Based Reinforcement Learning |
12050 |
Advancing Spatial Reasoning in Large Language Models: An In-Depth |
9060 |
UniGen: A Unified Generative Framework for Retrieval and Question Answering |
3033 |
Colour Passing Revisited: Lifted Model Construction with Commutative Factors |
4178 |
Episodic Return Decomposition by Difference of Implicitly Assigned Sub- |
11531 |
TA&AT: Enhancing Task-Oriented Dialog with Turn-Level Auxiliary Tasks and |
12826 |
Efficient Representation Learning of Satellite Image Time Series and Their |
2047 |
ViT-Calibrator: Decision Stream Calibration for Vision Transformer |
1246 |
Parallel Ranking of Ads and Creatives in Real-Time Advertising Systems |
10373 |
Hypergraph Joint Representation Learning for Hypervertices and Hyperedges via |
10790 |
Towards Running Time Analysis of Interactive Multi-Objective Evolutionary |
1955 |
PreRoutGNN for Timing Prediction with Order Preserving Partition: Global |
9368 |
Upper Bounding Barlow Twins: A Novel Filter for Multi-Relational Clustering |
1556 |
Continual Relation Extraction via Sequential Multi-Task Learning |
12377 |
Revisiting Graph-Based Fraud Detection in Sight of Heterophily and Spectrum |
10996 |
Progressive Text-to-Image Diffusion with Soft Latent Direction |
6918 |
Generalization Analysis of Machine Learning Algorithms via the Worst-Case |
888 |
Bootstrapping Large Language Models for Radiology Report Generation |
4818 |
Frequency-Controlled Diffusion Model for Versatile Text-Guided Image-to-Image |
7227 |
Dynamic Regret of Adversarial MDPs with Unknown Transition and Linear |
9285 |
SciEval: A Multi-Level Large Language Model Evaluation Benchmark for |
6895 |
DOGE-Train: Discrete Optimization on GPU with End-to-End Training |
12939 |
Improving Open Set Recognition via Visual Prompts Distilled from Common- |
8286 |
CrystalBox: Future-Based Explanations for Input-Driven Deep RL Systems |
2636 |
GradTree: Learning Axis-Aligned Decision Trees with Gradient Descent |
12012 |
Redefining ABA+ Semantics via Abstract Set-to-Set Attacks |
12348 |
TexFit: Text-Driven Fashion Image Editing with Diffusion Models |
9459 |
Personalized LoRA for Human-Centered Text Understanding |
5844 |
Uncertainty-Aware GAN for Single Image Super Resolution Chenxi MaMain Track 2581 DeepCalliFont: Few-Shot Chinese Calligraphy Font Synthesis by Integrating Dual |
7767 |
Mitigating the Impact of False Negative in Dense Retrieval with Contrastive |
2807 |
DiffBEV: Conditional Diffusion Model for Bird’s Eye View Perception |
10722 |
CORECODE: A Common Sense Annotated Dialogue Dataset with Benchmark |
3935 |
Incremental Quasi-Newton Methods with Faster Superlinear Convergence Rates |
11292 |
Unsupervised Training Sequence Design: Efficient and Generalizable Agent |
1052 |
SGNet: Structure Guided Network via Gradient-Frequency Awareness for Depth |
203 |
Cell Graph Transformer for Nuclei Classification |
9121 |
Patch-Aware Sample Selection for Efficient Masked Image Modeling |
12379 |
Towards Effective and General Graph Unlearning via Mutual Evolution |
11070 |
PPEA-Depth: Progressive Parameter-Efficient Adaptation for Self-Supervised |
8452 |
Enhance Sketch Recognition’s Explainability via Semantic Component-Level |
6709 |
Prior and Prediction Inverse Kernel Transformer for Single Image Defocus |
6237 |
Dual-Perspective Knowledge Enrichment for Semi-supervised 3D Object |
6905 |
Removing Interference and Recovering Content Imaginatively for Visible |
1287 |
Label-Efficient Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation with Unsupervised Meta- |
5818 |
GINN-LP: A Growing Interpretable Neural Network for Discovering Multivariate |
9486 |
SMILEtrack: SiMIlarity LEarning for Occlusion-Aware Multiple Object Tracking Wang |
4714 |
FedCSL: A Scalable and Accurate Approach to Federated Causal Structure |
7247 |
Constraint Latent Space Matters: An Anti-anomalous Waveform Transformation |
7047 |
Barely Supervised Learning for Graph-Based Fraud Detection |
5717 |
UCMCTrack: Multi-Object Tracking with Uniform Camera Motion Compensation |
13312 |
AdapEdit: Spatio-Temporal Guided Adaptive Editing Algorithm for Text-Based |
12837 |
How to Evaluate Behavioral Models |
6252 |
OctOcc: High-Resolution 3D Occupancy Prediction with Octree |
530 |
Recasting Regional Lighting for Shadow Removal |
10621 |
Multiagent Gumbel MuZero: Efficient Planning in Combinatorial Action Spaces |
10606 |
LINGO-Space: Language-Conditioned Incremental Grounding for Space |
8874 |
ROG_PL: Robust Open-Set Graph Learning via Region-Based Prototype |
5526 |
RadarMOSEVE: A Spatial-Temporal Transformer Network for Radar-Only |
1890 |
A Dual Stealthy Backdoor: From Both Spatial and Frequency Perspectives |
9962 |
Towards Model Extraction Attacks in GAN-Based Image Translation via Domain |
3376 |
Any-Size-Diffusion: Toward Efficient Text-Driven Synthesis for Any-Size HD |
3320 |
Dual-Level Curriculum Meta-Learning for Noisy Few-Shot Learning Tasks |
11307 |
Hierarchical Aligned Multimodal Learning for NER on Tweet Posts |
6502 |
No Prejudice! Fair Federated Graph Neural Networks for Personalized |
13622 |
TimesURL: Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning for Universal Time Series |
7000 |
A Theory of Non-acyclic Generative Flow Networks |
4225 |
Shadow Generation with Decomposed Mask Prediction and Attentive Shadow |
9606 |
CLIM: Contrastive Language-Image Mosaic for Region Representation |
1901 |
Existence Is Chaos: Enhancing 3D Human Motion Prediction with Uncertainty |
2862 |
Identification for Tree-Shaped Structural Causal Models in Polynomial Time |
7159 |
An Approximate Skolem Function Counter |
6495 |
Uni-MIS: United Multiple Intent Spoken Language Understanding via Multi-View |
4791 |
DHGCN: Dynamic Hop Graph Convolution Network for Self-Supervised Point |
11061 |
Gaussian Process Neural Additive Models |
13608 |
Neural Causal Abstractions |
7124 |
ICAR: Image-Based Complementary Auto Reasoning |
12345 |
Synergistic Multiscale Detail Refinement via Intrinsic Supervision for Underwater |
7231 |
Colored Noise in PPO: Improved Exploration and Performance through |
13592 |
Data Augmented Graph Neural Networks for Personality Detection |
2620 |
Generative Calibration of Inaccurate Annotation for Label Distribution Learning |
7346 |
Enhancing Ensemble Clustering with Adaptive High-Order Topological Weights |
7190 |
DistilVPR: Cross-Modal Knowledge Distillation for Visual Place Recognition |
2480 |
Decoupled Optimisation for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition |
4566 |
NodeMixup: Tackling Under-Reaching for Graph Neural Networks |
475 |
A Transfer Approach Using Graph Neural Networks in Deep Reinforcement |
10695 |
Recall-Oriented Continual Learning with Generative Adversarial Meta-Model |
9960 |
An Effective Polynomial Technique for Compiling Conditional Effects Away Alfonso |
501 |
Multi-View People Detection in Large Scenes via Supervised View-Wise |
1205 |
Decoding Global Preferences: Temporal and Cooperative Dependency Modeling |
9350 |
LLM vs Small Model? Large Language Model Based Text Augmentation |
7625 |
Hybrid-SORT: Weak Cues Matter for Online Multi-Object Tracking |
4227 |
SpectralNeRF: Physically Based Spectral Rendering with Neural Radiance Field |
11699 |
SimPSI: A Simple Strategy to Preserve Spectral Information in Time Series Data |
7353 |
DAG-Aware Variational Autoencoder for Social Propagation Graph Generation |
12189 |
Fairness without Demographics through Shared Latent Space-Based Debiasing |
2109 |
Disentangled Partial Label Learning |
8568 |
InterpretARA: Enhancing Hybrid Automatic Readability Assessment with |
3058 |
Keep the Faith: Faithful Explanations in Convolutional Neural Networks for Case- |
11104 |
Learning Multi-Modal Cross-Scale Deformable Transformer Network for |
13249 |
Generative Multi-Modal Knowledge Retrieval with Large Language Models |
7785 |
ScanERU: Interactive 3D Visual Grounding Based on Embodied Reference |
6707 |
ProxyDet: Synthesizing Proxy Novel Classes via Classwise Mixup for Open- |
10775 |
Model-Driven Deep Neural Network for Enhanced AoA Estimation Using 5G gNB |
10759 |
AUC Optimization from Multiple Unlabeled Datasets |
10770 |
Attacking Transformers with Feature Diversity Adversarial Perturbation |
5495 |
High-Quality Real-Time Rendering Using Subpixel Sampling Reconstruction |
6610 |
Invariant Random Forest: Tree-Based Model Solution for OOD Generalization |
8482 |
Exploring Transformer Extrapolation |
6626 |
TiMix: Text-Aware Image Mixing for Effective Vision-Language Pre-training |
1138 |
FACL-Attack: Frequency-Aware Contrastive Learning for Transferable |
8810 |
Entropic Open-Set Active Learning |
8751 |
Response Enhanced Semi-supervised Dialogue Query Generation |
11241 |
READ-PVLA: Recurrent Adapter with Partial Video-Language Alignment for |
1088 |
Deep Homography Estimation for Visual Place Recognition |
11835 |
Stop! Planner Time: Metareasoning for Probabilistic Planning Using Learned |
6766 |
Optimizing Local Satisfaction of Long-Run Average Objectives in Markov |
5109 |
Winnie: Task-Oriented Dialog System with Structure-Aware Contrastive Learning |
12672 |
Unifying Multi-Modal Uncertainty Modeling and Semantic Alignment for Text-to- |
7015 |
Dual-Prior Augmented Decoding Network for Long Tail Distribution in HOI |
10260 |
Small Language Model Can Self-Correct |
9701 |
GSO-Net: Grid Surface Optimization via Learning Geometric Constraints |
12412 |
No Internal Regret with Non-convex Loss Functions Dravyansh SharmaMain Track 4567 DanceAnyWay: Synthesizing Beat-Guided 3D Dances with Randomized |
7975 |
Prot2Text: Multimodal Protein’s Function Generation with GNNs and |
7633 |
A Hierarchical Network for Multimodal Document-Level Relation Extraction |
13415 |
M2Doc: A Multi-Modal Fusion Approach for Document Layout Analysis |
7822 |
Low-Light Face Super-resolution via Illumination, Structure, and Texture |
4450 |
EPSD: Early Pruning with Self-Distillation for Efficient Model Compression |
10772 |
Protect Your Score: Contact-Tracing with Differential Privacy Guarantees |
13815 |
Improved Anonymous Multi-Agent Path Finding Algorithm Zain |
7306 |
Generative-Based Fusion Mechanism for Multi-Modal Tracking |
3789 |
Towards Epistemic-Doxastic Planning with Observation and Revision |
5267 |
Frequency Shuffling and Enhancement for Open Set Recognition |
5435 |
NestE: Modeling Nested Relational Structures for Knowledge Graph Reasoning |
196 |
GMMFormer: Gaussian-Mixture-Model Based Transformer for Efficient Partially |
8200 |
One Self-Configurable Model to Solve Many Abstract Visual Reasoning |
1722 |
From Past to Future: Rethinking Eligibility Traces |
8893 |
A Diffusion Model with State Estimation for Degradation-Blind Inverse Imaging |
5360 |
ConSequence: Synthesizing Logically Constrained Sequences for Electronic |
11817 |
Temporal-Distributed Backdoor Attack against Video Based Action Recognition |
10959 |
Self-Supervised 3D Human Mesh Recovery from a Single Image with |
3271 |
Spatial Voting with Incomplete Voter Information |
12722 |
SEC: More Accurate Clustering Algorithm via Structural Entropy |
3577 |
Descanning: From Scanned to the Original Images with a Color Correction |
7615 |
SparseGNV: Generating Novel Views of Indoor Scenes with Sparse RGB-D |
4957 |
Scale Optimization Using Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning for Object |
3095 |
Distributed Manifold Hashing for Image Set Classification and Retrieval |
6529 |
Collaborative Tooth Motion Diffusion Model in Digital Orthodontics |
8275 |
An Information-Flow Perspective on Algorithmic Fairness |
8014 |
Robustly Train Normalizing Flows via KL Divergence Regularization |
170 |
CAR-Transformer: Cross-Attention Reinforcement Transformer for Cross-Lingual |
13888 |
Simple Image-Level Classification Improves Open-Vocabulary Object Detection |
13926 |
CoVR: Learning Composed Video Retrieval from Web Video Captions |
14137 |
Double-Descent Curves in Neural Networks: A New Perspective Using Gaussian |
14114 |
Unknown-Aware Graph Regularization for Robust Semi-supervised Learning |
14034 |
Building Minimal and Reusable Causal State Abstractions for Reinforcement |
13864 |
Learning Encodings for Constructive Neural Combinatorial Optimization Needs |
14190 |
DeRDaVa: Deletion-Robust Data Valuation for Machine Learning |
13931 |
Federated Partial Label Learning with Local-Adaptive Augmentation and |
13865 |
CGMGM: A Cross-Gaussian Mixture Generative Model for Few-Shot Semantic |
14075 |
NavGPT: Explicit Reasoning in Vision-and-Language Navigation with Large |
13915 |
Efficient Constrained K-center Clustering with Background Knowledge |
13924 |
Taming the Sigmoid Bottleneck: Provably Argmaxable Sparse Multi-Label |
14090 |
Ternary Spike: Learning Ternary Spikes for Spiking Neural Networks |
13894 |
Privacy Amplification by Iteration for ADMM with (Strongly) Convex Objective |
14063 |
CGS-Mask: Making Time Series Predictions Intuitive for All |
14062 |
Text Diffusion with Reinforced Conditioning |
13893 |
Doubly Perturbed Task Free Continual Learning Byung |
13934 |
Fine-Tuning Graph Neural Networks by Preserving Graph Generative Patterns |
14005 |
PAC-Bayes Generalisation Bounds for Dynamical Systems including Stable |
13968 |
Detection and Defense of Unlearnable Examples |
13994 |
Decentralized Scheduling with QoS Constraints: Achieving O(1) QoS Regret of |
13860 |
Hierarchical Multi-Marginal Optimal Transport for Network Alignment |
13995 |
Unsupervised Layer-Wise Score Aggregation for Textual OOD Detection |
14163 |
Semi-supervised Learning of Dynamical Systems with Neural Ordinary |
14045 |
A Plug-and-Play Quaternion Message-Passing Module for Molecular |
14085 |
3D Visibility-Aware Generalizable Neural Radiance Fields for Interacting Hands |
14134 |
Exploring Post-training Quantization in LLMs from Comprehensive Study to Low |
14207 |
New Classes of the Greedy-Applicable Arm Feature Distributions in the Sparse |
14212 |
Convolutional Channel-Wise Competitive Learning for the Forward-Forward |
14002 |
CcDPM: A Continuous Conditional Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Inverse |
13901 |
Deep Quantum Error Correction |
14065 |
Compositional Text-to-Image Synthesis with Attention Map Control of Diffusion |
14041 |
Universal Weak Coreset |
13966 |
DePRL: Achieving Linear Convergence Speedup in Personalized Decentralized |
14042 |
RetroOOD: Understanding Out-of-Distribution Generalization in Retrosynthesis |
14033 |
Robust Visual Imitation Learning with Inverse Dynamics Representations |
14159 |
Offline Model-Based Optimization via Policy-Guided Gradient Search |
14074 |
Generator Assisted Mixture of Experts for Feature Acquisition in Batch |