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Some tweaks don't work on non admin #274

imtrobin opened this issue Nov 3, 2019 · 5 comments

Some tweaks don't work on non admin #274

imtrobin opened this issue Nov 3, 2019 · 5 comments


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imtrobin commented Nov 3, 2019

Hi, I've tried on an Admin and non admin account. Some settings like HideTaskbarPeopleIcon, DisableShortcutInName, ShowKnownExtensions etc. works in Admin account but not for non admins. Is that supposed to be so?

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Can't reproduce. From the 3 tweaks you've mentioned, all of them worked for a "Standard user" with no administrative permissions. All the tweaks touch just HKCU keys which are not part of any group policies, so I don't see any reason why it shouldn't work.

  1. Please paste or attach your preset
  2. Do you happen to have any of the script files (ps1, psm1, preset) on network shares?
  3. a. Do you happen to use any antivirus software besides Defender? If so, check if the registry modificaten wasn't blocked by it.
    b. If you use Defender, did you enable any of the advanced protection mechanisms (e.g. Controlled folder access)?

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imtrobin commented Nov 4, 2019

  1. No
  2. No.
    It's a Win10 LTSC. I'm running it on the user account
# Win 10 / Server 2016 / Server 2019 Initial Setup Script - Default preset
# Author: Disassembler <[email protected]>
# Version: v3.8, 2019-09-11
# Source:

### Require administrator privileges ###

### Privacy Tweaks ###
DisableTelemetry                # EnableTelemetry
DisableWiFiSense                # EnableWiFiSense
DisableSmartScreen            # EnableSmartScreen
DisableWebSearch              # EnableWebSearch
DisableAppSuggestions           # EnableAppSuggestions
DisableActivityHistory          # EnableActivityHistory
DisableBackgroundApps           # EnableBackgroundApps
DisableSensors                # EnableSensors
DisableLocation                 # EnableLocation
DisableMapUpdates               # EnableMapUpdates
DisableFeedback                 # EnableFeedback
DisableTailoredExperiences      # EnableTailoredExperiences
DisableAdvertisingID            # EnableAdvertisingID
DisableWebLangList              # EnableWebLangList
DisableCortana                  # EnableCortana
DisableBiometrics             # EnableBiometrics
DisableCamera                 # EnableCamera
DisableMicrophone             # EnableMicrophone
DisableErrorReporting           # EnableErrorReporting
#SetP2PUpdateLocal             # SetP2PUpdateInternet          
DisableDiagTrack                # EnableDiagTrack
DisableWAPPush                  # EnableWAPPush
# EnableClearRecentFiles
DisableRecentFiles            # EnableRecentFiles

### Security Tweaks ###
# SetUACLow                     # SetUACHigh
# EnableSharingMappedDrives     # DisableSharingMappedDrives
#DisableAdminShares              # EnableAdminShares
# DisableFirewall               # EnableFirewall
HideDefenderTrayIcon          # ShowDefenderTrayIcon
DisableDefender               # EnableDefender
DisableDefenderCloud          # EnableDefenderCloud
# EnableCtrldFolderAccess       # DisableCtrldFolderAccess
# EnableCIMemoryIntegrity       # DisableCIMemoryIntegrity
# EnableDefenderAppGuard        # DisableDefenderAppGuard
HideAccountProtectionWarn       # ShowAccountProtectionWarn
# DisableDownloadBlocking       # EnableDownloadBlocking
DisableScriptHost               # EnableScriptHost
EnableDotNetStrongCrypto        # DisableDotNetStrongCrypto
# EnableMeltdownCompatFlag      # DisableMeltdownCompatFlag
EnableF8BootMenu                # DisableF8BootMenu
# DisableBootRecovery           # EnableBootRecovery
# DisableRecoveryAndReset       # EnableRecoveryAndReset
SetDEPOptOut                    # SetDEPOptIn

### Network Tweaks ###
SetCurrentNetworkPrivate        # SetCurrentNetworkPublic
# SetUnknownNetworksPrivate     # SetUnknownNetworksPublic
# DisableNetDevicesAutoInst     # EnableNetDevicesAutoInst
# DisableHomeGroups             # EnableHomeGroups
# DisableSMB1                   # EnableSMB1
# DisableSMBServer              # EnableSMBServer
# DisableNetBIOS                # EnableNetBIOS
# DisableLLMNR                  # EnableLLMNR
# DisableLLDP                   # EnableLLDP
# DisableLLTD                   # EnableLLTD
# DisableMSNetClient            # EnableMSNetClient
# DisableQoS                    # EnableQoS
# DisableIPv4                   # EnableIPv4
# DisableIPv6                   # EnableIPv6
# DisableNCSIProbe              # EnableNCSIProbe
DisableConnectionSharing      # EnableConnectionSharing
DisableRemoteAssistance         # EnableRemoteAssistance
# EnableRemoteDesktop           

### Service Tweaks ###
# DisableUpdateMSRT             # EnableUpdateMSRT
DisableUpdateDriver           # EnableUpdateDriver
EnableUpdateMSProducts          # DisableUpdateMSProducts
DisableUpdateAutoDownload     # EnableUpdateAutoDownload
DisableUpdateRestart            # EnableUpdateRestart
DisableMaintenanceWakeUp        # EnableMaintenanceWakeUp
DisableSharedExperiences        # EnableSharedExperiences
# EnableClipboardHistory        
DisableAutoplay                 # EnableAutoplay
DisableAutorun                  # EnableAutorun
DisableRestorePoints          # EnableRestorePoints
# EnableStorageSense            
DisableDefragmentation        # EnableDefragmentation
DisableSuperfetch             # EnableSuperfetch
DisableIndexing               # EnableIndexing
DisableSwapFile               # EnableSwapFile
DisableRecycleBin             # EnableRecycleBin
EnableNTFSLongPaths             # DisableNTFSLongPaths
# DisableNTFSLastAccess         # EnableNTFSLastAccess
# SetBIOSTimeUTC                # SetBIOSTimeLocal
# EnableHibernation             
DisableSleepButton            # EnableSleepButton
DisableSleepTimeout           # EnableSleepTimeout
DisableFastStartup            # EnableFastStartup
DisableAutoRebootOnCrash      # EnableAutoRebootOnCrash

### UI Tweaks ###
DisableActionCenter             # EnableActionCenter
DisableLockScreen               # EnableLockScreen
DisableLockScreenRS1          # EnableLockScreenRS1
HideNetworkFromLockScreen       # ShowNetworkOnLockScreen
HideShutdownFromLockScreen      # ShowShutdownOnLockScreen
DisableLockScreenBlur           # EnableLockScreenBlur
DisableAeroShake              # EnableAeroShake
DisableAccessibilityKeys        # EnableAccessibilityKeys
ShowTaskManagerDetails          # HideTaskManagerDetails
ShowFileOperationsDetails       # HideFileOperationsDetails
# EnableFileDeleteConfirm       # DisableFileDeleteConfirm
HideTaskbarSearch               # ShowTaskbarSearchIcon         # ShowTaskbarSearchBox
HideTaskView                    # ShowTaskView
ShowSmallTaskbarIcons           # ShowLargeTaskbarIcons
#SetTaskbarCombineWhenFull       # SetTaskbarCombineNever        # SetTaskbarCombineAlways
HideTaskbarPeopleIcon           # ShowTaskbarPeopleIcon

ShowTrayIcons                   # HideTrayIcons
# ShowSecondsInTaskbar          # HideSecondsFromTaskbar
DisableSearchAppInStore         # EnableSearchAppInStore
DisableNewAppPrompt             # EnableNewAppPrompt
HideRecentlyAddedApps         # ShowRecentlyAddedApps
HideMostUsedApps              # ShowMostUsedApps
# SetControlPanelSmallIcons     # SetControlPanelLargeIcons     # SetControlPanelCategories
DisableShortcutInName           # EnableShortcutInName
# HideShortcutArrow             # ShowShortcutArrow
SetVisualFXPerformance          # SetVisualFXAppearance
# EnableTitleBarColor           # DisableTitleBarColor
# EnableDarkTheme               # DisableDarkTheme
# AddENKeyboard                 # RemoveENKeyboard
# EnableNumlock                 # DisableNumlock
# DisableEnhPointerPrecision    # EnableEnhPointerPrecision
# SetSoundSchemeNone            # SetSoundSchemeDefault
DisableStartupSound           # EnableStartupSound
DisableChangingSoundScheme    # EnableChangingSoundScheme
# EnableVerboseStatus           # DisableVerboseStatus
DisableF1HelpKey                # EnableF1HelpKey

### Explorer UI Tweaks ###
# ShowExplorerTitleFullPath     # HideExplorerTitleFullPath
ShowKnownExtensions             # HideKnownExtensions
ShowHiddenFiles                 # HideHiddenFiles
# ShowSuperHiddenFiles          # HideSuperHiddenFiles
# ShowEmptyDrives               # HideEmptyDrives
# ShowFolderMergeConflicts      # HideFolderMergeConflicts
# EnableNavPaneExpand            
# ShowNavPaneAllFolders         # HideNavPaneAllFolders
EnableFldrSeparateProcess     # DisableFldrSeparateProcess
# EnableRestoreFldrWindows      
# ShowEncCompFilesColor         # HideEncCompFilesColor
DisableSharingWizard          # EnableSharingWizard
HideSelectCheckboxes          # ShowSelectCheckboxes
HideSyncNotifications           # ShowSyncNotifications
HideRecentShortcuts             # ShowRecentShortcuts
SetExplorerThisPC               # SetExplorerQuickAccess
HideQuickAccess                 # ShowQuickAccess
HideRecycleBinFromDesktop     # ShowRecycleBinOnDesktop
ShowThisPCOnDesktop             # HideThisPCFromDesktop
# ShowUserFolderOnDesktop       # HideUserFolderFromDesktop
# ShowControlPanelOnDesktop     # HideControlPanelFromDesktop
# ShowNetworkOnDesktop          # HideNetworkFromDesktop
# ShowBuildNumberOnDesktop      # HideBuildNumberFromDesktop
# HideDesktopFromThisPC         # ShowDesktopInThisPC
# HideDesktopFromExplorer       # ShowDesktopInExplorer
HideDocumentsFromThisPC         # ShowDocumentsInThisPC
HideDocumentsFromExplorer     # ShowDocumentsInExplorer
HideDownloadsFromThisPC         # ShowDownloadsInThisPC
HideDownloadsFromExplorer     # ShowDownloadsInExplorer
HideMusicFromThisPC             # ShowMusicInThisPC
HideMusicFromExplorer         # ShowMusicInExplorer
HidePicturesFromThisPC          # ShowPicturesInThisPC
HidePicturesFromExplorer      # ShowPicturesInExplorer
HideVideosFromThisPC            # ShowVideosInThisPC
HideVideosFromExplorer        # ShowVideosInExplorer
Hide3DObjectsFromThisPC         # Show3DObjectsInThisPC
Hide3DObjectsFromExplorer     # Show3DObjectsInExplorer
HideIncludeInLibraryMenu      # ShowIncludeInLibraryMenu
HideGiveAccessToMenu          # ShowGiveAccessToMenu
# HideShareMenu                 # ShowShareMenu
DisableThumbnails             # EnableThumbnails
DisableThumbnailCache           # EnableThumbnailCache
DisableThumbsDBOnNetwork        # EnableThumbsDBOnNetwork

### Application Tweaks ###
DisableOneDrive                 # EnableOneDrive
UninstallOneDrive               # InstallOneDrive
UninstallMsftBloat              # InstallMsftBloat
UninstallThirdPartyBloat        # InstallThirdPartyBloat
UninstallWindowsStore         # InstallWindowsStore
DisableXboxFeatures             # EnableXboxFeatures
# DisableFullscreenOptims       # EnableFullscreenOptims
DisableAdobeFlash               # EnableAdobeFlash
DisableEdgePreload              # EnableEdgePreload
DisableEdgeShortcutCreation     # EnableEdgeShortcutCreation
DisableIEFirstRun               # EnableIEFirstRun
DisableFirstLogonAnimation      # EnableFirstLogonAnimation
DisableMediaSharing             # EnableMediaSharing
# UninstallMediaPlayer          # InstallMediaPlayer
# UninstallInternetExplorer     # InstallInternetExplorer
UninstallWorkFolders          # InstallWorkFolders
# UninstallPowerShellV2         # InstallPowerShellV2
# InstallLinuxSubsystem         # UninstallLinuxSubsystem
# InstallHyperV                 # UninstallHyperV
# InstallNET23                  # UninstallNET23
SetPhotoViewerAssociation       # UnsetPhotoViewerAssociation
AddPhotoViewerOpenWith          # RemovePhotoViewerOpenWith
UninstallPDFPrinter           # InstallPDFPrinter
UninstallXPSPrinter             # InstallXPSPrinter
RemoveFaxPrinter                # AddFaxPrinter
UninstallFaxAndScan           # InstallFaxAndScan

### Server Specific Tweaks ###
# HideServerManagerOnLogin      # ShowServerManagerOnLogin
DisableShutdownTracker        # EnableShutdownTracker
DisablePasswordPolicy         # EnablePasswordPolicy
DisableCtrlAltDelLogin        # EnableCtrlAltDelLogin
DisableIEEnhancedSecurity     # EnableIEEnhancedSecurity
EnableAudio                   # DisableAudio

### Unpinning ###

### Auxiliary Functions ###

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Well, if this is the preset you're runing as unprivileged user, then no wonder. The very first thing this preset does is asking for elevation - so you enter some credentials and from then on all user setting (including the registry) is taken from that user you're impersonating, so you're effectively applying the tweaks for that user who's credentials you have entered.

If you want to run the tweaks for unprivileged user, you need to create a separate preset which won't include RequireAdmin and all other tweaks usable only by admin. See comments in #29 for some more tips for multiuser environments.

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imtrobin commented Nov 6, 2019

Thanks, make sense. So then it's a bit hard for me to know which is admin, which is not. Will it be group nicely in near future?

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Right now, the only way is to skim through the script and see what the tweaks do and which registry keys they modify (which you should do anyway). In the near future, there will be a wiki (#225) or some spreadsheet containing that info.

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