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0. Prereqs

Please see the README for details on how to use the below material and ensure you've watched the entirety of Andrej's micrograd walkthrough video before beginning your implementation.

1. Operators

Starting with the provided skeleton of theValue class in, we will implement the methods that will allow us to use (infix) operators on instances of theValue class.

For this step, we can ignore the grad and _backward properties (they will be completed in the next step).

We want to implement the following methods for the Value class:

  • __add__ (value + value = value, value + x = value)
  • __mul__ (value * value = value)
  • __pow__ (value ** x = value)
  • __neg__ (-value = value)
  • __radd__ (x + value = value)
  • __sub__ (value - value = value, value - x = value)
  • __rsub__ (x - value = value)
  • __rmul__ (x * value = value)
  • __truediv__ (value / value = value, value / x )
  • __rtruediv__ (x / value = value)


  • I recommend implementing in the order presented above, as some of your method implementations may rely on previously implemented methods.
  • When creating new Value objects in your implemention, don't forget to pass the _op and _children variables!
  • You only need to explicitly create a new Value object in the __add__, __mul__ and `pow`` methods.
  • Remember we want to be able to pass primitive valued arguments to some of these methods, so check for this and wrap primitive values where required!
  • See: operator-overloading-in-python for more information on operator overloading in Python.

You will know you are finished when the test file successfully runs without any errors.

My implementation for this step is in

2. Gradients

  1. Implement the _backward() nested function for each of the __add__, __mul__, __pow__ operators.
  2. Implement the topo_sort() method on the Value class that will: return the topologically sorted graph, self should be appended last
  3. Implement the backward() method on the Value class that will: call _backward() on every node, in reverse topo order


  • Use the chain rule to propogate gradient to the children/prev nodes of each operator
  • Remember gradients should be additive (use += not =)
  • Don't forget to initialize the gradient to 1.0 before the _backward() calls in backward()

You will know you are finished when the test file test_2_ successfully runs without any errors.

My implementation for this step is in

3. Non-Linear Activation Functions

We're now going to implement two non-linear (activation) functions: Tanh and Relu

We really only need to implement one of these, but we'll implement both so we can compare them later.

Add a method for each nonlinear function to the Value class.


  • You can easily find the definition/derivative of both functions on google/wikipedia.
  • Each method will return a new value object, with self as the only child/prev node (like in Value.__pow__()).
  • Remember to implement the derivate for each function in a nested _backward() function, remembering to use the chain rule.

You will know you are finished when the test file successfully runs without any errors.

My implementation for this step is in

4. Multi-Layer Perceptron

It's time for our neural network to take shape! We can now make use of all the hardwork we've put into the Value class.

Start with the skeleton MLP class that you can find in

Don't worry about the gradients/backward pass for now, we will look at those details in the next section.

We'll first create a Neuron class:

  • Each neuron instance maintains a list of nin incoming weight values (Value instances), where nin is passed as a constructor arg
  • A neuron instance will have a single bias term (i.e. a Value instance).
  • We'll need to randomly initialize these weight and bias values (backpropogration doesn't work if all initial values are 0.0)
  • Implement the Neuron.__call__ method which will be used for the forward pass:
    • Takes a list x of input values and computes w*x + b, where * is matrix dot product.
    • We need to apply the ReLU activation function to this summed value before returning it

Next, let's implement a Layer class:

  • A layer is just a collection of neurons. Each layer will be parameterized by the number of input/output connections.
  • For example, Layer(nin=3, nout=4) tells us that the previous layer has 3 neurons, and this layer will have 4 neurons.
  • Each layer will maintain a list of nout neuron instances.
  • The Layer.__call__ method here will iterate through the layer neurons and call each (i.e. calling the Layer.__call__ function we created above)
  • The resulting values should be returned as a list from the Layer.__call__ method. If a layer has only one value, return it as a single value.

Finally, we need an MLP class:

  • This should take as input the number of inputs we have nin and the layer structure we want.
  • Layer structure can be passed as so: [4,4,1] which means we have two hidden layers of size 4, and an output layer with a single value.
  • Each MLP instance should instantiate and maintain the list of Layer objects.
  • The MLP.__call__ method will iterate through the layers, computing the forward pass at each layer and providing it as input to the next.


  • Import the random package which can be used be used for choosing random values for weights/biases, e.g. random.uniform(1,-1).
  • The number of weights incoming weights to a neuron will depend on the structure of our neural network, and which layer the neuron is in.
  • MLP(3,[4,4,1]) will create an MLP with 3 input values, 2 hidden layers with 4 neurons each and single valued output layer.

You will know you are finished when the test file successfully runs without any errors.

My implementation for this step is in

5. MLP Training


  1. Implement the parameters method on the Neuron class that returns a list of the neurons weight and bias values.
  2. Implement the parameters method on the Layer class that returns all the weights/biases of every neuron in the layer.
  3. Implement the parameters method on the MLP class that returns all the weights/biases of every layer in the mlp.

Making the output layer linear

  • We need to modify the MLP code so that we don't apply the ReLU activation function to the output of the final layer.
  • A layer where we don't apply an activation function is referred to as a "linear" layer in frameworks like Pytorch.

Zero Grad

  • We need to add a zero_grad method to the MLP class that when called sets the gradients of all trainable parameters back to 0.
  • This will be called during each iteration of our training loop to prevent gradients from accumulating from one epoch to the next.

When you are ready run the test file which perform the above training loop over 40 epochs. The output should look something like this:

Example output: Test 5 Output

The final implementations are found in and

Next Steps

For now we have ignored a lot of important topics that need be considered when training neural networks, including:

  • Regularization
  • Early stopping
  • Adaptive learning rates
  • Alternative loss functions
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent (mini-batches)

Exploring these topics and then using them to implement a more sophisticated training loop for our Multi-Layer Perceptron would be a great exercise to complete next.