diff --git a/state_of_html/html2023/sitemap.yml b/state_of_html/html2023/sitemap.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..54fe6ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/state_of_html/html2023/sitemap.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,653 @@
+- id: introduction
+ path: /
+ showTitle: false
+ blocks:
+ - id: survey_intro
+ blockType: SurveyIntroBlock
+ disableExport: true
+ wrapBlock: false
+ - id: survey_sponsors
+ template: sponsors
+ - id: survey_partners
+ template: sponsors
+ blockType: PartnersBlock
+ - id: survey_credits
+ template: credits
+ - id: survey_newsletter
+ blockType: NewsletterBlock
+ disableExport: true
+ wrapBlock: false
+ - id: survey_translators
+ blockType: TranslatorsBlock
+ disableExport: true
+ wrapBlock: false
+- id: tshirt
+ path: /tshirt
+ showTitle: false
+ blocks:
+ - id: tshirt_intro
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: tshirt_block
+ blockType: TshirtBlock
+ wrapBlock: false
+ disableExport: true
+# - id: data_explorer
+# titleId: sections.data_explorer.title
+# path: /explorer
+# blocks:
+# - template: page_introduction
+# - id: data_explorer
+# showTitle: false
+# chartOnly: true
+# wrapBlock: false
+# template: data_explorer
+# parameters: { showNoAnswer: true }
+# variables:
+# xAxis: user_info__yearly_salary
+# yAxis: user_info__years_of_experience
+# - id: takeaways
+# path: /takeaways
+# blocks:
+# - id: takeaways
+# blockType: TakeawaysBlock
+# disableExport: true
+# wrapBlock: false
+# items:
+# - id: median_salary_2023
+# - id: previous_compensation_2023
+# - id: negotiated_compensation_2023
+# - id: unemployed_respondents_2023
+# - id: job_search_status_2023
+# - id: international_subsidiary_2023
+# - id: remote_work_2023
+# - id: women_vs_men_experience_2023
+# - id: women_vs_men_professional_qualifications_2023
+# - id: overtime_2023
+# - id: programming_languages_2023
+- id: user_info
+ titleId: sections.demographics.title
+ descriptionId: sections.user_info.description.css2023
+ path: /demographics
+ blocks:
+ - template: page_introduction
+ - id: country
+ template: multiple_options2
+ parameters: { limit: 20 }
+ description: >
+ While many respondents (**19%**) came from the U.S., we also had strong representation from Germany, France, the U.K., and the Netherlands (**24% combined**), reflecting the liveliness of the front end community in these countries.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_salary
+ parameters:
+ { limit: 20, sort: { property: medianByFacet, order: desc } }
+ - id: locale
+ template: multiple_options2
+ parameters: { cutoff: 20 }
+ description: >
+ The language respondents selected to fill out the survey.
+ - id: hint_hint
+ template: hint
+ - id: completion_stats
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ The proportion of the survey filled out by respondents.
+ - id: age
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ Survey respondents were on average **33.6** years old, slightly higher than the [State of JS](https://2022.stateofjs.com) (**32.2**) and [State of CSS](https://2023.stateofcss.com) (**33.5**) surveys.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_salary
+ - id: years_of_experience
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ Respondents had on average **10.7** years of web development experience.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_salary
+ - id: company_size
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ Respondents tended to work for mostly mid-sized organizations, with a median company size of **75** employees.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_salary
+ # - id: company_size_vs_gender
+ # fieldId: company_size
+ # template: multiple_options2
+ # parameters:
+ # showNoAnswer: true
+ # filtersState:
+ # options:
+ # mode: facet
+ # facet:
+ # sectionId: user_info
+ # id: gender
+ # - id: company_size_by_gender
+ # fieldId: company_size
+ # template: multiple_options2
+ # parameters:
+ # showNoAnswer: true
+ # filtersState:
+ # options:
+ # showDefaultSeries: false
+ # mode: grid
+ # filters:
+ # - conditions:
+ # - fieldId: gender
+ # sectionId: user_info
+ # operator: eq
+ # value: male
+ # - conditions:
+ # - fieldId: gender
+ # sectionId: user_info
+ # operator: eq
+ # value: female
+ # - conditions:
+ # - fieldId: gender
+ # sectionId: user_info
+ # operator: eq
+ # value: non_binary
+ - id: variants_hint
+ template: hint
+ - id: yearly_salary
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ Respondents had a median income of USD $75,000, noticeably higher than the **$59,970** figure reported by the [Stack Overflow Developer Survey](https://survey.stackoverflow.co/2023/#section-salary-salary-by-developer-type).
+ - id: higher_education_degree
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ Having a higher-education degree did not translate in meaningful differences in yearly income.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_salary
+ - id: gender
+ template: multiple_options2
+ description: >
+ Gender did not correlate with income gaps, but there were notable differences between countries. Canada and the U.S. led the rankings in terms of diversity, while European countries tended to fare worse.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_salary
+ - id: country_vs_gender
+ fieldId: country
+ template: multiple_options2
+ parameters:
+ showNoAnswer: true
+ limit: 15
+ filtersState:
+ options:
+ mode: facet
+ sort: female
+ order: desc
+ facet:
+ sectionId: user_info
+ id: gender
+ - id: race_ethnicity
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ description: >
+ The survey's non-white population tended to be younger and have less experience, confirming a trend first observed in other surveys. This might indicate that the next generation of front end developers will be more diverse than the current one.
+ variants:
+ - template: vs_years_of_experience
+ - template: vs_age
+ - id: disability_status
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ - id: other_surveys
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ parameters:
+ cutoff: 20
+ - id: source
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ parameters:
+ limit: 20
+ # - id: how_can_we_improve
+ # template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ # - id: data_explorer
+ # titleId: sections.data_explorer.title
+ # descriptionId: sections.data_explorer.description
+ # showTitle: true
+ # chartOnly: true
+ # wrapBlock: true
+ # template: data_explorer
+ # parameters: { showNoAnswer: true }
+ # variables:
+ # xAxis: user_info__yearly_salary
+ # yAxis: user_info__years_of_experience
+ - items: [renderatl]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ titleId: blocks.recommended_events
+ variables:
+ isEvent: true
+- id: features
+ path: /features
+ descriptionId: sections.features.description.html2023
+ blocks:
+ - template: page_introduction
+ - id: all_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ chartOptions:
+ limit: 10
+ # - id: features_overview
+ # template: features_overview
+ # - id: knowledge_score
+ # template: single_option
+ - id: reading_list
+ # template: reading_list
+ template: multiple_options2
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ queryOptions:
+ sectionId: reading_list
+ - id: features_resources
+ items: [fm-intermediate-html-css]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ children:
+ - id: forms
+ path: /forms
+ blocks:
+ - id: forms
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: forms_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: form_input_types
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: form_validation_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: forms_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ # - id: adam_argyle
+ # template: picks
+ # variables:
+ # url: https://zagjs.com/
+ - id: forms_resources
+ items: [fm-web-development-v3]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ - id: interactivity
+ path: /interactivity
+ blocks:
+ - id: interactivity
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: interactivity_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: dom_attribute_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: dom_html_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: dom_moving_element_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: interactivity_techniques
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: interactivity_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ - id: interactivity_resources
+ items: [fm-vanilla-js-apps]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ - id: content
+ path: /content
+ blocks:
+ - id: content
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: content_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: external_content_elements
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: privacy_security_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: machine_readable_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: i18n_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: content_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ - id: interactivity_resources
+ items: [fm-svg-essentials-animation]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ - id: web_components
+ path: /web_components
+ blocks:
+ - id: web_components
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: web_components_main_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: web_components_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: web_components_libraries
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: using_web_components_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ - id: making_web_components_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ - id: web_components_resources
+ items: [fm-web-components]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ - id: accessibility
+ path: /accessibility
+ blocks:
+ - id: accessibility
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: accessibility_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: accessibility_disabilities
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: accessibility_techniques
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: accessibility_screenreaders
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: accessibility_tools
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: accessibility_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ - id: accessibility_resources
+ items: [fm-react-accessibility]
+ template: recommended_resources
+ - id: mobile_web_apps
+ path: /mobile-web-apps
+ blocks:
+ - id: mobile_web_apps
+ template: page_introduction
+ - id: mobile_web_apps_features
+ template: multi_items_experience
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: native_apps_tools
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: local_storage_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: pwa_features
+ template: multiple_options2
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ - id: mobile_web_apps_pain_points
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ i18nNamespace: features
+ parameters: { limit: 10 }
+ - id: mobile_web_apps_resources
+ items: [fm-pwas]
+ template: recommended_resources
+- id: other_tools
+ path: /other_tools
+ blocks:
+ - template: page_introduction
+ - id: site_generators
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ - id: ai_tools
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ - id: blast_from_the_past
+ template: multiple_options2
+ - id: other_tools_resources
+ items: [fm-next-js-v3]
+ template: recommended_resources
+- id: usage
+ path: /usage
+ blocks:
+ - template: page_introduction
+ - id: html_interoperability_features
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ parameters: { limit: 20 }
+ - id: html_functionality_features
+ template: multiple_options2_freeform
+ parameters: { limit: 20 }
+ - id: html_missing_elements
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ - id: tools_for_other_developers
+ template: multiple_options2
+ - id: html_css_js_balance
+ template: multiple_options2
+ - id: what_do_you_use_html_for
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ - id: industry_sector
+ template: multiple_options2_combined
+ chartOptions:
+ limit: 10
+ - id: sharing_hint
+ template: hint
+ - id: usage_resources
+ items: [fm-homepage]
+ template: recommended_resources
+# - id: awards
+# path: /awards
+# blocks:
+# - template: page_introduction
+# - id: awards
+# template: awards
+# variables:
+# entities: '"has_selector","at_container","viewport_percentage_length_units","subgrid","at_container","css_nesting","open_props","css_modules","uno_css","panda_css","material_ui","yandex"'
+# awards:
+# - id: feature_adoption_delta_award
+# template: award
+# awards:
+# - id: has_selector
+# value: '+16.4%'
+# - id: at_container
+# value: '+14.1%'
+# - id: viewport_percentage_length_units
+# value: '+13%'
+# - id: most_commented_feature_award
+# template: award
+# awards:
+# - id: subgrid
+# value: 531
+# - id: at_container
+# value: 78
+# - id: css_nesting
+# value: 65
+# # - id: tool_usage_delta_award
+# # template: award
+# # awards:
+# # - id: tailwind_css
+# # value: "+17.8%"
+# # - id: atomic_css
+# # value: "+10.8%"
+# # - id: css_modules
+# # value: "+10.1%"
+# - id: tool_satisfaction_award
+# template: award
+# awards:
+# - id: open_props
+# value: '91%'
+# - id: css_modules
+# value: '84.5%'
+# - id: uno_css
+# value: '82%'
+# # - id: tool_interest_award
+# # template: award
+# # awards:
+# # - id: css_modules
+# # value: "74%"
+# # - id: vanilla_extract
+# # value: "68%"
+# # - id: stitches
+# # value: "55%"
+# - id: most_write_ins_award
+# template: award
+# awards:
+# - id: panda_css
+# value: 52
+# - id: material_ui
+# value: 38
+# - id: yandex
+# value: 24
+- id: conclusion
+ path: /conclusion
+ blocks:
+ - id: conclusion
+ template: conclusion
+ variables:
+ author: sacha_greif
+ - id: conclusion_newsletter
+ blockType: NewsletterBlock
+ wrapBlock: false
+ disableExport: true
+# note: other pages need to be included in the sitemap too so they can get the proper
+# locale passed to them
+- id: about
+ path: /about
+ blocks:
+ - id: about_contents
+ blockType: AboutBlock
+ wrapBlock: false
+ disableExport: true
+# - id: how_to_help
+# path: /how_to_help
+# blocks:
+# - id: how_to_help_contents
+# blockType: HowToHelpBlock
+# wrapBlock: false
+# disableExport: true
+- id: support
+ path: /support
+ is_hidden: true
+ blocks:
+ - id: support
+ template: page_introduction
+- id: sponsor_finish
+ path: /sponsor-chart-finish
+ is_hidden: true
+ blocks:
+ - id: sponsor_finish
+ blockType: SponsorFinishBlock
+ wrapBlock: false
+- id: notfound
+ titleId: notfound.title
+ path: /404
+ is_hidden: true
+ blocks:
+ - id: notfound
+ blockType: NotFoundBlock