Interception is the ability to intercept calls between objects in order to enrich or change their behavior, but without having to change their code. A prerequisite for interception is weak binding. That is, if programming is abstraction-based, the underlying implementation can be transformed or improved by "packaging" it into other implementations of the same abstraction. At its core, intercept is an application of the Decorator design pattern. This pattern provides a flexible alternative to inheritance by dynamically "attaching" additional responsibility to an object. Decorator "packs" one implementation of an abstraction into another implementation of the same abstraction like a "matryoshka doll". Decorator is a well-known and useful design pattern. It is convenient to use tagged dependencies to build a chain of nested decorators, as in the example below:
using Shouldly;
using Pure.DI;
var composition = new Composition();
var service = composition.Root;
service.GetMessage().ShouldBe("Hello World !!!");
interface IService
string GetMessage();
class Service : IService
public string GetMessage() => "Hello World";
class GreetingService([Tag("base")] IService baseService) : IService
public string GetMessage() => $"{baseService.GetMessage()} !!!";
Running this code sample locally
- Make sure you have the .NET SDK 9.0 or later is installed
dotnet --list-sdk
- Create a net9.0 (or later) console application
dotnet new console -n Sample
dotnet add package Pure.DI
dotnet add package Shouldly
- Copy the example code into the Program.cs file
You are ready to run the example 🚀
dotnet run
Here an instance of the Service type, labeled "base", is injected in the decorator DecoratorService. You can use any tag that semantically reflects the feature of the abstraction being embedded. The tag can be a constant, a type, or a value of an enumerated type.
The following partial class will be generated:
partial class Composition
private readonly Composition _root;
public Composition()
_root = this;
internal Composition(Composition parentScope)
_root = (parentScope ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(parentScope)))._root;
public IService Root
return new GreetingService(new Service());
Class diagram:
hideEmptyMembersBox: true
GreetingService --|> IService
Service --|> IService : "base"
Composition ..> GreetingService : IService Root
GreetingService *-- Service : "base" IService
namespace Pure.DI.UsageTests.Interception.DecoratorScenario {
class Composition {
+IService Root
class GreetingService {
+GreetingService(IService baseService)
class IService {
class Service {