- Justin Mathieu
- Tony Regalado
- Von Arzu
- Danny Castro
- Sarah Teklemariam
- What are the key strengths of each person on the team?
- Tony Regalado: problem-sovler, determined, optimist, growth mindset, patient, resilient
- Justin Mathieu:
- Sarah Teklemariam: is a great team player, has strong Frontened skills as well as time management. I am also open to learning opportunities and challenges.
- Danny: positive, communication, optomistic, bootstraps, socktIO;
- Von Arzu: Team Player, Frontend, Resourceful to finding solutions
- How can you best utilize these strengths in the execution of your project?
- Tony Regalado: communication, collaboration and teamwork
- Justin Mathieu:
- Von Arzu: Connecting the backend to frontend and double checking best ways to stay efficent
- Danny: Debugging, design, collaboration.
- Sarah: Helping debug and help design (data flow etc.)
- In which professional competencies do you each want to develop greater strength?
- Tony Regalado: Handling ambiguity,technical, planning and estimating, organizational, communication.
- Justin Mathieu
- Von Arzu: Handling technical debt/conflict
- Danny: Communication and TeamWork.
- Sarah: communication.
- Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand all aspects of the project, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day work?
- Our plan is to openly communicate when we need help and be realistic in planning out our daily tasks. This includes being open to feedback, and holding each other accountable. Async communitcation in slack channel and daily check-ins.
- What will be your group’s process to resolve conflict, when it arises?
- Talk openly with each other and discuss conflicts. Discuss as a group as needed to clarify the nature of the conflict. Contact instructor as a last resort.
- What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other members contribute?
- Conduct daily standups
- Utilize and follow the Trello board.
- Communication is key.
- Talk to instructor when needed.
- How will you approach each other and the challenges of the project knowing that it is impossible for all members to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?
- Work as a team and use driver/navigator on new or challenging tasks.
- How will you raise concerns to members who are not adequately contributing?
- We will use Trello to help control contributions.
- How and when will you escalate the conflict if your resolution attempts are unsuccessful?
- Discuss as a group, clarify the points of disagreement.
- What hours will you be available to communicate?
- 9am-10pm Mon-Fri
- What platforms will you use to communicate (ie. Slack, phone …)?
- Remo during work hours, Slack on off-hours (and for some link/file persistence).
- How often will you take breaks?
- At-will around baseline of 10 minutes per hour
- What is your plan if you start to fall behind?
- Relax and compose our thoughts, identify core issues that are causing delays, get TA/instructor help.
- How will you communicate after hours and on the weekend?
- Slack will be our main communication method.
- What is your strategy for ensuring everyone’s voice is heard?
- communication, ask for feedback/input, assign roles
- How will you ensure that you are creating a safe environment where everyone feels comfortable speaking up?
- Actively solicit opinions, spend time discussing and not just coding.
- How you will identify tasks, assign tasks, know when they are complete, and manage work in general?
- Trello - breaking down features and tasks will allow us to see where we are and who is working on what.
- Daily standups.
- What project management tool will be used?
- Trello
- Git Flow Process
- What components of your project will live on GitHub?
- Anything that can, will be on GitHub.
- How will you share the repository with your teammates?
- Create an GitHub organization.
- What is your Git flow?
- Push features to dev/staging, everyone pulls down and syncs their local branches once/twice a day.
- Will you be using a PR review work flow? If so, consider:
- How many people must review a PR?
- Two extra people.
- Who merges PRs?
- Anyone, but with everyone's knowledge.
- How often will you merge?
- Plan to merge to dev/staging twice a day (lunch/end of day)
- How will you communicate that it’s time to merge?
- We will communicate in person and/or slack when neccessary.
- How many people must review a PR?