diff --git a/packages/rum/README.md b/packages/rum/README.md
index a2d20a45c9..4dc7997cc5 100644
--- a/packages/rum/README.md
+++ b/packages/rum/README.md
@@ -20,11 +20,14 @@ To set up Datadog RUM browser monitoring:
### Choose the right installation method
-| Installation method | Use case |
-| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
-| npm (node package manager) | This method is recommended for modern web applications. The RUM SDK gets packaged with the rest of your front-end javascript code. It has no impact on page load performance. However, the SDK might miss errors, resources and user actions triggered before the SDK is initialized. **Note:** it is recommended to use a matching version with logs SDK if used. |
-| CDN async | This method is recommended for web applications with performance targets. The RUM SDK is loaded from our CDN asynchronously: this method ensures the SDK download does not impact page load performance. However, the SDK might miss errors, resources and user actions triggered before the SDK is initialized. |
-| CDN sync | This method is recommended for collecting all RUM events. The RUM SDK is loaded from our CDN synchronously: this method ensures the SDK is loaded first and collects all errors, resources and user actions. This method might impact page load performance. |
+npm (node package manager)
+: This method is recommended for modern web applications. The RUM SDK gets packaged with the rest of your front-end javascript code. It has no impact on page load performance. However, the SDK might miss errors, resources and user actions triggered before the SDK is initialized. **Note:** it is recommended to use a matching version with logs SDK if used.
+CDN async
+: This method is recommended for web applications with performance targets. The RUM SDK is loaded from our CDN asynchronously: this method ensures the SDK download does not impact page load performance. However, the SDK might miss errors, resources and user actions triggered before the SDK is initialized.
+CDN sync
+: This method is recommended for collecting all RUM events. The RUM SDK is loaded from our CDN synchronously: this method ensures the SDK is loaded first and collects all errors, resources and user actions. This method might impact page load performance.
### npm
@@ -126,27 +129,84 @@ window.DD_RUM.init({
The following parameters are available:
-| Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
-| ----------------------- | ------- | -------- | --------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `applicationId` | String | Yes | | The RUM application ID. |
-| `clientToken` | String | Yes | | A [Datadog client token][5]. |
-| `site` | String | Yes | `datadoghq.com` | The Datadog site of your organization. US: `datadoghq.com`, EU: `datadoghq.eu` |
-| `service` | String | No | | The service name for your application. |
-| `env` | String | No | | The application’s environment, for example: prod, pre-prod, staging, etc. |
-| `version` | String | No | | The application’s version, for example: 1.2.3, 6c44da20, 2020.02.13, etc. |
-| `trackInteractions` | Boolean | No | `false` | Enables [automatic collection of users actions][6]. |
-| `sampleRate` | Number | No | `100` | The percentage of sessions to track: `100` for all, `0` for none. Only tracked sessions send rum events. |
-| `silentMultipleInit` | Boolean | No | `false` | Initialization fails silently if Datadog's RUM is already initialized on the page. |
-| `proxyHost` | String | No | | Optional proxy host (ex: www.proxy.com), see the full [proxy setup guide][7] for more information. |
-| `allowedTracingOrigins` | List | No | | A list of request origins used to inject tracing headers. |
+: Required
+**Type**: String
+The RUM application ID.
+: Required
+**Type**: String
+A [Datadog client token][5].
+: Required
+**Type**: String
+**Default**: `datadoghq.com`
+The Datadog site of your organization. US: `datadoghq.com`, EU: `datadoghq.eu`
+: Optional
+**Type**: String
+The service name for your application.
+: Optional
+**Type**: String
+The application’s environment, for example: prod, pre-prod, staging, etc.
+: Optional
+**Type**: String
+The application’s version, for example: 1.2.3, 6c44da20, 2020.02.13, etc.
+: Optional
+**Type**: Boolean
+**Default**: `false`
+Enables [automatic collection of users actions][6].
+: Optional
+**Type**: Number
+**Default**: `100`
+The percentage of sessions to track: `100` for all, `0` for none. Only tracked sessions send rum events.
+: Optional
+**Type**: Boolean
+**Default**: `false`
+Initialization fails silently if Datadog's RUM is already initialized on the page.
+: Optional
+**Type**: String
+Optional proxy host (ex: www.proxy.com), see the full [proxy setup guide][7] for more information.
+: Optional
+**Type**: List
+A list of request origins used to inject tracing headers.
Options that must have matching configuration when also using `logs` SDK:
-| Parameter | Type | Required | Default | Description |
-| ------------------------------ | ------- | -------- | ------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `trackSessionAcrossSubdomains` | Boolean | No | `false` | Preserve the session across subdomains for the same site. |
-| `useSecureSessionCookie` | Boolean | No | `false` | Use a secure session cookie. This disables RUM events sent on insecure (non-HTTPS) connections. |
-| `useCrossSiteSessionCookie` | Boolean | No | `false` | Use a secure cross-site session cookie. This allows the RUM SDK to run when the site is loaded from another one (iframe). Implies `useSecureSessionCookie`. |
+: Optional
+**Type**: Boolean
+**Default**: `false`
+Preserve the session across subdomains for the same site.
+: Optional
+**Type**: Boolean
+**Default**: `false`
+Use a secure session cookie. This disables RUM events sent on insecure (non-HTTPS) connections.
+: Optional
+**Type**: Boolean
+Use a secure cross-site session cookie. This allows the RUM SDK to run when the site is loaded from another one (iframe). Implies `useSecureSessionCookie`.
#### Example