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File metadata and controls

139 lines (108 loc) · 3.56 KB

//Elastic search

order item field tags: { food (name) cuisine (type) chef: firstname + last name ingredients: [], description

quantity: # check if > 0 rating (int) price (int) (slider) loc: {lat, lng} zipcode }

user selects fields //


  • User sign up
  • username, zipcode, name, phone# --> PG

//Chef Rating

  • start off with 0; <-- ID, username, ratings (PG)
  • create a meal;
    • retrieve your chefId from user session
  • {food, ing, chefId, } --> Meals (PG)
    • ing is an array of items[];
    • healthLabels is array of items;
  • create an ingredients table
  • mealId to
  • create a table for healthLabel


  • search for meals
  • {food, ing, chefId, } <-- (PG) Meals
  • clicks on meal view <-- Meals & Users ()
  • Using chefId
  • Query PG to retrive (chefName, chefDescription, avgRating) <-- PG


  • user logs-in (send in user ID)
  • query his historical orders
  • find the most purchased cuisine (eg: Italian)
  • query ES for all available italian meals

//Retrieve ChefIds

  • select chefIds of those meals
  • for each chefId retrieve rating for the chef
  • if chef rating > 4
  • query ES where chef = [tom OR harry OR Y] & cuisine == italian
  • return list of meals

//filter meals where chefRating > 4

//Deployment of a docker container to Digital Ocean

//create an aws folder 1 - create a credentials file ( 1.2 - add credentials to that file

  • all docker machines connected: docker machine ls

//ceate a new machine to spin up ec2 instance with docker machine running 2 - docker-machine create -d amazonec2 myAwsMachine 2.2 - docker ls should show the machine //connect to that machine 3 - docker-machine env myAwsMachine 4 - eval $(docker-machine env myAwsMachine) //Now we are connected //Now we will create a basic node app and create an image and deploy that image

  • npm init -y
  • touch server.js
  • npm install express //create a basic server
  • define a start npm script: node server.js
  • npm start go to browser and test --- this is now running locally

//Build a docker image touch DockerFile tell what is base image FROM node

RUN mkdir -p/src

COPY package.json /src
RUN npm install

COPY . /src

CMD ("npm", "start")

//Create img on aws server (-t says this is what the image should be called)

  • docker build -t myNodeserver .

//Run the docker container

  • docker run --name node1 -d myNodeServer (node1 is just a name we give it right now, -d will run it bkg)
  • docker-machine ip myAwsMachine
  • docker ps //Now we want to access the above ip and have the server running
  • docker logs node1 //we now see that it is running there and @ 8000 we should see our msg but we dont //We have to port map
  • docker stop node1
  • docker ps / docker ps-a docker rm node1
  • docker run --name node1 -d -p 80:8000 myNodeServer (-p exposes port 80 on docker-machine 8000 on docker container)
  • docker logs node1
  • docker logs -f node1 (can't connect to docker deamon)
  • docker machine eval myAws
  • docker -machine ls
  • docker logs -f node1
  • now we go to the ip and our server will be running on AWS

//to go into container docker exec -it node1 /bin/bash

docker-machine ssh myAws //we are now going to docker machine, the container runs inside this machine i.e. our EC2 instance

2 routes // we can connect a micro service or //now we can do a sql server onto a container and connect the 2 machine