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183 lines (145 loc) · 6.34 KB

Polygon Clipping

Python, NumPy polygon clipping for concave and convex polygons.

Source code is part of numpy_geometry... npg.

Polygon clipping source code.

Clipping discussion and example.

This implementation sets out to determine the intersection (clip) between two polygons. I employed

  • winding numbers to determine which points were inside, outside and on the perimeter of each other.
  • from there, intersections were made and those points classified as above.
  • the intersection points were simplified to the bare minimum as a crossings array which denotes which segments crossed and hence which points were involved.
    • using a bit of logic, either a clipping segment crosses another segment on the polygon to clip's segment, or at one of its endpoints.
    • a clipping segment can start inside or outside or on the polygon perimeter and they can meet begin/end on polygon vertices.

Enough said, the script can be imported and used with clockwise oriented NumPy arrays.
I don't cover interior holes, but it could be included by processing the exterior rings first, then reversing the order of interior rings and processing those, combining the results at the end. I didn't since it was more of venture of finding out where this worked and where logic failed. As such, I will make notes of changes that I make as I test more polygon arrangements.

Last edit ...

  • 2022-11-27

single cross examples
Clip segments meet on polygon, no intersections at vertices. Clip result.
Clip segments cross over polygon segments, no intersections at vertices. Clip result.
Multiple clip segments cross over polygon segments, no intersections at vertices. Clip result.
A single vertex meets an intersection point. Clip result.
First clip vertex meets polygon vertex, two others on line. Clip result.
More Clip result.
More Clip result.
More Clip result.
complex polygon examples

The blue polygon is the clipping polygon and the black one is the polygon being clipped.

another concave example
Input polygon Clipping polygon
More Clip result.

| Annotated result| | | | | | More |

Continue tomorrow

new_ xChk x0x1 p_in_c c_in_p

new_, tot_, xChk, x0x1, p_in_c, c_in_p = clip(pl, cl)

# -- intersection point pairs
[array([[  0.95,   0.11],
        [  0.33,   1.33]]),
 array([[  1.29,   5.15],
        [  5.00,   9.00]]),
 array([[  7.81,   9.94],
        [  8.00,  10.50]]),
 array([[  7.50,  10.83],
        [  5.00,  12.50]]),
 array([[  6.00,  14.50],
        [  6.75,  13.50]]),
 array([[  8.70,  12.00],
        [ 12.00,  10.62]]),
 array([[ 12.00,   9.81],
        [  9.41,   3.90]]),
 array([[  9.00,   1.00],
        [  3.23,   0.36]]),
 array([[  1.06,   0.12],
        [   nan,    nan]])]

# -- polygon points in clipper, clipper points in polygon

p_in_c  # [2, 3, 8, 9, 13]
c_in_p  # [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 20]

# -- xChk output
array([[ 0,  0,  0, 13,  0,  0,  0,  1],
       [ 2,  3,  0,  1,  0,  1,  0,  0],
       [ 5,  5,  1,  2,  1,  1,  0,  1],
       [ 6,  6,  3,  5,  1,  1,  1,  0],
       [ 7,  8,  6,  7,  1,  1,  0,  0],
       [ 9,  9,  9, 10,  0,  0,  1,  0],
       [10, 14, 10, 12,  0,  1,  0,  0],
       [17, 19, 12, 13,  0,  0,  0,  1],
       [20, -1, 13, -1,  1,  0,  1,  0]], dtype=int64)
 # -- script output
0 x0,x1  [  0.95   0.11], [  0.33   1.33]
  xC     [ 0  0  0 13  0  0  0  1]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   0 0 0 1
  bfc:bfp []  []
  btc:btp []  [2, 3]
  sub :  []

1 x0,x1  [  1.29   5.15], [  5.00   9.00]
  xC     [2 3 0 1 0 1 0 0]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   0 1 0 0
  bfc:bfp []  []
  btc:btp [3]  []
  sub :  []

2 x0,x1  [  7.81   9.94], [  8.00  10.50]
  xC     [5 5 1 2 1 1 0 1]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   1 1 0 1
  bfc:bfp [4, 5]  []
  btc:btp []  []
  sub :  [array([  5.00,   9.00]), array([  7.50,   9.00])]

3 x0,x1  [  7.50  10.83], [  5.00  12.50]
  xC     [6 6 3 5 1 1 1 0]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   1 1 1 0
  bfc:bfp []  []
  btc:btp []  []
  sub :  []

4 x0,x1  [  6.00  14.50], [  6.75  13.50]
  xC     [7 8 6 7 1 1 0 0]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   1 1 0 0
  bfc:bfp []  []
  btc:btp [7, 8]  []
  sub :  []

5 x0,x1  [  8.70  12.00], [ 12.00  10.62]
  xC     [ 9  9  9 10  0  0  1  0]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   0 0 1 0
  bfc:bfp []  [8, 9]
  btc:btp []  []
  sub :  [array([  6.00,  12.00]), array([  8.00,  12.00])]

6 x0,x1  [ 12.00   9.81], [  9.41   3.90]
  xC     [10 14 10 12  0  1  0  0]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   0 1 0 0
  bfc:bfp []  []
  btc:btp [11, 12, 13, 14]  []
  sub :  []

7 x0,x1  [  9.00   1.00], [  3.23   0.36]
  xC     [17 19 12 13  0  0  0  1]
  c0c1_, p0p1_:   0 0 0 1
  bfc:bfp []  []
  btc:btp [18]  []
  sub :  []

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