diff --git a/lib/routes/ebc/namespace.ts b/lib/routes/ebc/namespace.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..83d203397aaef1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/routes/ebc/namespace.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import type { Namespace } from '@/types';
+export const namespace: Namespace = {
+ name: '東森新聞',
+ url: 'ebc.net.tw',
diff --git a/lib/routes/ebc/realtime.ts b/lib/routes/ebc/realtime.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b81aa09a89f9c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/routes/ebc/realtime.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import { Route } from '@/types';
+import cache from '@/utils/cache';
+import got from '@/utils/got';
+import { load } from 'cheerio';
+import { parseDate } from '@/utils/parse-date';
+export const route: Route = {
+ path: '/realtime/:category?',
+ categories: ['traditional-media'],
+ example: '/ebc/realtime/politics',
+ parameters: {
+ category: 'Category from the last segment of the URL of the corresponding site',
+ },
+ features: {
+ requirePuppeteer: false,
+ antiCrawler: false,
+ supportBT: false,
+ supportPodcast: false,
+ supportScihub: false,
+ requireConfig: false,
+ },
+ name: '即時新聞',
+ maintainers: ['quiniapiezoelectricity'],
+ handler,
+ description: '',
+ radar: [
+ {
+ source: ['news.ebc.net.tw/realtime/:category'],
+ target: '/:category',
+ },
+ ],
+async function handler(ctx) {
+ const category = ctx.req.param('category') ?? '';
+ const response = await got('https://news.ebc.net.tw/list/load', {
+ method: 'POST',
+ headers: {
+ Accept: '*/*',
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
+ 'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
+ },
+ body: new URLSearchParams({
+ list_type: 'realtime',
+ cate_code: category,
+ page: '1',
+ }).toString(),
+ });
+ const $ = load(response.data);
+ const feed = $('div.list > a')
+ .toArray()
+ .map((item) => new URL($(item).attr('href') ?? '', 'https://news.ebc.net.tw').href);
+ const items = await Promise.all(
+ feed.map((url) =>
+ cache.tryGet(url, async () => {
+ const response = await got(url);
+ const $ = load(response.data);
+ const metadata = $('[type="application/ld+json"]')
+ .toArray()
+ .flatMap((item) => JSON.parse($(item).text()))
+ .find((item) => item['@type'] === 'NewsArticle');
+ // handle image box
+ $('.img_box').each((_, elem) => {
+ $(elem)
+ .children('div.img_caption')
+ .replaceWith($(`${$(elem).children('div.img_caption').text()}`));
+ $(elem).children('div.img').children().unwrap();
+ $(elem).wrapInner($(''));
+ });
+ // handle small text
+ $('[style="font-size:16px;"]').each((_, elem) => {
+ $(elem).replaceWith(`${$(elem).text()}`);
+ });
+ const cover = $('div.article_cover');
+ const content = $('div.article_content');
+ content.find('.inline_text, .inline_box, .rss_box').remove();
+ return {
+ title: metadata.headline,
+ link: url,
+ pubDate: parseDate(metadata.datePublished),
+ author: metadata.author.name,
+ description: cover.html() + content.html(),
+ category: metadata.keywords ? [metadata.articleSection, ...metadata.keywords.split(',')] : [metadata.articleSection],
+ };
+ })
+ )
+ );
+ return {
+ title: '東森新聞|即時',
+ link: category ? `https://news.ebc.net.tw/realtime/${category}` : 'https://news.ebc.net.tw/realtime',
+ language: 'zh-TW',
+ item: items,
+ };