Please try and follows the things that are layed out below as it will make it easier to accept a pull request however not following the below does not necessarily exclude a pull request from being accepted.
For DGH Debugging Tools I use Git as the version control
but I also use Git Flow
for the development cycles. The main development is undertaken in the Development branch with stable
releases being in the master. All pull requests should be made from the Development branch,
prefereably using Feature branches or BugFix branches. I've defined prefixes for these already in
the .gitconfig
file. You should submit onyl one change per pull request at a time to make it easiler to
review and accept the pull request.
Tools wise, I generally use Fork but that does not support Git Flow's BugFix functionality so I drop down to the command prompt to create BugFix branches as SourceTree can Finish any type of open branch in Git Flow.
Having not done this before as I've always been the sole contributor to my repositories so I borrowed the essense of the following from the DUnitX project:
- Create a GitHub Account;
- Fork the DGH Debugging Tools
Repository and setup your local repository as follows:
- Fork the repository;
- Clone your Fork to your local machine;
- Configure upstream remote to the Development DGH Debugging Tools repository;
- For each change you want to make:
- Create a new Feature or BugFix branch for your change;
- Make your change in your new branch;
- Verify code compiles for ALL supported RAD Studio version (see below) and unit tests still pass;
- Commit change to your local repository;
- Push change to your remote repository;
- Submit a Pull Request;
- Note: local and remote branches can be deleted after pull request has been accepted.
Note: Getting changes from others requires Syncing your Local repository with the Development DGH Debugging Tools repository. This can happen at any time.
DGH Debugging Tools has no dependencies.
The DGH Debugging Tools Open Tools API project uses a
single projects file (.DPR
) to compile to mutliple versions of RAD Studio by use 2 include files: one
for compiler specific coding and the second to implement the correct suffix for the DLL.
The current code base only supports RAD Studio XE2 and above.
The following is a brief description of the rationale behind DGH Debugging Tools. I will hopefully write more later.
This plug-in hooks the IDEs code editor context menu through interception and adds menu items for adding breakpoints with CodeSite evaluation messages.
David Hoyle Nov 2023.