diff --git a/documentation/logit-io.md b/documentation/logit-io.md
index 61778259..83acdad8 100644
--- a/documentation/logit-io.md
+++ b/documentation/logit-io.md
@@ -51,10 +51,18 @@ To create a new stack:
 ## Monitoring and Alerting
 We have enabled Logit stack alerts and notification (elastalert).
-Each stack has a monitor for too many logs per hour, and no logs in 30 minutes.
+Each stack has a monitor for
+- too many logs per hour
+- no logs in 30 minutes
+- email addresses in the logs
 When triggered, an email alert will be sent to the TS Infra team email address, and we should investigate why there are too many or missing logs.
 It will re-alert every 3 hours until any issue is resolved.
+See [Elastart docs](https://elastalert.readthedocs.io/) for info on writing alerts.
 ## Logstash inputs
 Filebeat sends logs to logstash as json so they can be decoded to create fields in ElasticSearch and query them with Kibana.