Prefix function: Given a string, p[i] : longest proper prefix which is also suffix of the string s[0...i]
Efficient Algorithm (Online):
int p[n];
void prefixfunc(string &s){
int n = sz(s);
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
int j = lps[i-1];
while(j>0 && str[i]!=str[j]) j = lps[j-1];
if(str[i] == str[j]) lps[i] = j+1;
else lps[i] = 0;
// log(i, str[i], lps[i]);
Analysis of Prefix Function:
pi[x] <= pi[x-1]+1, else pi[x-1] can be made larger (contradiction).
Each time j is decremented in the while:j loop, it corresponds to some previous(unique) increment of pi. There are max N elements, so maximum iteration of while:j can be N. So complexity is O(N+N) = O(N). About uniqueness of the increment, think like, everytime j uses as pi[x] to decrement j, it exhausts it and no longer can be used, as to be build again uniquely in the upcoming iterations.
- Substring Seach
Given a pattern t and a string s, print occurences of t in s.
Idea: Consider x = t#s, x = t1 t2 t3....tN # s1 s2 ....sM
For all i, if pi[i] = N, pos = i-2N
Time : O(N+M)
- String Periodicity
Given a string s, and s(i+T) = s(i), for all i. find the fundamental period T.
In other words, s = [a(0)...a(k-1)][a(k).....a(2k-1)]...[a(N-k)....a(N-1)].
Idea: If u = N - pi[N-1], and u divides N, s[0...u-1] is the compressed periodic string, otherwise no period exists.
Periodicity Lemma: If a string has period T1 and T2, then gcd(T1,T2) is also a period of the string!
int z[N];
void z_function(string &s){
int l=0,r=0;
for(int i=1;i<n;++i){
if(i<=r) z[i] = min(r-i-1,z[i-l]);
while(i+z[i]<n && s[z[i]]==s[i+z[i]]) ++z[i];
if(i+z[i]-1>r) l=i, r=i+z[i]-1;
- String Periodicity
period = min i such that: i+z[i]=n
- Min addition at start of a string to make it palindrome
Prefix function Trick: Form a string t by concating string s with reverse of s. find the lps of t. Ans=n-pi(t)
String Stream : To read a whole line and break it into strings.
string s,t;
stringstream x(s);
while(getline(x,t,' ')){
cout << t << endl;
- No of substrings of a string which is equal to its prefix
/*Consider at index::i, a[0...i]. Now what is the max length substring ending at i which is a prefix. Ans = pi[i] and the pref is a[0...pi[i]-1].
What is the next such string, a[0....pi[pi[i]-1]-1] and so on.
But realize the structure here.
Any prefix of length x i.e a[0...x-1] will contribute to pi[x-1], pi[pi[x-1]-1], ......
Use dp to solve this*/
vector<int> cnt(n+1,0);
for(int i=0;i<n;i++) cnt[pi[i]]++;
for(int i=len;i>=0;i--) cnt[pi[i]-1] += cnt[i];
for(int i=1;i<=len;i++) cnt[i]++;
Nice KMP problem :