Detailed description of the project/package/module, its purpose, and key features.
Examples of usage or instructions for installation and configuration of the project/package/module.
Description of the components included in the project and their functional capabilities.
Description of the component and its purpose.
Description of another component and its functional capabilities.
Examples of how this project/package/module can be used in real-world scenarios.
Typical qualities and important parts of the project/package/module that make it unique.
Condensed feature list for improved searchability, consisting of keywords only.
- Node.js
- NestJS
- Next.js
- Golang
- Ruby
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- C#
- Etc.
- Application
- Package
- Module
- Back-end
- Front-end
- Mobile-app
- Desktop
- Healthcare
- Real estate
- Sales
- Financial
- Common
- Etc.
Information about the license of the project/package/module, if applicable.
List of authors of the project/package/module and their contact information.
Links to additional resources such as documentation, repository, wiki, etc.
Links to other modules/packages this module is in synergy with
List of main external dependencies this package/module is based on. E.g. twilio for twilio-adapter-module