Files in this folder will deploy:
- fluentd for APM metrics
- grafana for visualization
- prometheus using (prometheus-opearator) with custom rules for metrics collection, storage and evaluation
- wca as daemonset (on nodes marked with label goal=service) - image build instructions here
- Kubernetes dashboard for graphic cluster interface
- You need to create dedicated namespaces for those applications like this:
kubectl create -f namespaces.yaml
- Create hostPath based directory as grafana volume and Prometheus (PV).
# on master node
sudo mkdir /var/lib/grafana
sudo chmod o+rw /var/lib/grafana
sudo mkdir /var/lib/prometheus
sudo chmod o+rw /var/lib/prometheus
kubectl create -f prometheus/persistent_volume.yaml
Grafana is deployed on master and hostPath as volume at accessible /var/lib/grafana
- Using kustomize (-k) deploy all applications:
kubectl apply -k .
Note: in case of
unable to recognize ".": no matches for kind "Prometheus" in version ""
warnings, please run kubectl apply -k .
once again. This is a problem of invalid order of objects
when CRDs are created by kustomize and prometheus-operator.
You can check progress of deployment using kubectl get -k .
To access Kubernetes Dashboard after deployment token is needed. It can be viewed by using following command:
kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard describe secret $(kubectl -n kubernetes-dashboard get secret | grep admin-user | awk '{print $1}')
Kubernetes Dashboard version used in this example is v2.0.0-beta4:
Following instruction was used to get the token:
Dashboard is exposed at: https://worker-node:6443/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/#
Prometheus can be exposed by kubectl proxy
kubectl port-forward --namespace prometheus service/prometheus 8090:9090
It will be available at: localhost:8090
Grafana can be exposed by kubectl proxy
kubectl port-forward --namespace grafana deployment/grafana 8091:3000
It will be available at: localhost:8091
For debug purpose, it might be usefully exposed this service as NodePort. An example is below. It is not recommended for production deployment.
kubectl expose pod prometheus-prometheus-0 --type=NodePort --port=9090 --name=prometheus-nodeport-service --namespace prometheus
kubectl patch service prometheus-nodeport-service --namespace=prometheus --type='json' --patch='[
{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ports/0/nodePort", "value":30900}]'
kubectl expose deployment grafana --type=NodePort --port=3000 --name=grafana-nodeport-service --namespace grafana
kubectl patch service grafana-nodeport-service --namespace=grafana --type='json' --patch='[
{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ports/0/nodePort", "value":32135}]'
Log in using default credentials:
user: admin
password: admin
and change password when prompted.
Note that after deployment you will need to add prometheus source in Grafana.
URL: http://prometheus.prometheus:9090
Access: Server(default)
Required for 2LM contention demo:
Grafana is deployed on master and hostPath as volume at accessible /var/lib/grafana
kubectl exec --namespace grafana -ti `kubectl get pod -n grafana -oname --show-kind=false | cut -f 2 -d '/'` bash
grafana-cli plugins install yesoreyeram-boomtable-panel
# restart
kubectl delete -n grafana `kubectl get pod -n grafana -oname`
When creating Kubernetes cluster in Grafana following parameters should be entered:
- URL: https://worker-node:6443
- Acces: Server(Default)
- TLS Client Auth: checked
- With CA Cert: checked
After choosing correct checkboxes you need to fill TLS Auth Details:
# CA cert
kubectl config view --raw -ojsonpath="{@.clusters[0].cluster.certificate-authority-data}" | base64 -d
# Client cert
kubectl config view --raw -ojsonpath="{@.users[0].user.client-certificate-data}" | base64 -d
# Client key
kubectl config view --raw -ojsonpath="{@.users[0].user.client-key-data}" | base64 -d
Both applications are running in host network namespace as daemonsets:
- WCA : http://worker-node:9100
- Fluentd : http://worker-node:24231
Warning!: this removes all the objects (excluding CRDs and namespaces), but it will not remove hostPath based data for Grafana and Prometheus.
kubectl delete -f prometheus/persistent_volume.yaml
kubectl delete persistentvolumeclaim/prometheus-prometheus-db-prometheus-prometheus-0 -n prometheus
kubectl delete -k .
kubectl delete -f namespaces.yaml
Warning!: there might be orphaned resources left after
kubectl proxy &
for NS in fluentd grafana prometheus wca; do
kubectl get namespace $NS -o json | sed '/kubernetes/d' | curl -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT --data-binary @-$NS/finalize
This setup uses new version of node_exporter (>18.0) and Grafana kubernetes-app is based on older scheme from node_exporter v 0.16 Prometheus rules "16-compatibility-rules-new-to-old" are used to configured new evaluation rules from backward compatibility.
# First label your namespaces with name of namespace
kubectl | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -iX kubectl label ns X name=X
# then you can use kube-capacity tool to analysie used/utilized and free node resources:
# with pods
kube-capacity -n name=default -p -u
# with pods only from service nodes
kube-capacity -n name=default --node-labels goal=service -p -u
- extra dashboards:
- coreos/kube-prometheus:
- compatibility rules for node-exporter:
- prometheus operator API spec for Prometheus:
- Kubernetes-app for Grafana:
- Boomtable widget for Grafana:
- hostPath support for Prometheus operator: prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator#1455
- create user for Dashboard:
- Docker images Kubernetes Dashboard: