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Workload Collocation Agent API

This software is pre-production and should not be deployed to production servers.

MeasurementRunner run iterations to collect platform, resource, task measurements and store them in metrics_storage component.

  • node: type:

    Component used for tasks discovery.

  • metrics_storage: type = DEFAULT_STORAGE

    Storage to store platform, internal, resource and task metrics. (defaults to DEFAULT_STORAGE/LogStorage to output for standard error)

  • interval: Numeric(0,60) = 1.

    Iteration duration in seconds (None disables wait and iterations). (defaults to 1 second)

  • rdt_enabled: Optional[bool] = None

    Enables or disabled support for RDT monitoring. (defaults to None(auto) based on platform capabilities)

  • gather_hw_mm_topology: Optional[bool] = None

    Gather hardware/memory topology based on dmidecode and ipmctl. (defaults to None(auto) based on dmidecode and ipmctl binaries availability)

  • extra_labels: Optional[Dict[Str, Str]] = None

    Additional labels attached to every metrics. (defaults to empty dict)

  • event_names: List[str] = []

    Perf counters to monitor. (defaults to not collect perf counters - empty list of events)

  • perf_aggregate_cpus: bool = True

    Should perf events collected for cgroups be aggregated (sum) by CPUs. (defaults to true, to limit number of exposed metrics)

  • enable_derived_metrics: bool = False

    Enable derived metrics ips, ipc and cache_hit_ratio. (based on enabled_event names, default to False)

  • uncore_event_names: List[str] = []

    Enable perf event uncore metrics. (defaults to None - automatic, if available enable)

  • task_label_generators: Optional[Dict[str, TaskLabelGenerator]] = None

    Component to generate additional labels for tasks. (optional)

  • allocation_configuration: Optional[AllocationConfiguration] = None

    Allows fine grained control over allocations. (defaults to AllocationConfiguration() instance)

  • wss_reset_cycles: Optional[int] = None

    Interval of resetting WSS (WorkingSetSize). (defaults to None, which means that metric is not collected at all, e.g. when set to 1 clear_refs will be reset every measurement iteration defined by global interval option.) If set to 0, referenced bytes will be collected but will not be reset in cycling manner.

  • wss_stable_cycles: int = 0

    Number of stable cycles after which "referenced bytes rate" is considered stable. Optionaly if postive and wss_reset_cycles is 0, then after stabilization period will reset "referenced bytes".

    It's behavior depends on wss_reset_cycles: - completly ignored if wss_reset_cycles is None (referenced bytes and WSS is disabled). - if "wss_reset_cycles" is set to special value "0" and "wss_stable_cycles" is positive then

    after achieving stability "referenced bytes" will be reset (to restart cycle).

    Can be specified as neagtive number which means that stabililty check is enabled but after stabilization the "referenced bytes" will not bet reset (relay on wss_reset_cycles to be positive and reset).

    Expressed in number of WCA measurements intervals (cycles). E.g. if global interval is set to 15s and wss_stable_cycles is set to 40 cycles, the "stability condition" is met in consecutive 40 cycles (about 600s = 10 minutes).

  • wss_membw_threshold: Optional[float] = None

    Value used to calculate threshold based on fraction of memory bandwidth (transferred bytes) to treat referenced value as stable and return WSS. Memory bandwidth multiplied by this value. None means condition is ignored and task_working_set_size_bytes metric will not be collected.

    E.g. 0.1 means membw * 0.1 = which equals to 10% of memory bandwidth.

  • include_optional_labels: bool = False

    Attach following labels to all metrics: sockets, cores, cpus, cpu_model, cpu_model_number and wca_version

  • zoneinfo: Union[Str, bool] = True

    By default when zoneinfo is enabled, all the metrics matching to '{name} {value}' will be collected. False means disable the collection.

    If string is provided it will be used as regexp to extract information from /proc/zoneinfo (only matching regexp will be collected). Regexp should contains two groups. When zoneinfo is True default value for this regexp can parse values like "nr_pages 1234".

  • vmstat: Union[Str, bool] = True

    By default when vmstat is enabled, all the metrics matching to '{name} {value}' will be collected. False means disable the collection.

    If string is provided it will be used as regexp to match key.

  • sched: Union[Str, bool] = False

    Responsible for collecting data from /proc/PID/sched metric: - task_sched_stat (lines with ':'), - task_sched_stat_numa_faults (numa_faults field). By default sched is enabled and all metrics (lines from /proc/PID/sched containg ':') will be collected. False means disable the collection.

    If string is provided it will be used as regexp to match key (string before ':')

Runner is responsible for getting information about tasks from node, calling allocate() callback on allocator, performing returning allocations and storing all allocation related metrics in allocations_storage.

Because Allocator interface is also detector, we store serialized detected anomalies in anomalies_storage and all other measurements in metrics_storage.

  • measurement_runner: MeasurementRunner

    Measurement runner object.

  • allocator: Allocator

    Component that provides allocation logic.

  • anomalies_storage: Storage = DEFAULT_STORAGE

    Storage to store serialized anomalies and extra metrics.

  • allocations_storage: Storage = DEFAULT_STORAGE

    Storage to store serialized resource allocations.

  • rdt_mb_control_required: bool = False

    Indicates that MB control is required, if the platform does not support this feature the WCA will exit.

  • rdt_cache_control_required: bool = False

    Indicates tha L3 control is required, if the platform does not support this feature the WCA will exit.

  • remove_all_resctrl_groups: bool = False

    Remove all RDT controls groups upon starting.

DetectionRunner extends MeasurementRunner with ability to callback Detector, serialize received anomalies and storing them in anomalies_storage.

  • measurement_runner: MeasurementRunner

    Measurement runner object.

  • allocator: AnomalyDetector

    Component that provides allocation logic.

  • anomalies_storages: Storage = DEFAULT_STORAGE

    Storage to store serialized anomalies.

Class to communicate with orchestrator: Mesos. Derived from abstract Node class providing get_tasks interface.

  • mesos_agent_endpoint: Url = ''

    By default localhost.

  • timeout: Numeric(1, 60) = 5

    Timeout to access kubernetes agent [seconds].

  • ssl: Optional[SSL] = None

    ssl object used to communicate with kubernetes

Class to communicate with orchestrator: Kubernetes. Derived from abstract Node class providing get_tasks interface.

  • cgroup_driver: CgroupDriverType = CgroupDriverType.CGROUPFS

    We need to know what cgroup driver is used to properly build cgroup paths for pods. Reference in source code for kubernetes version stable 1.13:

  • ssl: Optional[SSL] = None

    ssl object used to communicate with kubernetes

  • client_token_path: Optional[Path] = SERVICE_TOKEN_FILENAME

    Default path is using by pods. You can override it to use wca outside pod.

  • server_cert_ca_path: Optional[Path] = SERVICE_CERT_FILENAME

    Default path is using by pods. You can override it to use wca outside pod.

  • kubelet_enabled: bool = False

    If true use kubelet, otherwise kubeapi.

  • kubelet_endpoint: Url = ''

    By default use localhost.

  • kubeapi_host: Str = None

  • kubeapi_port: Str = None

  • node_ip: Str = None

  • timeout: Numeric(1, 60) = 5

    Timeout to access kubernetes agent [seconds].

  • monitored_namespaces: List[Str] = ["default"]

    List of namespaces to monitor pods in.

Outputs metrics encoded in Prometheus exposition format to standard error (default) or provided file (output_filename).

  • output_filename: Optional[Path] = None

    If set to None, then prints data to stderr.

  • overwrite: bool = False

    When set to True the output_filename file will always contain only last stored metrics.

  • include_timestamp: Optional[bool] = None

    Whether to add timestamps to metrics. If set to None while constructing (default value), then it will be set in the constructor to a value depending on the field overwrite:

    • with overwrite set to True, timestamps are not added (in order to minimise number of parameters needed to be set when one use node exporter),
    • with overwrite set to False, timestamps are added.
  • filter_labels: Optional[List[str]] = None

Storage for saving metrics in Kafka.

  • topic: Str

    name of a kafka topic where message should be saved

  • brokers_ips: List[IpPort] = ""

    list of addresses with ports of all kafka brokers (kafka nodes)

  • max_timeout_in_seconds: Numeric(0, 5) = 0.5

    if a message was not delivered in maximum_timeout seconds will throw FailedDeliveryException

  • extra_config: Dict[Str, Str] = None

    additionall key value pairs that will be passed to kafka driver e.g. {'debug':'broker,topic,msg'} to enable logging for kafka producer threads

  • ssl: Optional[SSL] = None

    secure socket layer object

Helper class to store metrics in multiple standard storages. Additionally filters can be provided to filter metrics which will be provided to storages.

  • storages: List[Storage]

    list of storages

  • filter: Optional[List[str]] = None

    list of filters

Dummy detector which does nothing.

Dummy allocator which does nothing.

  • cpu_quota_period: Numeric = 1000

    Default value for cpu.cpu_period [ms] (used as denominator).

  • cpu_shares_unit: Numeric = 1000

    Multiplier of AllocationType.CPU_SHARES allocation value. E.g. setting 'CPU_SHARES' to 2.0 will set 2000 shares effectively in cgroup cpu controller.

  • default_rdt_l3: Str = None

    Default resource allocation for last level cache (L3) for root RDT group. Root RDT group is used as default group for all tasks, unless explicitly reconfigured by allocator. None (the default value) means no limit (effectively set to maximum available value).

  • default_rdt_mb: Str = None

    Default resource allocation for memory bandwitdh for root RDT group. Root RDT group is used as default group for all tasks, unless explicitly reconfigured by allocator. None (the default value) means no limit (effectively set to maximum available value).

Simple implementation of Node that returns tasks based on provided list on tasks names.

Tasks are returned only if corresponding cgroups exists:

  • /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/(task_name)
  • /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/(task_name)
  • /sys/fs/cgroup/perf_event/(task_name)

Otherwise, the item is ignored.


  • tasks: List[Str]
  • require_pids: bool = False
  • default_labels: Dict[Str, Str] = {}
  • default_resources: Dict[Str, Union[Str, float, int]] = {}
  • tasks_labels: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]] = None
  • directory: Optional[Path] - automatic discovery extendes list of tasks

If directory is specified we will try to automaticaly watch over all existing directories there.

For fuller documentation please refer to NUMAAllocator documentation.

Allocator aims to minimize remote NUMA memory accesses for processes.

  • algorithm: NUMAAlgorithm = 'fill_biggest_first':
    • 'fill_biggest_first'

      Algorithm only cares about sum of already pinned task's memory to each numa node. In each step tries to pin the biggest possible task to numa node, where sum of pinned task is the lowest.

    • 'minimize_migrations'

      Algorithm tries to minimize amount of memory which needs to be remigrated between numa nodes. Into consideration takes information: where a task memory is allocated (on which NUMA nodes), which are nodes where the sum of pinned memory is the lowest and which are nodes where most free memory is available.

  • loop_min_task_balance: float = 0.0:

    Useful when autoNUMA used on system. Minimal value of task_balance so the task is not skipped during rebalancing analysis by default turn off, none of tasks are skipped due to this reason.

  • free_space_check: bool = False:

    If True, then do not pin task to node where there is not enough free memory.

  • migrate_pages: bool = True:

    If use syscall "migrate pages" (forced, synchronous migrate pages of a task)

  • migrate_pages_min_task_balance: Optional[float] = 0.95:

    Works if migrate_pages == True. Then if set tells, when remigrate pages of already pinned task. If not at least migrate_pages_min_task_balance * TASK_TOTAL_SIZE bytes of memory resides on pinned node, then tries to remigrate all pages allocated on other nodes to target node.

  • cgroups_memory_binding: bool = False:

    cgroups based memory binding

  • cgroups_memory_migrate: bool = False:

    cgroups based memory migrating; can be used only when cgroups_memory_binding is set to True

  • dryrun: bool = False:

    If set to True, do not make any allocations - can be used for debugging.

Simple allocator based on rules defining relation between task labels and allocation definition (set of concrete values).

The allocator reads allocation rules from a yaml file and directly from constructor argument (passed as python dictionary). Refer to configs/extra/static_allocator_config.yaml to see sample input file for StaticAllocator.

A rule is an object with three fields:

First field is just a helper to name a rule. Second field contains a dictionary, where each key is a task's label name and the value is a regex defining the matching set of label values. If the field is not included then all tasks match the rule. The third field is a dictionary of allocations which should be applied to matching tasks.

If there are multiple matching rules then the rules' allocations are merged and applied.


  • rules: List[dict] = None

    Direct way to pass rules.

  • config: Path = None

    Filepath of yaml config file with rules.

Common configuration for SSL communication.

  • server_verify: Union[bool, Path(absolute=True, mode=os.R_OK)] = True
  • client_cert_path: Optional[Path(absolute=True, mode=os.R_OK)] = None
  • client_key_path: Optional[Path(absolute=True, mode=os.R_OK)] = None

Generate new label value based on other label value.