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Connor Linfoot edited this page Jul 16, 2016 · 16 revisions

NOTE: This wiki page is still in progress. Information on here should work with the latest stable release of CratesPlus

CratesPlus has quite an extensive configuration file which allows you to customize many aspects of the plugin and it's behaviour. The overall structure is quite simple and admins/server owners should be able to learn it quite easily.

You can view an example configuration file here to also help you.

General Options

Below is a list of options which are in the config.yml and a explanation of what they do.

  • Config Version Used to keep track of what version of CratesPlus your configuration is from. Because we want to try our best to maintain update support we store this to know when we need to update your config to work in newer versions.
  • Metrics Whether or not the plugin should send data to the MC Stats website. These starts are used for information purposes so I know how many people are running the plugin and on which version.
  • Update Checks Whether the plugin should check for updates or not.
  • Update Branch Which "branch" the plugin should use for finding updates, either "spigot" for the latest stable releases or "snapshot" for the latest snapshot builds.
  • Default Opener What should be the default opener when opening crates, find a list of openers here.
  • Crate Protection Whether CratesPlus should protect crates being broken by non-admins.
  • Disable Key Swapping Whether key dropping, putting in chests etc should be disabled. Currently dying with this option also loses the key completely.
  • Default Hologram Text A list of lines which will be used by default for holograms above the crates.

Adding/Managing Crates

Within the CratesPlus config.yml there should be a "Crates" section where you can add crates in the format below:

  Knockback: 0.5
  Broadcast: false
  Firework: false
  Color: GREEN
  Preview: true
  Cooldown: 3
  Hide Percentages: true
  Permission: cratesplus.crate.cratename
    Name: '%type% Crate Key'
    Enchanted: true

Below is a list of each option valid for a crate and explanation of what they do.

  • Knockback Knocks the player back by this amount when they try to open a crate but don't have a key, set to 0 to disable.
  • Broadcast Whether or not it should send a server wide broadcast when the crate is opened by a player.
  • Firework Whether or not it should launch a random firework when the crate is opened by a player.

Adding/Managing Winnings


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