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Releases: CiscoSecurity/fp-05-firepower-cli

Packet Encoding Output Configuration

13 Dec 18:07
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Enabled configuration of output types for packet data (record type = 2), the following types are now supported in the estreamer.conf

*Hex (default)

configuration settings are case sensitive ('hex', 'ascii', 'utf-8')

To configure the packet data output type modify the 'packetEncoding' variable in the estreamer.conf, under subscriptions
estreamer.conf --> packet settings

Connection Event Label Changes - cef2 outputter

31 Aug 16:52
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Modified the cs5 and cs6 labels in the cef2 outputter to the following, urlCategory and url Reputation, also changes bytesIn and bytesOut to in/out per the cef standard.

VPN Event Support for CEF

17 Aug 19:17
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Created support for VPN events, Record Type 170 (logon), 171 (logoff) events in the CEF format

Removed Debugging Error

15 Aug 15:09
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Removed debugging error in binary adapter, updated support for VPN events on 6.2+

Connection Event API request

13 Jun 21:44
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Updated request flags to request latest block structure, block type 174, for connection events