Releases: CiscoSecurity/fp-05-firepower-cli
Packet Encoding Output Configuration
Enabled configuration of output types for packet data (record type = 2), the following types are now supported in the estreamer.conf
*Hex (default)
configuration settings are case sensitive ('hex', 'ascii', 'utf-8')
To configure the packet data output type modify the 'packetEncoding' variable in the estreamer.conf, under subscriptions
estreamer.conf --> packet settings
Connection Event Label Changes - cef2 outputter
Modified the cs5 and cs6 labels in the cef2 outputter to the following, urlCategory and url Reputation, also changes bytesIn and bytesOut to in/out per the cef standard.
VPN Event Support for CEF
Created support for VPN events, Record Type 170 (logon), 171 (logoff) events in the CEF format
Removed Debugging Error
Removed debugging error in binary adapter, updated support for VPN events on 6.2+
Connection Event API request
Updated request flags to request latest block structure, block type 174, for connection events