Daniel Jost: Engine Team Lead
- Responsible for keeping the engine team on track and progressing at a steady pace.
- Lead programmer for Spectral Robot Task Force.
Colden Cullen: Lead Engine(er)
- Responsible for core systems and developer experience.
- The creator of the engine.
Tyler Wozniak: External Developer Relations, Graphics Engineer
- Responsible for managing external contributors, as well as the deferred rendering systems and pipelines.
- Engine Team Lead for Spring 2014.
Brandon Littell: Lead UI Systems Engineer
- Responsible for the User Interface system, as well as some core systems.
- First implementing Awesomium and later CEF.
- Created engine states to give game creators flexibility in running different parts of the engine.
Eric Christenson: Graphics Engineer
- Responsible for deferred rendering and lights.
Sean Brennan: Lead Networking Engineer
- Responsible for Speed, the networking library used by Dash.
Timothy Reynolds: Lead Animation Engineer
- Responsible for Assimp integration, and animated transforms.
- Early contributor who helped with Linux builds and bug fixes.
- Early contributor who helped with Linux builds.