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812 lines (806 loc) · 47.4 KB

Word Roots


Roots Meaning
ac, acr, acu sour; sharp
act, ag act; drive
aero high; extreme
adip fat
aesthet feeling
(a)estiv summer
agogue leader
agon struggle
agr field
al nourish
alg pain
all other
alt high
alter, ali other
am love
ambul walk
ampl large
andr man; male
anem wind
ang strangle
angi vessel
angl angle
anim breath; mind
ann, enn year
anth flower
anthrop man
apt, ept fit
aqua water
arch begin; rule; chief
argu make clear
arm weapons
art skill; art
aster, astr star
athl contest; prize
atm vapor
audi hear
aug increase; make to grow
aur ear
aur gold
avi bird
ball dance
ban proclaim; forbid
band bind
bar, barr bar
bar pressure; weight
bas, bat go
bass low
bat beat
bath deep
bell beautiful
bell war
bib drink
bibli book
bio life
blanc white
blast bud
brac, brachi arm
brev short
bronch windpipe
burs bag
cad, cid, cas fall
cal heat
calc lime
camp field
cand white; glowing
cant sing
cap, capit head
cap, cip, cept, ceive take
car car
carbo coal; charcoal
card heart
carn flesh
carp fruit
cast throw
cast, chast pure
caul stalk
cause, cuse reason
caust, caut burn
cav hollow
cede, ceed, cess go; yield
cel heaven; sky
celer swift
cell small room; hide
cens assess
cent hundred
centr center
cerebr brain
cern, cret separate
cert sure
chel claw
chem chemical
chir, cheir hand
chlor green
chol bile
chondr gram; cartilage
chor dance
chrom color
chron time
chrys gold
cide, cise cut
cinct bind; gird
circ circle
cite call; urge
civi citizen
claim, clam cry
clar clear
claus, close, clud, clus close
clin, clim bend; slope
coct cook
coel hollow
coen, cen common
cogn, gnos know
col large intestine
col, cult till
coll neck
conch shell
copr dung
cord heart
corp body
cosm universe; order
count count
cover cover
cracy, crat rule; power
crani skull
cre, cresc make; grow
cred believe
cri judge
crim crime
cruc cross
cry cold
crypt hidden
cryst crystal
culp blame; guilt
cumb, cub lie (down)
cur, course run
cur, cure take care
curv curved
cuss strike; shake
cycl circle
cyst bladder
cyt cell
dactyl finger
damn damage
deb owe
dei, div god
dem people
dendr tree
dent tooth
derm skin
dextr right, skillful
dic proclaim
dict say
dign worthy
divid divide
doc teach
dog, dox opinion; praise
dol grieve; feel pain
dom house
dom, domin rule
don, dat give
dorm sleep
dors back
draw draw
dress direct; straighten
drom run; course
duce, duct lead
dur hard; last
dyn, dynam power
eco, oec house
ed eat
ego I; self
electr electric
empt take, buy
enter intestine
equ equal
erg, urg work
err wander; err
erythr red
ess be
ethn race
ev age
fa, fess speak
fac face
fac, fact, fect, fic make; do
fall, fals deceive
fare go
febr fever
fend strike
fer carry; bear
ferr iron
ferv boil
fest festival
fibr fiber
fict, fig form; shape
fid trust
fil thread
fili son
fin end; limit
firm firm
fix fasten
fla blow
flam, flagr flame; burn
flav yellow
flect, flex bend
flict strike
flor flower
flu, flux flow
foli leaf
form form
fort strong
fract, frag break
franc free
frater brother
front forehead
fug flee
fum smoke
fund, found base
fuse pour
gam marriage
gastr stomach
ge earth
gen produce; race
ger old
germ bud; seed
gest, ger carry
glob ball
gnath jaw
gon angle
gorg, gurg throat
grad, gress walk
gram, graph write
grand great
grat please
grav heavy
greg collect; flock
gyn woman
gyr circle
hab have
hagi holy
hal breathe
hal salt
hap luck
heli sun
helic spiral
hem blood
hepat liver
her heir
herb grass
here, hes stick
hibern winter
hist tissue
horr tremble
hum man
hum ground
hyal glass
hydr water
hyet rain
hygr wet
hypno sleep
hyps high
hyster womb
icon image
ident the same
ideo idea
idio personal; distinct
idol image
ign fire
insul island
it go
ject, jac throw
join, junct, jug join
journ day
jud judge
jur swear
just law; right
juven, jun young
lab, lep take; seize
labor work
lact milk
laps slip; glide
laryng windpipe
lat bring; bear
lat wide
later side
latry worship
lav, lu wash
lax loosen
lect, leg, lig choose; gather; read
leg law
leg send
leuc, leuk white
lev raise; light
levo left
liber free
liber, libr balance; weigh
libr book
lic be permitted
lig bind
lim, Iimin threshold
lin line; flax
lingu tongue; language
linqu, lict, lip leave
lip fat
liqu fluid
liter letter
lith stone
loc place
log, loqu, locut speak
logy study of
long long
lope run
luc, lust light
lud, lus play
lumin light
lys, lyt loosen
magn great
magnes, magnet magnesia; magnet
man stay
man, manu hand
mand order; entrust
mania madness
mar, mari sea
mark mark; boundary
matr mother
meas, mens measure
mechan machine
med heal
medi middle
melan black
mell honey
memor remember
men, mens month
ment mind
mer part
merc trade; reward
merg, mers sink; dip
meter, metr measure
migr remove; wander
milit soldier; fight
min jut; project
min small
minister serve
mir wonder; behold
misc, mix mix
mit, miss, mis send; let go
mod manner
mon advise; remind
monstr show
mor custom
morph form
mort death
mount mountain; ascend
mov, mot, mob move
mun service
mur wall
mut change
my muscle
myc fungus
myel marrow
myst mystery
narc numbness
nas, nar nose
nat, nasc be born
nau, nav ship
necro death; dead
nect bind
neg deny
nerv, neur nerve
neutr neither
nihil nothing
nitr niter
noc harm
noct night
nom law
nom, nomin name
norm rule; norm
not mark
nounce, nunci report
nov new
nucle nut
nul nothing
numer number; count
nutri nourish
ocul eye
od, hod way
od, ol smell
od song
onym name
oo, ov egg
oper work
ophthalm eye
opt eye; sight
opt choose
optim best
ora speak; pray
ordin order
ori rise; begin
orn decorate
oscill swing
oss, oste bone
oxy sharp; acid
pac peace
pact agree; fasten
pan bread
par appear
par bear
par equal
par prepare
part part
pass pass
pat, pass suffer
path feeling; suffering; disease
patr father
ped child
ped foot
ped ground
pel, puls drive
pen, pun punish
pend, pens, pond hang; weigh; pay
pept, peps digest
per try
pet, petit seek
petr rock
phag eat
phan appear; show
pharmac drug
pharyng throat
phe , phas speak
phil love
phobia fear
phon sound
photo light
phren mind
phyl race
phyll leaf
physi nature
phyt plant
pict paint
pil hair
plac please
plagi oblique
plain beat the breast
plan flat
plant plant
plas form
plaud strike; clap
ple, plei more
plen, plet fill; full
plex, plic, ply fold
plore cry
plus, plur more
pneum, pneumon breathe; lung
pod, pus foot
pol axis
polis, polit city; government
popul people
port carry
port gate; harbor
pos, pon place; put
pot, poss be able; power
pot, pos drink
prec pray
preci price
pred prey; plunder
prehend, pris seize
press press
prim, prin first
priv individual; deprive
prob test
propr one's own
prox, proach near
psych soul; mind
pto fall
pud be ashamed
pugn fight
pung, punct prick
pur pure
purg purify
pute think; prune
pyr fire
quer complain
quer, quest, quir, quisit seek; ask
qui quiet; rest
quit free; release
radi ray
radic root
rap snatch
ras, rad scrape
rat reckon; reason
rect right; straight
reg king, rule
ren kidney
rept creep
rhin nose
rhiz root
rid, ris laugh
rip, riv stream; bank
rob strong
rode, ros gnaw
rog ask
roll, rol roll
rot wheel; turn
rrhea flow
rud crude
rupt break
rur, rus country
sacr, sanct sacred
sal salt
sal, sil, sult leap
salut, san health
sanguin blood
sap be wise; taste
sat enough
scal ladder
scend climb
schiz split
sci know
scler hard
scop look
scrib, script write
scut shield
sect cut
sed, sid, sess sit
semin seed
sen old
sens, sent feel
sequ, secut, sue follow
sert join; put
serv serve; keep
sign mark
simil, simul, sembl like; same
sinu curve
sist stand
smith worker
soci companion; join
sol alone
sol sun
solid solid
solv, solut loosen
somn sleep
son sound
soph wise; wisdom
sort kind
spec, spect, spic see; look
sper hope
spers scatter
spher ball
spir breathe
splend shine
spond, spons promise
st(a), stit, stitu(t) stand; set up
stall place
stell star
steno narrow
stereo solid
stig, sting, stinct prick
still drop
stom mouth
ston slone
strat army
strat spread
string, strict draw tight
stroph turn
stru, struct build
suade, suas advise
sume, sumpt take
summ sum, highest
sur sure, secure
surge rise
tac silent
tail cut
tang, tact touch
tax, tact arrange
techn art; skill
tect builder
tect, teg cover
temper mix properly
tempor time
tempt try
ten, tin, tain hold; keep
tend, tens, tent stretch
tenu thin
terg back
term end; limit
terr earth
terr frighten
test witness
text weave
the(o) god
therap cure
therm heat
thes, thet place; put
tim fear
tom cut
ton tone
ton thunder
top place
tor, tort twist
tour turn
tox poison
tract draw
tribut pay; bestow
trich hair
trit rub
trop turn
troph nourish
trud, trus thrust; push
tuber swelling
tum swell
turb disturb
typh fever
ultim last
umbr shadow
und wave
ur tail
ur urine
urb city
us, ut use
vac, van, void empty
vade, vas go
vag wander
val, vail strong; worth
var(i) diverse; change
vas vessel
veh, vect carry
veloc fast
velop wrap
ven, vent come
venge avenge
vent wind
ver true
verb word
verg incline
verm worm
vers, vert turn
vest clothe; garment
vi, via, voy way
vic, vice substitution
vict, vinc conquer
vid, vis see
vig, veg lively
vit life
viv live
voc, voke voice; call
vol fly
vol will
volve, volut roll
vor eat
vulcan Vulcan
vulg common people
vulse pluck
war aware
wright worker
xen foreign
xer dry
xyl wood
zo animal
zyg yoke
zym leaven


Prefix Meaning
a- in; on
a- intensive
a-, an- not; without
ab- from; away from; off
ad- at; for; to
al- all
ambi- about; around; on both sides
amphi- around; on both sides
ana- up; back; again
ante- before(与 post- 相反)
anti- gainst; opposite to(与 pro- 相反)
apo- from; away; off
auto- self
be- make
be- cover with
be- upon
be- by
be- intensive
bene- well; good(与 male- 相反)
bi- double; two
by- secondary; beside
caco- bad
cata- down; downwards; fully
circum- around; round about
cis- on this side
com- together; with; wholly
contra- against
de- down; downward
de- apart; away; from
deca- ten
demi- half
di-, diplo- double; twice
dia- across; between; through
dicho- in two
dis- apart; away; not
duo- double; two
dys- bad
ecto- outside
en- at; in; into; near; on
endo- within
ennea- nine
ento- within
eo- dawn
epi- ainong; besides; to; upon
eso- within
eu- well
eury- wide
ex- fully; out of
exo- outside
extra- beyond
for- away from
fore- before
forth- towards
hecto- hundred
hemi- half
hendeca- eleven
hepta- seven
hetero- other; different
hexa- six
holo- whole
homo- same(与 hetero- 相反)
homo- human
hyper- above; beyond
hypo- under(与 hyper- 相反)
in- in; into; on
in- negative; not
infra- below
inter- between; among
intra-, intro- inward; within(与 extra- 相反)
iso- equal
kilo- thousand
macro- large; long
mal(e)- badly; ill(与 bene- 相反)
mega- large; million
meso- middle
meta- after; among; with
micro- small
milli- thousand; thousandth
mis- bad(ly); ill; wrong(ly)
miso- hate
mono- alone; single; sole
mult(i)- many; much
myria- countless; ten thousand
nano- dwarf
ne- negative; not
neo- new
non- not
novem-, non- nine
ob- at; against; before; near; over; towards
octa- eight
oligo- few
omni- all
ortho- straight; right
out- beyond; out
over- above; across; beyond
paleo- old
pan(to)- all
para- against; beside; beyond; contrary
pen- almost
penta- five
per- away; thoroughly; through
peri- around; round about
poly- many
post- after; behind(与 ante- 相反)
pre- before
pro- before; for; forth; forward
prot(o)- first
pseudo- false
quadr-, quart- four
quasi- as if
quinqu-, quint- five
re- again, back
retro- backward
se- apart; away
semi- half
sept- seven
sesqui- one-and-one-half
sex- six
step- orphaned
sub- under
super- above; over
syn- with; together
tele- far off
ter- three
tetra- four
trans- beyond; across; over
tri- three; threefold
twi- two
ultra- beyond
un- not
un- the reversal of an action
under- beneath; under
uni- one
up- up; aloft
with- against; back


Prefix Meaning