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Austere Grim edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 12 revisions

Frequently Asked Questions About Networking Games

Can I play you?

  • No. Thanks for the offer, but right now I don't have time. And the truth is I'm just not that good at magic really, the AI is a better opponent than me.

Can Mac Players play against Windows?

  • Yes! Forge is completely cross platform, as it's built in java the same software is running on every system, this allows cross platform compatibility; Android to Windows to MacOS/OSX... potentially anything that can run Java.

Note: Forge is not built for iOS, as iOS doesn't support or run java.

Can I play random players?

  • No. Network play is designed, currently, to play against someone you know. If you want to play against random people, you can make a request in the discord.

Why can't my friend connect?

  • There's three major reasons
  1. You're not on the same network and you're trying to use the local IP address. Please read the guide.
  2. You're on the same network and you're firewall isn't configured. Please read the guide.
  3. You're not on the same network and your ports aren't forwarded. Please read the guide.

Is it possible to play with people not on the same Wi-Fi?

  • Yes. There's two primary ways to handle this:
  1. On a home internet: Open and forward ports on your home router to your computer hosting the game.
  2. On public Wi-Fi hotspots or cell networks: Use a VPN to create a private network.
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