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Equipments and Items

Simisays edited this page Dec 2, 2023 · 33 revisions


Phoenix Charm

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone. Spellbook Content
  2. Location : Chandra's Temple

Phoenix Charm fullborder

Piper's Charm

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone.
  2. Location : Capital Cities
  3. Price : 4000 gold

Piper's Charm fullborder

Life Amulet

  1. Effect : +2 starting life
  2. Location : Capital Cities
  3. Price : 4000 gold


Chandra's Tome

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone. Spellbook Content
  2. Location : Chandra's Temple

Chandra’s Tome fullborder

Sleep Wand

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone.
  2. Location : Capital Cities
  3. Price : 4000 gold

Sleep Wand fullborder

Farmer's Tools

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone.
  2. Location : Capital Cities
  3. Price : 6000 gold

Farmer's Tools fullborder

Battle Standard

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone. and -1 starting life total
  2. Location : Goblin encampments



  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone.
  2. Location : Skep

Hivestone fullborder


  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone.
  2. Cost : 2500
  3. Location : Capital Cities

Bonesplitter fullborder

Bronze Sword

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone.
  2. Cost : 2500
  3. Location : Waste towns


Steel Sword

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone.
  2. Cost : 4500
  3. Location : Waste towns



  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone.
  2. Cost : 2500
  3. Location : Capital Cities



Iron Shield

  1. Effect : + 2 starting life total
  2. Location : Waste Town
  3. Cost : 3500

Steel Shield

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone
  2. Location : Waste Town
  3. Cost : 6500


Jungle Shield

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your battlefield zone
  2. Location : Capital cities
  3. Cost : 3500


Demonic Contract

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone.
  2. Location : Temple of Liliana

Demonic Contract fullborder

Hill Giant Club

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone.
  2. Location : Capital Cities
  3. Price : 2000 gold

Hill Giant Club fullborder

Cursed Treasure

  1. Effect : Extra card starting in your command zone.
  2. Location : Capital Cities
  3. Price : 4000 gold

Cursed Treasure fullborder


Leather Boots

  1. Effect : Movement speed + 15%.
  2. Location : Starting item on Easy and Medium difficulty

Iron Boots

  1. Effect : Movement speed + 20%.
  2. Location : Waste towns
  3. Price : 2000 gold

Steel Boots

  1. Effect : Movement speed + 20%. +1 starting life total
  2. Location : Waste towns
  3. Price : 4500 gold


Iron Armor

  1. Effect : +2 starting life total
  2. Location : Waste towns
  3. Price : 3000 gold

Steel Armor

  1. Effect : +3 starting life total
  2. Location : Waste towns
  3. Price : 5000 gold
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