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Austere Grim edited this page Sep 6, 2022 · 25 revisions

About Forge's Artificial Intelligence

The AI is not "trained". It uses basic rules and can be easy to overcome knowing it's weaknesses.

The AI is;

  • Best with Aggro and midrange decks
  • Poor to Ok in control decks
  • Pretty bad for most combo decks

If you want to train a model for the AI, please do. We would love to see something like that implemented in Forge.

AI matches from command line


forge.exe sim -d <deck1[.dck]> ... <deckX[.dck]> -D [path] -n [N] -f [F] -t [T] -p [P] -q

  • sim - "Simulation Mode" forces Forge to not start the GUI and automatically runs the AI matches in command line. Enables all other switches for simulation mode.
  • -d <deck1[.dck]> ... <deckX[.dck]> - Deck Files in -f game type path. (If -f is set to Commander, decks from <userdata>/decks/commander/ will be searched; if -f is not triggered default is <userdata>/decks/constructed/.). Names must use quote marks when they contain spaces.
    • deck1.dck - Literal deck file name, when the value has ".dck" extension.
    • deck - A meta deck name of a deck file.
  • -D [path] - [path] is absolute directory path to load decks from. (Overrides default format path for -d.)
  • -n [N] - [N] number of games, just flat test the AI multiple times. Default is 1.
  • -m [M] - [M] number of matches, best of [M] matches. (Overrides -n) Recommended 1, 3, or 5. Default is 1.
  • -f [F] - Runs [F] format of game. Default is "constructed" (other options may not work, list extracted from code)
    • Commander
    • Oathbreaker
    • TinyLeaders
    • Brawl
    • MomirBasic
    • Vanguard
    • MoJhoSto
  • -t [T] - for Tournament Mode, [T] for type of tournament.
  • -p [P] - [P] number of players, only used in tournament mode. Default is 2.
  • -q - Quiet Mode, only prints the result not the entire log.


To run a basic three games of two decks (deck1 and deck2 must be meta deck names of decks in <userdata>\decks\constructed):

  • Windows: .\forge.exe sim -d deck1 deck2 -n 3
  • Linux: ./ sim -d deck1 deck2 -n 3

To run a tournament, round robin, best of three, with six decks in a directory:

  • Windows: .\forge.exe sim -D C:\DecksFolder\ -m 3 -t RoundRobin -p 6
  • Linux: ./ sim -D /path/to/DecksFolder/ -m 3 -t RoundRobin -p 6

It's not really setup to work in "first to X wins" matches right now, although since the AI doesn't sideboard running 3 games should give you what you're looking for. I think this is wrong.

Additionally, it'll run in the background (not print to the command line) and outputs to the standard forge.log as it plays. I think this is wrong too, by default it outputs to stdout and to forge.log unless the -q switches is enabled.

Each game ends with an announcement of the winner, and the current status of the match.

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