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Stories in Ready

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An iOS chat app made for easy sharing of news, videos and images with your friends.


Table of Contents

  1. Requirements
  2. Usage
  3. Backend Development
  4. Contributing


  • Node 0.10.x
  • NPM
  • Xcode 7
  • Cocoapods
  • Docker
  • MySQL
  • Go



This is all done in the mobile/ios/Marshmallow directory:

  1. Installing Dependencies
pod install
  1. Open Marshmallow.xcworkspace in Xcode

  2. In Xcode open the file keys.example.plist, where it says KEY_HERE replace it with your Youtube API Key

  3. Now you can click build in Xcode and start using the app in the simulator


Before attempting to start the server, make sure you have the trends package in your Go workspace. Find the repo here.

  1. Go to the the server directory
  2. Fill out environment variables in docker-compose.yml.example
  3. Rename file docker-compose.yml.example to docker-compose.yml
  4. Activate docker machine
  5. Run docker-compose up

Backend Development

API Endpoints

POST /signup

Description: Creates a new user
Authentication Required: No

/* Request Body */
  “email”: STRING,
  “oauthToken”: STRING,
  “facebookId”: STRING
/* Response Body */
  "email": STRING,
  "facebookId": STRING

POST /login

Description: Authenticates a client by generating a token
Authentication Required: No

/* Request Body */
  “email”: STRING,
  “oauthToken”: STRING,
  “facebookId”: STRING

POST /userlist

Description: Given a list of facebook users, filter out the ones that are not signed up with marshamallow and return the list
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Request Body */
  “users”: [
    facebookIds (STRING) ...
/* Response Body */
  “users: [
    facebookIds (STRING) ...

POST /chat

Description: Creates a new chatroom for the given users. Needs at least two users in the users array
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Request Body */
  “users”: [
    facebookIds (STRING)
/* Response Body */
  “chatId”: STRING

GET /chat

Description: Retrieves list of chats the user is in
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Response Body */
      chatId: STRING,
      users: [facebookIds, ..]

POST /chat/:id

Description: Post a message to a chat
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Request Body */
  “text”: STRING,
  “youtubeVideoId”: STRING,
  “googleImageId”: STRING

GET /chat/:id

Description: Retrieve messages in a chat
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Response Body */
  “messages”: [
      userFacebookId: STRING,
      chatId: STRING,
      text: STRING,
      createdAt: ISO8601 STRING,
      youtubeVideoId: STRING,
      googleImageId: STRING,
      redditAttachment: {
        title: STRING,
        url: STRING,
        thumbnail: STRING
    }, ...

GET /messages?timestamp=

Description: Retrieve messages in all chats since time x (the timestamp param)
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Response Body */
  “messages”: [
      userFacebookId: STRING,
      chatId: STRING,
      text: STRING,
      createdAt: ISO8601 STRING,
      youtubeVideoId: STRING,
      googleImageId: STRING,
      redditAttachment: {
        title: STRING,
        url: STRING,
        thumbnail: STRING
    }, ...

GET /trends

Description: Retrieve trending links (from reddit)
Authentication Required: Yes

/* Response Body */
  “links”: [
      “url”: STRING,
      “thumbnail”: STRING,
      “title”: STRING
    }, ...

Backend Architecture

backend structure diagram

Database Schema

database schema

Installing Server Dependencies

From within the server directory:

$ npm install

Running Server-Side Tests

Before running any tests:

  1. Start the mysql server on your local machine
  2. Fill out the environment variables in env.json.example. JWT_SECRET can be any string.
  3. Rename the file .env.json.example to .env.json

To run unit tests, from within the server directory:

$ gulp test

To run server integration tests, from within server directory:

$ gulp server-integration-test


See for contribution guidelines.


A fun friendly chat app






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Contributors 4
