amount |
int |
The total amount, in cents |
[optional] |
amount_change |
int |
The change amount, in cents |
[optional] |
amountexvat |
int |
The total amount without vat, in cents |
[optional] |
barcodes |
list[Barcode] |
Barcodes that are found on the document |
[optional] |
currency |
str |
The three-letter currency code, as defined in ISO 4217, e.g. `EUR` |
[optional] |
customer_address |
str |
The address line of the customer, as written on the document |
[optional] |
customer_bank_account_number |
str |
The IBAN number of the customer. |
[optional] |
customer_bank_account_number_bic |
str |
The BIC associated with the IBAN number of the customer |
[optional] |
customer_city |
str |
[optional] |
customer_coc_number |
str |
The chamber of commerce number of the customer |
[optional] |
customer_country |
str |
The name of the country, as written on the document |
[optional] |
customer_email |
str |
[optional] |
customer_house_number |
str |
The house number of the customer. It will only be set if the customer address could be split into a street name and house number |
[optional] |
customer_municipality |
str |
[optional] |
customer_name |
str |
The name of the customer |
[optional] |
customer_number |
str |
A number used by the merchant to identify the customer |
[optional] |
customer_phone |
str |
[optional] |
customer_province |
str |
[optional] |
customer_reference |
str |
A reference to this document, given by the customer |
[optional] |
customer_street_name |
str |
The street name of the customer. It will only be set if the customer address could be split into a street name and house number |
[optional] |
customer_vat_number |
str |
The VAT number of the customer. It contains the two-letter country code, followed by a country-specific implementation of the VAT number. |
[optional] |
customer_website |
str |
[optional] |
customer_zipcode |
str |
The zipcode of the customer. Dutch postcodes are formatted as 1234 AB |
[optional] |
date |
str |
The purchase datetime as ISO string, E.g. `2019-07-01T16:46:00` |
[optional] |
document_language |
str |
The language of the document as a two-letter country code |
[optional] |
document_subject |
str |
The subject of the document |
[optional] |
document_type |
str |
[optional] |
hash |
str |
Unique hash of the receipt. |
[optional] |
hash_duplicate |
bool |
Whether we have seen the hash before for the current key. |
[optional] |
invoice_number |
str |
The number of the invoice |
[optional] |
invoice_type |
str |
[optional] |
lines |
list[ReceiptLineItem] |
[optional] |
matched_keywords |
list[MatchedKeyword] |
If keywords have been given in the userdata, matched_keywords will contain the id's of the keywords that matched, and their number of occurrences. |
[optional] |
matched_lineitems |
list[MatchedLineItemsReceipt] |
If keywords have been given for lineitems in the userdata, matched_lineitems will contain the id's of the keywords that matched, and the lineitems on which the matches were made. |
[optional] |
matched_purchase_order_id |
str |
The id of the purchase order from the user data |
[optional] |
merchant_address |
str |
The address line of the merchant, as written on the document |
[optional] |
merchant_bank_account_number |
str |
The IBAN bank account number of the merchant. |
[optional] |
merchant_bank_account_number_bic |
str |
The BIC associated with the IBAN bank account number of the merchant |
[optional] |
merchant_bank_domestic_account_number |
str |
The domestic bank account number of the merchant |
[optional] |
merchant_bank_domestic_bank_code |
str |
The domestic bank code of the bank account of the merchant |
[optional] |
merchant_chain_liability_bank_account_number |
str |
The IBAN bank account number of the merchant used for Chain Liability G-Account (Wet Ketenaansprakelijkheid G-rekening) |
[optional] |
merchant_city |
str |
[optional] |
merchant_coc_number |
str |
The chamber of commerce number of the merchant |
[optional] |
merchant_country |
str |
The name of the country, as written on the document |
[optional] |
merchant_country_code |
str |
The name of the country as two-letter country code |
[optional] |
merchant_email |
str |
[optional] |
merchant_house_number |
str |
The house number of the merchant. It will only be set if the merchant address could be split into a street name and house number |
[optional] |
merchant_id |
str |
The identifier of the merchant. It is only present if the merchant is found using a relation that was provided in the user_data object, or was provided in a user_data_set. |
[optional] |
merchant_main_activity_code |
str |
The main activity code of the merchant |
[optional] |
merchant_municipality |
str |
[optional] |
merchant_name |
str |
The name of the merchant |
[optional] |
merchant_phone |
str |
[optional] |
merchant_province |
str |
[optional] |
merchant_street_name |
str |
The street name of the merchant. It will only be set if the merchant address could be split into a street name and house number |
[optional] |
merchant_vat_number |
str |
The VAT number of the merchant. It contains the two-letter country code, followed by a country-specific implementation of the VAT number. |
[optional] |
merchant_website |
str |
[optional] |
merchant_zipcode |
str |
The zipcode of the merchant. Dutch postcodes are formatted as 1234 AB |
[optional] |
order_number |
str |
The order number |
[optional] |
package_number |
str |
Package number, usually found on packaging slips |
[optional] |
payment_auth_code |
str |
The transaction authorization code |
[optional] |
payment_card_account_number |
str |
The account number of the card that was used to complete the payment |
[optional] |
payment_card_bank |
str |
[optional] |
payment_card_issuer |
str |
Name of the party that issued the credit- or debit card |
[optional] |
payment_card_number |
str |
[optional] |
payment_due_date |
str |
Date on which the payment is due as ISO string, E.g. `2019-07-01T00:00:00` |
[optional] |
payment_slip_code |
str |
The full code of the payment slip |
[optional] |
payment_slip_customer_number |
str |
The customer number of the payment slip |
[optional] |
payment_slip_reference_number |
str |
The reference number of the payment slip |
[optional] |
paymentmethod |
str |
[optional] |
purchasedate |
str |
The purchase date as `yyyy-mm-dd` string, e.g. `2019-07-01` |
[optional] |
purchasetime |
str |
The purchase time as hh:mm:ss string, e.g. `16:46:00` |
[optional] |
raw_text |
str |
Original plain text of receipt. |
[optional] |
receipt_number |
str |
The receipt ticket number |
[optional] |
server |
str |
[optional] |
shop_number |
str |
A number that identifies the store in which the payment was processed. Usually found on EFT receipts. |
[optional] |
table_group |
str |
[optional] |
table_number |
str |
[optional] |
terminal_number |
str |
A number that identifies the terminal on which the payment was processed. Usually found on EFT receipts. |
[optional] |
transaction_number |
str |
The transaction number provided by the payment processor. Usually found on EFT receipts. |
[optional] |
transaction_reference |
str |
A transaction reference provided by the merchant |
[optional] |
vat_context |
str |
enum ,purchase_none,vat_relayed In case no vat was found, the vat context field may indicate a reason why no vat was found |
[optional] |
vatamount |
int |
The total VAT amount, in cents |
[optional] |
vatitems |
list[ReceiptVAT] |
[optional] |