ROSdyn_core is an Eigen-based Dynamics (header) library for robot chains.
See the instruction of the main page
Dynamics header library based on Eigen. With respect to KDL, it has two advantages: it is faster and it allows computing model regressor.
An example of usage can be found here
You need to include:
#include <rosdyn_core/primitives.h>
#include <rosdyn_core/urdf_parser.h>
Creating a chain
urdf::Model model;
Eigen::Vector3d grav;
grav << 0, 0, -9.806;
boost::shared_ptr<rosdyn::Chain> chain = rosdyn::createChain(model, base_frame,tool_frame,grav);
Initializing variables
unsigned int n_joints=chain->getActiveJointsNumber();
//joint positions
Eigen::VectorXd q(n_joints);
//joint velocity
Eigen::VectorXd Dq(n_joints);
//joint acceleration
Eigen::VectorXd DDq(n_joints);
// joint jerk
Eigen::VectorXd DDDq(n_joints);
Main methods:
// transform base_frame <- tool_frame
Eigen::Affine3d T_base_tool;
T_base_tool = chain->getTransformation(q);
// get the transforms for all the links
std::vector<Eigen::Affine3d,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Affine3d>> T_base_all_links;
T_base_all_links = chain->getTransformations(q);
// jacobian of tool_frame in base_frame
Eigen::Matrix6Xd jacobian_of_tool_in_base;
jacobian_of_tool_in_base.resize(6, chain->getActiveJointsNumber());
jacobian_of_tool_in_base = chain->getJacobian(q);
// inverse kinematics
Eigen::Affine3d T_base_tool; // desired transformation
Eigen::VectorXd seed; // initial seed
Eigen::VectorXd sol; // solution
if (chian->computeLocalIk(sol, T_base_tool, seed))
ROS_ERROR("no solution found");
// joint torque tau = joint_inertia_matrix*DDq+ tau_non_linear
Eigen::VectorXd tau(n_joints);
tau = chain->getJointTorque(q, Dq, DDq);
Eigen::MatrixXd joint_inertia_matrix;
joint_inertia_matrix = chain->getJointInertia(q);
// nonlinear joint torque (gravitational+Coriolis)
Eigen::VectorXd nonlinear_tau(n_joints);
Eigen::VectorXd gravitational_tau(n_joints);
// twist_of_tool_in_base: velocity twist of tool frame w.r.t. base_frame
// acc_twist_of_tool_in_base: acceleration twist of tool frame w.r.t. base_frame
// nonlinacc_twist_of_tool_in_base: non linear part of the acceleration twist of tool frame w.r.t. base_frame
// linacc_twist_of_tool_in_base: linear part of the acceleration twist of tool frame w.r.t. base_frame
// yerk_twist_of_tool_in_base: yerk twist of tool frame w.r.t. base_frame
// NOTE: twist_of_tool_in_base = [linear_velocity; angular_velocity]
// NOTE: acc_twist_of_tool_in_base = [linear_acceleration; angular_acceleration]
Eigen::Vector6d twist_of_tool_in_base;
Eigen::Vector6d acc_twist_of_tool_in_base;
Eigen::Vector6d nonlinacc_twist_of_tool_in_base;
Eigen::Vector6d linacc_twist_of_tool_in_base;
Eigen::Vector6d jerk_twist_of_tool_in_base;
linacc_twist_of_tool_in_base = chain->getDTwistLinearPartTool(q, DDq);
nonlinacc_twist_of_tool_in_base = chain->getDTwistNonLinearPartTool(q, Dq);
acc_twist_of_tool_in_base = chain->getDTwistTool(q, Dq, DDq);
jerk_twist_of_tool_in_base = chain->getDDTwistTool(q, Dq, DDq, DDDq);
// twists: velocity twists of all the links w.r.t. base_frame
// nonlinacc_twists: non linear part of the acceleration twists of all the links w.r.t. base_frame
// linacc_twists: linear part of the acceleration twists of all the links w.r.t. base_frame
// acc_twists: acceleration twists of all the links w.r.t. base_frame
// yerk_twists: yerk twists of all the links w.r.t. base_frame
std::vector< Eigen::Vector6d,Eigen::aligned_allocator<Eigen::Vector6d> > twists, nonlinacc_twists, linacc_twists, acc_twists, jerk_twists;
twists = chain->getTwist(q, Dq);
linacc_twists = chain->getDTwistLinearPart(q, DDq);
t_linacc_eigen += (ros::Time::now()-t0).toSec() * 1e6;
acc_twists = chain->getDTwist(q, Dq, DDq);
jerk_twists = chain->getDDTwist(q, Dq, DDq, DDDq);
rosdyn_core provides functionalities to rotate and/or translate twists and wrenches. spatial operator is described in "Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithms", Roy Featherstone (note that in the book, twists and wrenches have the angular part before the translational one).
NOTE: Dual operations are applied to wrench, only spatialRotation can be applied to twists and wrenches.
twist = [vx, vy, vz, wx, wy, wz]
vx, vy, vz translational velocity
wx, wy, wz angular velocity
wrench = [Fx, Fy, Fz, Tx, Ty, Tz]
Fx, Fy, Fz force vector
Tx, Ty, Tz torque vector
twist_of_a_in_b = twist representing the translation and angular velocity of the origin of frame a ( point of application ), expressed in frame b (reference frame)
wrench_of_a_in_b = wrench representing the force and torque applied in the origin of frame a ( point of application ), expressed in frame b (reference frame)
/* compute the skew-symmetric matrix of a vector
inline Eigen::Matrix3d skew(const Eigen::Vector3d& vec);
/* compute the vector from a skew-symmetric matrix
inline Eigen::Vector3d unskew(const Eigen::Matrix3d& mat);
* for twist
inline void spatialCrossProduct(const Eigen::Vector6d& vet1, const Eigen::Vector6d& vet2, Eigen::Vector6d* res);
* for twist
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialCrossProduct(const Eigen::Vector6d& vet1, const Eigen::Vector6d& vet2);
* TWIST: Change point of application from a to b without changing thereference frame b.
* translate the twist_of_a_in_b to the twist_of_c_in_b, where distance_from_a_to_c_in_b is the distance between the frames expressed in frame b
inline void spatialTranslation(const Eigen::Vector6d& twist_of_a_in_b, const Eigen::Vector3d& distance_from_a_to_c_in_b, Eigen::Vector6d* twist_of_c_in_b);
* TWIST: Change point of application from a to b without changing thereference frame b.
* translate the twist_of_a_in_b to the twist_of_c_in_b, where distance_from_a_to_c_in_b is the distance between the frames expressed in frame b
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialTranslation(const Eigen::Vector6d& twist_of_a_in_b, const Eigen::Vector3d& distance_from_a_to_c_in_b);
* TWIST: change the reference frame and change the point of application.
* Rototraslation twist_of_a_in_a to twist_of_b_b, applying the transformation T_b_c
inline void spatialTranformation(const Eigen::Vector6d& twist_of_a_in_a, const Eigen::Affine3d& T_b_a, Eigen::Vector6d* twist_of_b_in_b);
* TWIST: change the reference frame and change the point of application.
* Rototraslation twist_of_a_in_a to twist_of_b_b, applying the transformation T_b_a
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialTranformation(const Eigen::Vector6d& twist_of_a_in_a, const Eigen::Affine3d& T_b_a);
* WRENCH: Change point of application from a to b without changing thereference frame b.
* translate the wrench_of_a_in_b to the wrench_of_c_in_b, where distance_from_a_to_c_in_b is the distance between the frames expressed in frame b
inline void spatialDualTranslation(const Eigen::Vector6d& wrench_of_a_in_b, const Eigen::Vector3d& distance_from_a_to_c_in_b, Eigen::Vector6d* wrench_of_c_in_b);
* WRENCH: Change point of application from a to b without changing thereference frame b.
* translate the wrench_of_a_in_b to the wrench_of_c_in_b, where distance_from_a_to_c_in_b is the distance between the frames expressed in frame b
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialDualTranslation(const Eigen::Vector6d& wrench_of_a_in_b, const Eigen::Vector3d& distance_from_a_to_c_in_b);
* for wrench
inline void spatialDualCrossProduct(const Eigen::Vector6d& vet1, const Eigen::Vector6d& vet2, Eigen::Vector6d* res);
* for wrench
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialDualCrossProduct(const Eigen::Vector6d& vet1, const Eigen::Vector6d& vet2);
* WRENCH: change the reference frame and change the point of application.
* Rototraslation wrench_of_a_in_a to wrench_of_b_b, applying the transformation T_b_a
inline void spatialDualTranformation(const Eigen::Vector6d& wrench_of_a_in_a, const Eigen::Affine3d& T_b_a, Eigen::Vector6d* wrench_of_b_b);
* WRENCH: change the reference frame and change the point of application.
* Rototraslation wrench_of_a_in_a to wrench_of_b_b, applying the transformation T_b_a
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialDualTranformation(const Eigen::Vector6d& wrench_of_a_in_a, const Eigen::Affine3d& T_b_a);
* TWIST AND WRENCH: change the reference frame without change the point of application.
* Rotate twist_of_a_in_b to twist_of_a_c, applying the rotation rot_b_c (= T_b_c.linear())
* Rotate wrench_of_a_in_b to wrench_of_a_c, applying the rotation rot_b_c (= T_b_c.linear())
inline void spatialRotation(const Eigen::Vector6d& vec6_of_a_in_b, const Eigen::Matrix3d& rot_b_c, Eigen::Vector6d* vec6_of_a_in_c);
* TWIST AND WRENCH: change the reference frame without change the point of application.
* Rotate twist_of_a_in_b to twist_of_a_c, applying the rotation rot_b_c (= T_b_c.linear())
* Rotate wrench_of_a_in_b to wrench_of_a_c, applying the rotation rot_b_c (= T_b_c.linear())
inline Eigen::Vector6d spatialRotation(const Eigen::Vector6d& vec6_of_a_in_b, const Eigen::Matrix3d& rot_b_c);
inline void computeSpatialInertiaMatrix(const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Matrix3d>& inertia, const Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Vector3d> cog, const double& mass, Eigen::Ref<Eigen::Matrix<double, 6, 6>> spatial_inertia);