From 4d9cf31af16d79a87e845a5971f5d42714ba1c9a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Tony Craig Date: Fri, 9 Apr 2021 20:02:49 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] update onyx batch settings (#596) --- configuration/scripts/cice.batch.csh | 11 ++++++++++- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/configuration/scripts/cice.batch.csh b/configuration/scripts/cice.batch.csh index 60073abfd..902abb56b 100755 --- a/configuration/scripts/cice.batch.csh +++ b/configuration/scripts/cice.batch.csh @@ -105,11 +105,20 @@ cat >> ${jobfile} << EOFB EOFB else if (${ICE_MACHINE} =~ onyx*) then +# special for onyx with 44 cores per node and constraint on mpiprocs +set tpn1 = ${taskpernode} +if (${taskpernode} < 44) set tpn1 = 22 +if (${taskpernode} < 22) set tpn1 = 11 +if (${taskpernode} < 11) set tpn1 = 4 +if (${taskpernode} < 4) set tpn1 = 2 +if (${taskpernode} < 2) set tpn1 = 1 +@ nn1 = ${ntasks} / ${tpn1} +if (${nn1} * ${tpn1} < ${ntasks}) @ nn1 = $nn1 + 1 cat >> ${jobfile} << EOFB #PBS -N ${ICE_CASENAME} #PBS -q ${queue} #PBS -A ${acct} -#PBS -l select=${nnodes}:ncpus=${maxtpn}:mpiprocs=${taskpernode} +#PBS -l select=${nn1}:ncpus=${maxtpn}:mpiprocs=${tpn1} #PBS -l walltime=${batchtime} #PBS -j oe ###PBS -M