runner.dialect = scala212

# Version is required to make sure IntelliJ picks the right version
version = 3.4.3
preset = default

# Max column
maxColumn = 100

# This parameter simply says the .stripMargin method was not redefined by the user to assign
# special meaning to indentation preceding the | character. Hence, that indentation can be modified.
assumeStandardLibraryStripMargin = true
align.stripMargin = true

# Align settings
align.preset = none
align.closeParenSite = false
align.openParenCallSite = false
danglingParentheses.defnSite = false
danglingParentheses.callSite = false
danglingParentheses.ctrlSite = true
danglingParentheses.tupleSite = false
align.openParenCallSite = false
align.openParenDefnSite = false
align.openParenTupleSite = false

# Newlines
newlines.alwaysBeforeElseAfterCurlyIf = false
newlines.beforeCurlyLambdaParams = multiline # Newline before lambda params
newlines.afterCurlyLambdaParams = squash # No newline after lambda params
newlines.inInterpolation = "avoid"
newlines.avoidInResultType = true
optIn.annotationNewlines = true

# Scaladoc = Asterisk # Javadoc style
docstrings.removeEmpty = true
docstrings.oneline = fold
docstrings.forceBlankLineBefore = true

# Indentation
indent.extendSite = 2 # This makes sure extend is not indented as the ctor parameters

# Rewrites
rewrite.rules = [AvoidInfix, Imports, RedundantBraces, SortModifiers]

# Imports
rewrite.imports.sort = scalastyle
rewrite.imports.groups = [
rewrite.imports.contiguousGroups = no
importSelectors = singleline # Imports in a single line, like IntelliJ

# Remove redundant braces in string interpolation.
rewrite.redundantBraces.stringInterpolation = true
rewrite.redundantBraces.defnBodies = false
rewrite.redundantBraces.generalExpressions = false
rewrite.redundantBraces.ifElseExpressions = false
rewrite.redundantBraces.methodBodies = false
rewrite.redundantBraces.includeUnitMethods = false
rewrite.redundantBraces.maxBreaks = 1

# Remove trailing commas = "never"