language: python python: - "3.5" #- "3.6" # PyPy versions - "pypy-5.3.1" before_install: # - mysql -u root -e 'CREATE DATABASE kisschat' # - mysql -u root -e 'update mysql.user set password=PASSWORD("matreshka") where User='root'; - mysql -u root -e 'CREATE USER 'kiss'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY "matreshka"; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON * . * TO 'kiss'@'localhost';' - mysql -u kiss -pmatreshka -e 'CREATE DATABASE kisschat' - openssl aes-256-cbc -K $encrypted_5cbd2f819ea7_key -iv $encrypted_5cbd2f819ea7_iv -in dd.enc -out dd -d - chmod 400 ./dd # command to run tests script: - pwd # Integration testing # - mysql -u root # - mysql -u root -ppassword # - mysql -u root -pletmein - ./ # - python3 # command to install dependencies install: - pip3 install . - pip3 install -r requirements.txt # - pip3 install tornado - sudo -H python install after_success: - ifconfig - echo $test_var - ./ # - kisschat -a