Based upon the Wunderground API this module allows to
- upload weather data from a PWS (personal weather station)
- download weather data from a PWS based upon the station ID
- download a highlevel forecast
- download a detail foreast in 12h segments - max 5 days based upon geo data
An API key (new):
IMPORTANT: This creation of the key will only be available post a first upload of weather data - outside temperature should be enough.
IP-Symcon from Version 4.x
Via Module-Control using the following URL:
Add the Instance "WundergroundPWSSync" - manufacturer is "Other"
- Upload of weatherdata to Wunderground
- Login via Station ID and API Key
- Picklist with local sensor data
- Upload configurable in seconds
- Update using the new Wunderground API
- Login via new API key
- Download of a high level forecast of up to 5 days (based on API key and Geodata)
- Download of a detail weather forecast in 12h segments ((7am - 7pm day / 7pm - 7am night) - Timer runs at 7 am and 7pm
- Download of current weather data from another PWS based upon the station ID
- Detail weather is configurable (carefull - if all is selected, over 200 variables will be created)
- Timer for Upload configurable in seconds
- Timer for Forecast runs at 7:05 and by default every 12h (configurable in hours)
- Timer for downloading data is configurable in minutes
- Possibility to download the raw data in a JSON file
- Test function for all 3 segments
- New cloud cover is provided in the detail forecast
- New download of weather data is seperate from upload using a second station ID (allowing to enrich local data from another PWS)
- New possibility to select windspeed in m/s or km/h to e.g. support the Homematic OC3 Weather Station
- Bugfix when downloading from another station
- Change for timer now runs hourly internal (change required to get the module into the module store - in case the existing time does not get deleted please do so manually)
- Bugfix profile for weather download now in kmh
- Change CURL timer set to 10 seconds
Sometime not all data points are fill by the WU API turning those value into NULL - in this case the module will keep the already existing data. The maximum number of calls is 1500 per day or 30 per minute for downloading data Komplette Doku für API:
Complete documentation at Wunderground: