All notable changes to the COBOL Control Flow extension are documented in this file.
- Bug fixes
- Bug fixes
- Readme update
- Support for 'GOBACK' statement
- Support for 'EXIT PARAGRAPH' statement
- Support for 'PERFORM THRU' statement
- Bug fixes
- EXIT SECTION statement fix and SECTION search update in engine
- Bug fixes
- Remove graph generation menu for copybooks.
- Fix graph for EXEC CICS RETURN statement.
- Fix graph for AT END read file statement.
- COBOL Language Support or a similar COBOL extension is now required to detect COBOL files.
- Bug fixes
- Readme update
- New error and warning messages
- Bug fixes
- Readme update
- Fix missing paragraphs on the graph
- Increase accuracy of the graph
- Modified error and warning messages
- Bug fixes
- Readme update
- Copybook support
- New control flow graph analysis logic
- Unreachable paragraphs and sections no longer shown on the graph
- Code to node highlight added with selected node being centralized in the graph
- Buttons added to expand the entire graph or collapse nodes which are not in the selected path
- Modified error and warning messages
- Added error log file in the extension's folder
- Initial release