Closed Issues
- Add information required to pip install (#70)
- Switch to PowerSimData indices mapping (#91)
- Create mapping/unmapping functions for storage candidates (#99)
- Add README (#100)
- Inputs are prepared with gen_full_load_heat_rate equal to 0 (#117)
Merged pull requests (features)
- feat: create Grid from Switch results (#97) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add storage candidate buses to Switch input preparation (#101) (@danielolsen)
- feat: recover storage indices from Switch generator build/dispatch decisions (#102) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add storage expansion results to Grid (#104) (@danielolsen)
- feat: create full-dimension input profiles from Switch inputs and resulting Grid (#107) (@danielolsen)
- feat: extract pg pf from Switch results (#108) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add function to create MockScenario objects from Switch inputs/outputs (#109) (@danielolsen)
- feat: save all inputs in standardized locations, use on extract (#111) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add functions to extract duals in SwitchExtract class (#116) (@BainanXia)
- fix: ensure that no fueled generators with zero heat rate can be built (#118) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add functions to extract time series storage results in SwitchExtract class (#119) (@BainanXia)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc)
- chore: add files to enable pip install (#95) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: distribute branch upgrades among parallel paths (#106) (@danielolsen)
- chore: remove setup.cfg, move information to setup.p (#110) (@danielolsen)
- doc: add README, license, docstring information (#114) (@danielolsen)
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2