Releases: Breakthrough-Energy/SwitchWrapper
Releases · Breakthrough-Energy/SwitchWrapper
Closed Issues
- Add information required to pip install (#70)
- Switch to PowerSimData indices mapping (#91)
- Create mapping/unmapping functions for storage candidates (#99)
- Add README (#100)
- Inputs are prepared with gen_full_load_heat_rate equal to 0 (#117)
Merged pull requests (features)
- feat: create Grid from Switch results (#97) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add storage candidate buses to Switch input preparation (#101) (@danielolsen)
- feat: recover storage indices from Switch generator build/dispatch decisions (#102) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add storage expansion results to Grid (#104) (@danielolsen)
- feat: create full-dimension input profiles from Switch inputs and resulting Grid (#107) (@danielolsen)
- feat: extract pg pf from Switch results (#108) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add function to create MockScenario objects from Switch inputs/outputs (#109) (@danielolsen)
- feat: save all inputs in standardized locations, use on extract (#111) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add functions to extract duals in SwitchExtract class (#116) (@BainanXia)
- fix: ensure that no fueled generators with zero heat rate can be built (#118) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add functions to extract time series storage results in SwitchExtract class (#119) (@BainanXia)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc)
- chore: add files to enable pip install (#95) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: distribute branch upgrades among parallel paths (#106) (@danielolsen)
- chore: remove setup.cfg, move information to setup.p (#110) (@danielolsen)
- doc: add README, license, docstring information (#114) (@danielolsen)
Full Changelog: v0.1...v0.2
Closed Issues
- generation_projects_info.csv (SWITCH2.0) (#1)
- gen_build_predetermined.csv (SWITCH2.0) (#2)
- gen_build_costs.csv (#3)
- financials.csv (#4)
- fuels.csv (#5)
- fuel_cost.csv (#6)
- non_fuel_energy_sources (#7)
- loads.csv (#8)
- trans_params.csv (#9)
- transmission_lines.csv (#10)
- loads.csv (#11)
- variable_capacity_factors.csv (#12)
- timepoints and timeseries (#13)
- periods.csv (#15)
- Switch2 input processing (#18)
- Add PowerSimData as a dependency for testing purposes (#24)
- Eastern scenarios cannot be converted (#38)
- Fix dependencies (#48)
- Create Switch launch script (#52)
- Add a feature to apply timestamp-to-timepoint mappings to profiles to create input temporal data (#55)
- Add user-facing function which kicks off all input preparation (#62)
- ValueError: The value=('g10390', 2019) violates the validation rule of set=GEN_BLD_YRS (#75)
- Pyomo fails during model solve stage (#80)
Merged pull requests (features)
- feat: add function to create data frame for trans_params file (#19) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add function to create data frame for load_zones file (#20) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add function to create data frame for financials file (#21) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add function to create data frame for fuels file (#22) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add function to create data frame for periods (#25) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add function to create data frame for gen_build_costs (#26) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add function to create data frame for non-fuel energy sources (#27) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add function to create data frame for fuel_cost (#32) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add functions to create data frame for transmission_lines (#33) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add function to create data frame for generation_projects_info (#35) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add logic to build_gen_build_predetermined function (#36) (@BainanXia)
- feat: add logic to build_loads function (#61) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add logic to build_timeseries function (#63) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add logic to build_variable_capacity_factors function (#64) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add main user-facing script which launches all input preparation (#71) (@danielolsen)
- feat: write version identifier for Switch (#76) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add function to write modules.txt file (#77) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add call script (#84) (@danielolsen)
- feat: save grid in pickle file for use in output processing (#86) (@danielolsen)
- feat: merge mvp branch into develop (#89) (@danielolsen)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc)
- chore: add skeleton of grid_to_switch function (#17) (@danielolsen)
- chore: add feature request template (#23) (@danielolsen)
- fix: change type of const.fuels from set to list (#28) (@danielolsen)
- fix: pass required bus parameter to build_load_zones (#29) (@danielolsen)
- fix: run os.makedirs on outputfolder for robustness (#30) (@danielolsen)
- fix: cleanup of gen_build_costs logic (#31) (@danielolsen)
- chore: add bug_report issue template (#34) (@danielolsen)
- Add ci workflows (#37) (@jon-hagg)
- chore: add entries to fuel_mapping to cover 'dfo' and 'other' types (#53) (@danielolsen)
- chore: update requirements to include switch, specific versions, and add Pipfile info (#54) (@danielolsen)
- feat: add skeleton for applying temporal mapping to inputs (#56) (@danielolsen)
- doc: add docstring to grid_to_switch (#57) (@danielolsen)
- chore: add pull request template (#58) (@danielolsen)
- fix: correct column co2_intensity entry in fuels.csv (#59) (@YifanLi86)
- fix: correct a few file name and column names/orders to compliant with SWITCH input format (@YifanLi86)
- fix: correct column order for loads.csv (#72) (@danielolsen)
- fix: assign heat rates of '.' for variable and geothermal type plants (#73) (@danielolsen)
- fix: correct bug when setting index name (#74) (@danielolsen)
- fix: add 'g' to beginning of predetermined gen build indices (#78) (@danielolsen)
- fix: don't write fuel costs for non-fuels (e.g. geothermal) (#79) (@danielolsen)
- fix: change type of AC lines indices to be str to match DC lines (#81) (@danielolsen)
- fix: replace capacity limit values for existing generators with '.' (#82) (@danielolsen)
- refactor: rename folder parameter of prepare_inputs function (#85) (@danielolsen)