Closed Issues
Refactor Mock objects to make it capable to take alias calls for scenario object (#434 )
Merged pull requests (features)
feat: add substation transmission capacity calculation (#500 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: enable retrieval of pf and dcline_pf from MockAnalyze (#502 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: allow state method passthrough in MockScenario objects (#503 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: calculate interzone capacity (#504 ) (@ywang303 )
feat: add base_grid input to investment cost calculation functions (#506 ) (@danielolsen )
feat: deduplicate interconnect passed to grid constructor (#510 ) (@jon-hagg)
Merged pull requests (fixes, etc.)
chore: add pf input to MockAnalyze (#501 ) (@danielolsen )
refactor: add compare module, move Grid/Scenario check functions from PostREISE to PowerSimData (#507 ) (@danielolsen )
ci: code coverage reporting (#508 ) (@jon-hagg)
ci: fix yaml and add codecov badge (#509 ) (@jon-hagg)
refactor: move PostREISE helper functions to PowerSimData (#512 ) (@danielolsen )
doc: add docstring for kind param in export_transformed_profile (#515 ) (@danielolsen )
chore: bump version number to v0.4.3 (#516 ) (@danielolsen )
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