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Build requirements

This file lists the build requirements for different BoB robotics modules and sample projects.


On Linux, the earliest supported version of gcc is 5.x. For Windows, Visual Studio 2015 or newer is required.


You must use version 3.X or later of GeNN. Stable releases of GeNN can be downloaded from However some models in this repository may require the lastest version from the Github repository: It should also be passed to genn-buildmodel using the -i command line argument when building networks using the models in the genn_models folder i.e. -i $BOB_ROBOTICS_PATH on *nix or genn-buildmodel.bat -i %BOB_ROBOTICS_PATH% on Windows.


OpenCV v3+ is required for most BoB robotics projects. Note that the libopencv package in Ubuntu 16.04 is only version 2.4, so you will have to build from source or find a working OpenCV v3 PPA. Also note that the OpenCV package in Ubuntu is not compiled with CUDA support (this is required for ant_world), so if you want this feature you will have to build it from source.

On Ubuntu 18.04, you can install OpenCV with:

sudo apt install libopencv-dev

Installation instructions for NVIDIA Jetson TX1 can be found here.


Intel's TBB is a library for parallelism.

On Ubuntu it can be installed with:

sudo apt install libtbb-dev


Libantworld and the ant_world_test example require OpenGL, GLEW and SFML.

These can be installed on Ubuntu with:

sudo apt install libglew-dev libsfml-dev

Linux headers

Header files for the currently running kernel are required for the I2C interface code and the See3CAM_CU40 module.

These can be installed on Ubuntu with:

sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)


The I2C interface requires Linux headers (as mentioned above) and for Ubuntu 18.04 libi2c is additionally required (but not Ubuntu 16.04, for some reason).

Install with:

sudo apt install libi2c-dev

Parrot's SDK (ARSDK)

This module requires that Parrot's SDK is installed and that the ARSDK_ROOT environment variable points to the folder where it was downloaded.

There are build instructions below (adapted from Parrot's website).

# install dependencies
sudo apt install repo git build-essential autoconf libtool python python3 libavahi-client-dev libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev libavutil-dev zlib1g-dev

# download SDK sources
mkdir arsdk
cd arsdk
repo init -u -m release.xml
repo sync

# build SDK
./ -p arsdk-native -t build-sdk -j

# add ARSDK_ROOT environment variable to your .profile
echo export ARSDK_ROOT=$PWD >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile