# Vue 2  Scrollbar

The Simplest Scroll Area Component with custom scrollbar for [Vue 2](https://vuejs.or). It's based on [react-scrollbar](https://github.com/BosNaufal/react-scrollbar). All animation, Height and Width are pure CSS, So it's TOTALLY **CUSTOMIZABLE** and **RESPONSIVE**! YEAH!.


## Install
You can import [vue-scrollbar.vue](./src/js/components/vue-scrollbar.vue) to your vue component file like [this](./src/js/components/app.vue) and process it with your preprocessor.

You can install it via NPM
npm install vue2-scrollbar

Or Just put it after Vue JS~
<script src="https://vuejs.org/js/vue.min.js"></script>
<script src="./dist/vue2-scrollbar.js"></script>
  // Don't Forget to register it
  new Vue({
    components: {
      scrollbar: Vue2Scrollbar

## Import Style
Don't forget to import vue 2 css. You can link it via html
<link rel="stylesheet" href="vue2-scrollbar/dist/style/vue2-scrollbar.css">

Or You can import it using commonJS


Its style is very customizable. You can put any CSS over it. And You can add custom class via its prop.

## Import Module
import ScrollBar from 'vue2-scrollbar'
// Or
var ScrollBar = require('vue2-scrollbar');

## Usage

    <vue-scrollbar classes="my-scrollbar" ref="Scrollbar">
      <div class="scroll-me">
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="kolom"></div>
        <div class="clearfix"></div>


  import VueScrollbar from 'vue2-scrollbar';

  // It's required to set min height of the scrollbar wrapper

  export default {
    components: { VueScrollbar },



## Props
##### clasess (String)
Just the ordinary class name for styling the wrapper. So, It's TOTALLY **CUSTOMIZABLE!**
/*The Wrapper*/
  width: 35%;
  min-width: 300px;
  max-height: 450px;

/*The Content*/
  min-width: 750px;

##### style (Object)
If you prefer to use inline style to styling the scrollbar, you can pass the styling object to this props.

this.styling = {

  /* Scrollbar */
  scrollbar: {
    width: "35%",
    minWidth: "300px",
    maxHeight: "450px"


<vue-scrollbar :style="styling.scrollbar"></vue-scrollbar>

##### speed (Number)
The wheel step in pixel. The default is 53 pixel per wheel.

##### onMaxScroll (type: Function, return: Object)
Applied when the scrollbar in the max vertical or max horizontal scrolling. Make a possibility to add some *load more* feature or infinite scroll
// Examples
handleMaxScroll(direction) {
<vue-scrollbar :onMaxScroll="handleMaxScroll"></vue-scrollbar>

## Methods
You can do some methods by accessing the component via javascript.

##### scrollToY(y)
To scroll the scrollbar to the Y
// Examples
someMethod() {

##### scrollToX(x)
To scroll the scrollbar to the X
// Examples
someMethod() {

## Thank You for Making this useful~

## Let's talk about some projects with me
Just Contact Me At:
- Email: [bosnaufalemail@gmail.com](mailto:bosnaufalemail@gmail.com)
- Skype Id: bosnaufal254
- twitter: [@BosNaufal](https://twitter.com/BosNaufal)

## License
Copyright (c) 2016 - forever Naufal Rabbani