This specification is intended to meet a variety of needs, depending on their level of comfort with the material involved. In order of precedence, the goal of this specification is to meet the needs of:
- Node Developers
- Provide all the details necessary to write a Bitcoin Cash Node implementation from scratch.
- Provide a common space for documenting changes as they occur to continually represent a current model of the Bitcoin Cash protocol
- Provide each node implementation with an opportunity to describe what they do different and why
- Script Developers
- Provide all the details necessary to gain a complete understanding of script execution and the available scripting operations
- Provide examples of commonly used scripts and an explanation of the patterns with which they are created
- Bitcoin Cash Service Providers
- Provide information on how to create and submit transactions to the Bitcoin Cash network
- Provide information on how to collect and parse information about the state of the Bitcoin Cash blockchain and network
- Wallet Developers
- Interested Non-Technical Parties
- Provide a high-level description of the major terms and concepts required to understand how Bitcoin Cash operates and its current operational state
- Provide insight into how Bitcoin Cash differs from Bitcoin Core