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File metadata and controls

114 lines (84 loc) · 8.04 KB


This file includes explanation about the extraction algorithm and how the algorithm is implemented in python. A sample minimum viable product (MVP) implementation of this algorithm is located here.


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This utility takes the Incident PDF file URL as the input and returns the summary of Incident Natures found and their counts from the given PDF. The extraction process is as follows. Process-Flow.png

Explanation about each module can be found later down the document (or follow the below quick links).

Downloader contains the code to perform the following tasks.

  1. Download the Incidents PDF from the given URL into a temporary file and
  2. Extract the Incidents data (as two-dimentional list) from the temporary file.

This file contains the following funtions.

fetch_incidents(url) -> list

This function used built-in urllib to reach out to the given resource URL and tries to get the resource as bytes. Then we store the bytes in a temporary file created using built-in tempfile package.

There is a possibility of supplying invalid URL to the utility. In doing so urllib raises an exception from utllib.error or ValueError exception if the URL has invalid schema (http protocol).

extract_incidents(temp_file) -> list

The above function fetch_incidents depends on extract_incidents to create an unparsed 2-dimentional list containing incidents from each page using python's built-in re package and third-party PyPDF2 package. This function performs the following tasks.

  1. Read all pages content using PyPDF2 and create an unparsed, unformatted string.


  2. There is some unnecessary content which is not incident data (like table headers, PDF titles). The function uses re to remove those unwanted content using re.sub.


  3. Later, using re.sub the utility add a row sperator \n;; between each row.


  4. Finally, the utility uses re.findall to extract all rows from the file using two seperate regular expressions which uses the special row seperator \n;;.

    • Extracts rows with either all 5 columns present or 4 columns present using (\d+/\d+/\d{4}.\d+:\d\d)\n(\d{4}-\d{8})\n([\w,\.;#\'<>&\(\) /-]*)\n([\w /]*)\n([\w /]*)\n;;
    • Extracts rows with location and nature column data missing using (\d+/\d+/\d{4}.\d+:\d\d)\n(\d{4}-\d{8})()()\n([\w /]*)\n;;

Regular expressions explanation

Each row of incidents file contains Date Time, Incident Number, Location, Incident Nature and Incident ORI. Each column of the row has unique characteristics based on which the above regular expression was derived. Those characteristics are as follows.

Column Name Regular Expression Example Values Comment
Date Time \d+/\d+/\d{4}.\d+:\d\d 2/1/2022 0:04 Fixed datetime format
Incident Number \d{4}-\d{8} 2022-00001588 Fixed format
Location [\w,\.;#\'<>&\(\) /-]* 2113 GODDARD AVE, W MAIN ST / 24TH AVE SW, 35.2046561833333;-97.4720664 Contains numbers, alphabets (uppercase), spaces and special characters (including ,.;#<>'&()-). This Sample File contains some such possible special characters
Nature [\w /]* Traffic Stop, Disturbance/Domestic Contains alphabets (lowercase and uppercase) along with space and slash (/) special character
Incident ORI [\w /]* OK0140200, EMSSTAT, 14005 Contains alphabets (uppercase) and numbers

Parser converts the 2-dimentional list of incidents data into Incident python class objects, which is used later down the extraction process.

This file contains the following class and funtion.

class Incident

This class models each incident row. This class contains __eq__ which is used by python when equality == operator is applied between two different Incident objects.

extract_incidents(raw_incidents) -> list[Incident]

This function goes through each raw incident in the raw_incidents and create an Incident object. Which is stored in a list to be returned along with other parsed incidents

Storer contains the code to perform the following functionalities.

  1. Abstracts the database functionality of creating, adding and retrieving incident data and
  2. Create the database abstraction

This file contains the following class and funtions.

create_db() -> NormanPdDb

create_db creates a new sqlite3 database file in the current working directory if it does not exist and returns the NormanPdDb object, which is used to perform database operations later.

The default name for the sqlite3 file used is normanpd.db, unless specified during create_db() call

class NormanPdDb (Database Abstraction)

This class acts as the database layer for this utility. This abstraction uses built-in sqlite3 package to interact with the file-based sqlite database. This class contains the following methods.

check_con(self) -> bool

check_con checks if the database file was connected successfully and returns True. If the database connecting attempt raised any exception, this function just returns False indicating failure of connecting to the database

add_incidents(self, incidents) -> int

add_incidents opens the connection to sqlite3 database using with resource manager. Later, creates a sqlite3.Cursor object from the connection using the with resource manager and performs the following operations.

  1. Drop the table incidents if it already exists
  2. Create the table incidents and
  3. Lastly, insert the incidents into the newly created table
  4. Finally the function returns the number of changes done to the database, indicating the number of insert operations performed.

In case any exception was raised while deleting old table, creating new table or inserting new incidents into the table, the function returns -1 indicating something went wrong.

get_stats(self) -> str

get_stats creates sqlite3.Connection and sqlite3.Cursor objects using with resource manager and fetch's the natures and their count from the incidents table. The sql command used to fetch the statistics is SELECT nature, count(*) FROM incidents WHERE IFNULL(nature, '') != '' GROUP BY nature ORDER BY count(*) DESC, nature ASC

Note: The above command does not include empty incident count. This is done using WHERE IFNULL(nature, '') != ''. combines all the three modules (downloader, parser and storer) and performs the following functionalities.

  1. Used the built-in argparse package to accept the PDF URL from the command line as an argument.
  2. Then firstly, sends that URL to downloader.fetch_incidents to get the incidents as an unparsed 2-dimentional list.
  3. Secondly, sends the unparsed list to parser.extract_incidents to convert the unparsed incidents to Incident type objects.
  4. Later, create a database and resets the incidents table if the database was created earlier and inserts the extracted rows into the database using storer.create_db and db.add_incidents.
  5. Lastly if the rows were successfully inserted, the file calls db.get_stats to retrieve the final summary of Incident Natures and Counts.