Bharat Runwal1, Vivek2, Sandeep Kumar1
1 IIT Delhi,2 Samsung Research Bangalore
A PyTorch implementation of "Robustifying Graph Neural Networks via Weighted Laplacian" Accepted at SPCOM 2022 (Best Student Paper Award).
- Graph neural network (GNN) is achieving remarkable performances in a variety of application domains. However, GNN is vulnerable to noise and adversarial attacks in input data. Making GNN robust against noises and adversarial attacks is an important problem. The existing defense methods for GNNs are computationally demanding, are not scalable, and are architecture dependent. In this paper, we propose a generic framework for robustifying GNN known as Weighted Laplacian GNN (RWL-GNN). The method combines Weighted Graph Laplacian learning with the GNN implementation. The proposed method benefits from the positive semi-definiteness property of Laplacian matrix, feature smoothness, and latent features via formulating a unified optimization framework, which ensures the ad- versarial/noisy edges are discarded and connections in the graph are appropriately weighted. For demonstration, the experiments are conducted with Graph convo- lutional neural network(GCNN) architecture, however, the proposed framework is easily amenable to any existing GNN architecture. The simulation results with benchmark dataset establish the efficacy of the proposed method over the state- of-the-art methods, both in accuracy and computational efficiency.
See that in
To run the code, first you need to install DeepRobust:
pip install deeprobust
Or you can clone it and install from source code:
git clone
cd DeepRobust
python install
After installation, you can clone this repository or you can use the demo notebook here COLAB
git clone
python --two_stage y --seed 10 --dataset cora --attack no --ptb_rate 0 --epochs 200 --epochs_pre 400 --alpha 1.0 --gamma 1.0 --beta 0.10 --lr_optim 1e-2 --lr 1e-3
The code is based on :
title={Robust Graph Neural Networks using Weighted Graph Laplacian},
author={Runwal, Bharat and Kumar, Sandeep and others},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.01853},