# osdatahub <!-- omit in toc --> [](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/issues) [](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/actions/workflows/python-package.yml) <a href="https://codeclimate.com/github/dchirst/osdatahub/maintainability"><img src="https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/471fd53dbb22e9e28546/maintainability" /></a> > Coding in JavaScript? > `osdatahub` has a sibling package for JavaScript developers with similar functionality, [check it out here](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub-js). `osdatahub` is a python package from Ordnance Survey (OS) that makes it easier to interact with OS data via the [OS Data Hub APIs](https://osdatahub.os.uk/). OS is the national mapping agency for Great Britain and produces a large variety of mapping and geospatial products. Much of OS's data is available via the [OS Data Hub](https://osdatahub.os.uk/), a platform that hosts both free and premium data products. `osdatahub` provides a user-friendly way to interact with these data products in Python. To see what data is available, you can use the [OS Data Hub Explorer](https://labs.os.uk/public/data-hub-explorer/).  ## Features <!-- omit in toc --> - Get access to Ordnance Survey data in as few as 2-3 lines of code - Easily query geographic extents using bounding boxes, radii and ONS geographies - Request as much data as you need with automatic API paging - Supports the OS Features, Places, Names, Linked Identifiers, and Downloads APIs ## Links <!-- omit in toc --> - GitHub repo: https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub - Documentation: https://osdatahub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ - PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/osdatahub/ - conda-forge: https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/osdatahub - Data Hub Explorer: https://labs.os.uk/prototyping/data-hub-explorer/ - Free Software: Open Government License **Note:** This package is under active development. ## Contents <!-- omit in toc --> - [Setup](#setup) - [Quick Start](#quick-start) - [NGD API](#ngd-api) - [Features API](#features-api) - [Places API](#places-api) - [Names API](#names-api) - [Linked Identifiers API](#linked-identifiers-api) - [Downloads API](#downloads-api) - [Tutorials](#tutorials) - [Contribute](#contribute) # Setup `osdatahub` is available on [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/osdatahub/). To install `osdatahub`, run this command in your terminal: ```bash pip install osdatahub ``` The library is also available to download via [conda](https://anaconda.org/conda-forge/osdatahub): ```bash conda install -c conda-forge osdatahub ``` You'll also need to sign-up for an account on the [OS Data Hub](https://osdatahub.os.uk/) and get an API key. If you've setup you're account and need help getting a key, try the following steps: 1. Navigate to the **API Dashboard** located on the top navigation bar 2. Go to **My Projects** 3. Click **Create a new project**, give your project a name, then click **Create project** 4. Select **Add an API to this project** 5. Choose the APIs you would like to use and click **Done** (Note: osdatahub supports the OS Features, Places, Names, Linked Identifiers, and Downloads APIs) # Quick Start ## NGD API Ordnance Survey's newest API replaces the Features API with extra functionality, better error handling, and an OGC-compliant GeoJSON return type. Currently, the NGD supports topographic features, with Places being added soon. We can use the NGD API by importing the **NGD** class (which helps us run queries): ```python from osdatahub import NGD ``` Then we need to get our [OS API key](https://osdatahub.os.uk/) and store it as a variable ([find out how to do this securely with environment variables](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/modify-links/Examples/Setting%20up%20an%20API%20key.ipynb)): ```python key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" ``` Next, we must decide which NGD Collection we are interested in. We can discover the available collection ids in 2 ways: 1. Browse the [OS Data Hub Technical Documentation](https://osdatahub.os.uk/docs/ofa/technicalSpecification) 2. Run the `get_collections()` function: ```python NGD.get_collections() ``` Then we can instantiate the NGD class, ready for us to query: ```python collection = "bld-fts-buildingline" ngd = NGD(key, collection) results = ngd.query(max_results=50) ``` The `query()` function supports many different options and filters, such as various output CRS', CQL filters, and start and end times for temporal features. The data stored in the results variable will be in geojson format, limited to 50 features. To save the query results as a geojson file, you need to import the [geojson module](https://github.com/jazzband/geojson) and use the `.dump() ` function: ```python import geojson geojson.dump(results, open("FILENAME.geojson", "w")) ``` If you have the ID of a specific feature you would like to query, you can use the `query_feature()` function instead: ```python feature_id = "0000013e-5fed-447d-a627-dae6fb215138" feature = ngd.query_feature(feature_id) ``` ## Features API Data can be queried within a geographical extent in just a few simple steps! First, we need to import the **FeaturesAPI** class (which helps us runs queries) and the **Extent** class (which helps us to define a target region): ```python from osdatahub import FeaturesAPI, Extent ``` Then we need to get our [OS API key](https://osdatahub.os.uk/) and store it as a variable ([find out how to do this securely with environment variables](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/modify-links/Examples/Setting%20up%20an%20API%20key.ipynb)): ```python key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" ``` Next, we define our geographic extent. For this example we're going use a bounding box, but it is also possible to specify radial extents, ONS geographies and custom polygons. These bounding box coordinates are BNG coordinates in the order (West, South, East, North): ```python extent = Extent.from_bbox((600000, 310200, 600900, 310900), "EPSG:27700") ``` And now we can run our query! We just have to assemble the parts and decide which OS Features product we want to explore. In this case, we're going to choose "zoomstack_local_buildings" — an open data set of Great Britain's local buildings: ```python product = "zoomstack_local_buildings" features = FeaturesAPI(key, product, extent) results = features.query(limit=50) ``` The data stored in the results variable will be in geojson format, limited to 50 features. To save the query results as a geojson file, you need to import the [geojson module](https://github.com/jazzband/geojson) and use the .dump() function: ```python import geojson geojson.dump(results, open("FILENAME.geojson", "w")) ``` Putting this all together, we get: ```python from osdatahub import FeaturesAPI, Extent import geojson key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" extent = Extent.from_bbox((600000, 310200, 600900, 310900), "EPSG:27700") product = "zoomstack_local_buildings" features = FeaturesAPI(key, product, extent) results = features.query(limit=50) geojson.dump(results, open("FILENAME.geojson", "w")) ``` ## Places API To run a similar query using the OS Places API, we just need to make two changes. First, we no longer need to decide on a product — the Places API is always going to give us addresses! Secondly, the **PlacesAPI** class does not require an extent (because there are other, non-geographic, queries available). Therefore, our bounding box extent does not need to be passed in until the query is run. The final result looks like this: ```python from osdatahub import PlacesAPI, Extent import geojson key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" extent = Extent.from_bbox((600000, 310200, 600900, 310900), "EPSG:27700") places = PlacesAPI(key) # No extent or product is given to PlacesAPI results = places.query(extent, limit=50) # Extent is passed directly into the .query() function geojson.dump(results, open("FILENAME.geojson", "w")) ``` Note: The PlacesAPI requires a *premium* API key! ## Names API The OS Data Hub also contains the OS Names API, which is a geographic directory containing basic information about identifiable places. The API allows us to identify places by their address/place name and can find the nearest address to a given point. The **NamesAPI** class is very similar to **PlacesAPI** as it needs only a (**premium**) API key. We can then query the object with a place name to get more information: ```python from osdatahub import NamesAPI key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" names = NamesAPI(key) # only a premium key is required to create a NamesAPI object results = names.find("Buckingham Palace", limit=5) geojson.dump(results, open("FILENAME.geojson", "w")) ``` Note: The NamesAPI requires a *premium* API key! ## Linked Identifiers API The [OS Linked Identifiers API](https://osdatahub.os.uk/docs/linkedIdentifiers/overview) allows you to access the valuable relationships between properties, streets and OS MasterMap identifiers for free. It's as easy as providing the identifier you are interested in and the API will return the related feature identifiers. This allows you to find what addresses exist on a given street, or the UPRN for a building on a map, or the USRN for a road and more. You can access the Linked Identifiers API via the **LinkedIdentifiersAPI** class. In it's simplest form, queries can be made using just an API key and an identifier: ```python from osdatahub import LinkedIdentifiersAPI key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" linked_ids = LinkedIdentifiersAPI(key) results = linked_ids.query(200001025758) ``` ## Downloads API If you'd like to download an entire dataset instead of querying the API on demand, the OS Data Hub has the [Downloads API](https://osdatahub.os.uk/docs/downloads/technicalSpecification). This API allows you to search,m explore, and download both [Open Data Products](https://osdatahub.os.uk/downloads/open) (e.g. OS Open Rivers, Boundary-Line, and a 1:250,000 scale colour raster of Great Britain) and Premium Data Packages using Python. It is possible to download Open Data products without an API key, but the Premium Data Packages require you to have a premium API key and order the package you want to download on the [OS Data Hub website](https://osdatahub.os.uk/downloads/). The first step to download data is to discover which products are available. You can see the available datasets on the [OS Data Hub website](https://osdatahub.os.uk/downloads/) or using the following snippet of code: ```python from osdatahub import OpenDataDownload OpenDataDownload.all_products() ``` You can also see all Premium Data Packages available to download using your premium API key: ```python from osdatahub import DataPackageDownload key = "[YOUR KEY GOES HERE]" DataPackageDownload.all_products(key) ``` Note: For Premium Data Packages, this query will only return datasets if you have previously *ordered* the dataset on the OS Data Hub Website. Once you have found a package you'd like to download, you can get a list of the different products you can download: ```python greenspace = OpenDataDownload("OpenGreenspace") greenspace.product_list() ``` Once you know the dataset and specific product you'd like to download, you can download the dataset locally: ```python greenspace.download(file_name='opgrsp_essh_nj.zip') ``` # Tutorials Example notebooks, demonstrating various `osdatahub` features can be found in the Examples folder. Here is a list of the available content: - [Setting up an API Key](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Setting%20up%20an%20API%20key.ipynb) - [Defining Extents](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Defining%20Extents%20for%20API%20Queries.ipynb) - [Filtering Attributes](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Filtering%20Attributes%20for%20API%20Queries.ipynb) - [Plotting Query Results - GeoPandas, Matplotlib, Contextily](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Plotting%20API%20Results%20-%20GeoPandas%2C%20Matplotlib%20and%20Contextily.ipynb) - [Interactive Plotting for Query Results](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Interactive%20Plotting%20for%20API%20Results%20-%20Folium.ipynb) - [Converting Query Results into Common Formats](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Converting%20API%20Results%20into%20Common%20Data%20Formats.ipynb) - [Post Processing Query Results](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/Post%20Processing%20API%20Queries.ipynb) - [Common CRS Pitfalls](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/blob/master/Examples/CRS%20pitfalls.ipynb) # Contribute This package is still under active developement and we welcome contributions from the community via issues and pull requests. To install osdatahub, along with the tools you need to develop and run tests, run the following in your environment: ```bash pip install -e .[dev] ``` ## Support For any kind of issues or suggestions please see the [**documentation**](https://osdatahub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), open a **[github issue](https://github.com/OrdnanceSurvey/osdatahub/issues)** or contact us via Email **[rapidprototyping@os.uk](mailto:rapidprototyping@os.uk)**