Name | Type | Description | Notes |
trial_period_in_month | Integer | The trial period in month | [optional] |
billing_period_percent_discount | Float | The percent discount related to the billing period | [optional] |
discount_duration_in_month | Integer | The discount duration in month | [optional] |
percent_discount | Float | The percent of the discount | [optional] |
offer_id | OfferId | [optional] | |
store_count | StoreCount | [optional] | |
start_utc_date | DateTime | The start date of your contract | [optional] |
commitment_calculated_finish_utc_date | DateTime | The calculated end date of commitment | [optional] |
billing_period_in_month | Integer | The billing period in month | [optional] |
fixed_price | Float | The fixed price of your contract | [optional] |
offer_name | String | The offer name based on /offers | [optional] |
currency_code | BeezUPCommonCurrencyCode | [optional] | |
contract_id | ContractId | [optional] | |
commitment_period_in_month | Integer | The commitment period in month | [optional] |
click_included | Integer | The click included | [optional] |
additional_click_price | Float | Additional click price | [optional] |
ip_user_creation | String | The IP of the user who creates the contract | [optional] |
ip_user_modification | String | The IP of the user who modified the contract | [optional] |
fixed_and_variable_click_info | FixedAndVariableClickModelInfo | [optional] | |
variable_model_info | VariableModelInfo | [optional] | |
is_commitment_renewal_automatically | BOOLEAN | Is commitment is automatically renewed | [optional] |
discount_end_utc_date | DateTime | The end of your discount | [optional] |
is_modifiable_contract | BOOLEAN | Is the contract is modifiable ? | [optional] |
links | CurrentContractInfoLinks |