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#NoTrayIcon#RequireAdmin#Region ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****#AutoIt3Wrapper_Icon=..\Downloads\favicon (4).ico#AutoIt3Wrapper_Outfile_x64=Loot-Boy.exe#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Comment=a GTMP Bot for Farming Ressources#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Description=Loot Boy#AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Fileversion= Chris White#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Tidy=y#EndRegion ;**** Directives created by AutoIt3Wrapper_GUI ****;#include <Misc.au3>#include <Date.au3>#include <GuiRichEdit.au3>#include <PostMessage.au3>#include <KeyCodes.au3>#include <InetConstants.au3>#include <ImageSearch.au3>#include <ButtonConstants.au3>#include <ComboConstants.au3>#include <EditConstants.au3>#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>#include <StaticConstants.au3>#include <WindowsConstants.au3>; Close Updater and delete file.ProcessClose("cmd.exe")FileDelete(@ScriptDir & "\update.bat"); Version CheckGlobal $Version = "3.0"Global $WorkingDir = @ScriptDir & "\"$Check_Version = BinaryToString(InetRead("", 1))$Changelog = BinaryToString(InetRead("", 1))If $Version < $Check_Version Then MsgBox(0, "Changelog", "New Version Released: " & $Check_Version & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Changelog: " & @CRLF & $Changelog) InetGet("", $WorkingDir & "latest.exe", 1, 0) FileWrite($WorkingDir & "update.bat", "@echo off" & @CRLF & "DEL " & @ScriptName & @CRLF & "REN latest.exe " & @ScriptName & @CRLF & @ScriptName & @CRLF & "DEL update.bat") Run($WorkingDir & "update.bat /s /q") ExitEndIf; Program Duplicate Runtime CheckIf WinExists("Loot Boy ") Then MsgBox(48, "Error", "Program is already open!") Exit 0EndIf#Region ### START Koda GUI section ### Form=$Form1 = GUICreate("Loot Boy [" & $Version & "]", 397, 438, 192, 124)$Group1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Loot Mode", 256, 0, 137, 129)$Radio1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Oranges", 264, 24, 60, 17)$Radio2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Stones", 264, 48, 60, 17)$Radio3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Wheat", 264, 72, 60, 17)$Radio4 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Tomatoes", 264, 96, 65, 17)$Radio5 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Iron", 336, 72, 60, 17)$Radio6 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Wood", 336, 24, 60, 17)$Radio7 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Sand", 336, 48, 60, 17)$Radio8 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("Gold", 336, 96, 60, 17)GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)$Group2 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Loot Settings", 8, 0, 241, 129)$Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Custom Delay after Loot:", 16, 24, 149, 20)GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")$Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("500", 168, 24, 33, 21)$Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("1000", 208, 24, 33, 21)$Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Put in Truck after X Loots:", 16, 48, 152, 20)GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")$Input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("12", 168, 48, 73, 21)$Label3 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Loot Slot:", 16, 72, 59, 20)GUICtrlSetFont(-1, 10, 400, 0, "MS Sans Serif")$Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("4", 168, 72, 73, 25, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN, $CBS_AUTOHSCROLL))$Progress1 = GUICtrlCreateProgress(16, 104, 222, 17)GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)$Group3 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("Log", 8, 128, 385, 297)$Edit1 = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 16, 144, 369, 273)GUICtrlSetData(-1, "Edit1")GUICtrlCreateGroup("", -99, -99, 1, 1)GUISetState(@SW_SHOW)GUICtrlSetData($Combo1, "1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|AUTO")GUICtrlSetData($Edit1, "GTMP Loot Boy v." & $Version & " Ready!" & @CRLF & "NUM5 - Start" & @CRLF & "F9 - Pause" & @CRLF & "F11 - Quit" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Please use a Game Resolution of 1920x1080 and " & @CRLF & " Fullscreen without Border or it might not work." & @CRLF)#EndRegion ### END Koda GUI section ###; Load Settings_LoadSettings()HotKeySet("{F11}", "_Panic")HotKeySet("{F9}", "_idle")HotKeySet("{NUMPAD5}", "_start")Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 4)Opt("MouseClickDelay", 1)Opt("MouseCoordMode", 1)Global $Stop = FalseGlobal $FREEInvSlots = 100Global $Count = 1Global $Sleeper = 5000Global $Time = _NowTime()Global $LootAmount = 0Global $LootSlot = 0Global $CustomDelay1 = 1Global $CustomDelay2 = 2Global $Mats = 0Global $BotMode = 0Global $BucketSize = 0Global $InventorySize = 0Global $Gamename = "Grand Theft Multiplayer"Global $Mode = 0Global $x = 0, $y = 0Global $Inventory_Slots_X = [0, 150, 270, 390, 510, 630, 750, 870, 170, 290, 410, 530, 650, 770, 790, 160, 280, 400, 520, 640, 760, 880]Global $Inventory_Slots_Y = [0, 284, 280, 280, 280, 280, 280, 280, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 400, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500, 500]Global $Item = [0, 0]_idle()Func _start() If GUICtrlRead($Radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Oranges _farm_oranges() ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Stones _farm_stones() ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Wheat _farm_wheat() ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Tomatoes _farm_Tomatoes() ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Iron // Doubt its possible via PostMessage :/ UpdateLog("Not included yet!") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio6) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Wood UpdateLog("Not included yet!") ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio7) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Sand _farm_Sand() ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio8) = $GUI_CHECKED Then ; Gold _farm_gold() Else UpdateLog("No Mode Selected!") EndIfEndFunc ;==>_startFunc _GetLootSlot() $Item[0] = 0 $Item[1] = 0 If $Mode = 1 Then $Itemslot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Orange.bmp", 1, 105, 228, 949, 655, $x, $y, 100) If $Itemslot = 1 Then $Item[0] = $x $Item[1] = $y UpdateLog("Oranges Detected at: " & $x & "," & $y & " !") Return $Item Else Return False EndIf ElseIf $Mode = 2 Then $Itemslot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Stone.bmp", 1, 105, 228, 949, 655, $x, $y, 150) If $Itemslot = 1 Then $Item[0] = $x $Item[1] = $y UpdateLog("Stones Detected at: " & $x & "," & $y & " !") Return $Item Else Return False EndIf ElseIf $Mode = 3 Then $Itemslot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wheat.bmp", 1, 105, 228, 949, 655, $x, $y, 100) If $Itemslot = 1 Then $Item[0] = $x $Item[1] = $y UpdateLog("Wheat Detected at: " & $x & "," & $y & " !") Return $Item Else Return False EndIf ElseIf $Mode = 4 Then $Itemslot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Tomatoes.bmp", 1, 105, 228, 949, 655, $x, $y, 100) If $Itemslot = 1 Then $Item[0] = $x $Item[1] = $y UpdateLog("Tomatoes Detected at: " & $x & "," & $y & " !") Return $Item Else Return False EndIf #csElseif $Mode = 5 Then ; Iron Farm Mode, not included yet. #ceElseif $Mode = 5 Then ElseIf $Mode = 6 Then $Itemslot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wood.bmp", 1, 105, 228, 949, 655, $x, $y, 100) If $Itemslot = 1 Then $Item[0] = $x $Item[1] = $y UpdateLog("Wood Detected at: " & $x & "," & $y & " !") Return $Item Else Return False EndIf ElseIf $Mode = 7 Then $Itemslot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wood.bmp", 1, 105, 228, 949, 655, $x, $y, 100) If $Itemslot = 1 Then $Item[0] = $x $Item[1] = $y UpdateLog("Tomatoes Detected at: " & $x & "," & $y & " !") Return $Item Else Return False EndIf EndIf Return FalseEndFunc ;==>_GetLootSlotFunc _Panic() _SaveSettings() ExitEndFunc ;==>_PanicFunc _idle() UpdateLog("Paused!") While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _SaveSettings() Exit EndSwitch WEndEndFunc ;==>_idleFunc UpdateProgressBar() GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, $Count / $LootAmount * 100)EndFunc ;==>UpdateProgressBarFunc _farm_Tomatoes() $Mode = 3 $Stop = False $InventoryIsFull = False $Clientpos = _GetWindowSize($Gamename, False) If Not IsArray($Clientpos) Then UpdateLog("GTMP not found!") $Stop = True EndIf Do _SaveSettings() _LoadSettings() $Loot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 1, 1579, 32, 1774, 210, $x, $y, 50) If $Loot = 1 Then UpdateLog("Inventory is Open, closing...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) UpdateLog("Wait for Inventory Cooldown...") Sleep($Sleeper) EndIf ; Farm Loot ; Check if Inventory is full If $Count > $LootAmount Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("LootAmount Reached! ( Total Loot collected yet: " & $Mats & " )") _TransferToTruck() $Sleeper = 3000 Else UpdateLog("Looting Tomatoes ( " & $Count & "/" & $LootAmount & " ) ...") ; _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_ALT, 10) ; Sleep(200) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_E, 10) Sleep(1500) $InventorySize = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Tomatoes_Error.bmp", 1, 0, 0, 500, 500, $x, $y, 25) If $InventorySize = 1 Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("Inventory is full!") $Sleeper = 5500 _TransferToTruck() EndIf Sleep(10000 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) $Count = $Count + 1 $Mats = $Mats + 2 UpdateProgressBar() EndIf Until $Stop = TrueEndFunc ;==>_farm_TomatoesFunc _farm_wheat() $Mode = 3 $Stop = False $InventoryIsFull = False $Clientpos = _GetWindowSize($Gamename, False) If Not IsArray($Clientpos) Then UpdateLog("GTMP not found!") $Stop = True EndIf Do _SaveSettings() _LoadSettings() $Loot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 1, 1579, 32, 1774, 210, $x, $y, 25) If $Loot = 1 Then UpdateLog("Inventory is Open, closing...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) UpdateLog("Wait for Inventory Cooldown...") Sleep($Sleeper) EndIf ; Farm Loot ; Check if Inventory is full If $Count > $LootAmount Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("LootAmount Reached! ( Total Loot collected yet: " & $Mats & " )") _TransferToTruck() $Sleeper = 3000 Else UpdateLog("Looting Wheat ( " & $Count & "/" & $LootAmount & " ) ...") ; _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_ALT, 10) ; Sleep(200) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_E, 10) Sleep(1500) $InventorySize = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wheat_Error.bmp", 1, 0, 0, 500, 500, $x, $y, 25) If $InventorySize = 1 Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("Inventory is full!") $Sleeper = 5500 _TransferToTruck() EndIf Sleep(10500 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) $Count = $Count + 1 $Mats = $Mats + 2 UpdateProgressBar() EndIf Until $Stop = TrueEndFunc ;==>_farm_wheatFunc _farm_stones() $Mode = 3 $Stop = False $InventoryIsFull = False $Clientpos = _GetWindowSize($Gamename, False) If Not IsArray($Clientpos) Then UpdateLog("GTM not found!") $Stop = True EndIf Do _SaveSettings() _LoadSettings() ;Check if Inventory is Open $Loot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 1, 1579, 32, 1774, 210, $x, $y, 50) If $Loot = 1 Then UpdateLog("Inventory is Open, closing...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) UpdateLog("Wait for Inventory Cooldown...") Sleep($Sleeper) EndIf ; Farm Loot ; Check if Inventory is full If $Count > $LootAmount Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("LootAmount Reached! ( Total Loot collected yet: " & $Mats & " )") _TransferToTruck() $Sleeper = 1500 Else UpdateLog("Looting Stones ( " & $Count & "/" & $LootAmount & " ) ...") ; _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_ALT, 1) ; Sleep(200) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_E, 10) ;_PostMessage_Click(WinGetHandle($Gamename), 1713, 641, "Left", 1, 10) Sleep(1500) $InventorySize = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Stone_Error.bmp", 1, 0, 0, 500, 500, $x, $y, 100) If $InventorySize = 1 Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("Inventory is full!") $Sleeper = 1500 _TransferToTruck() EndIf Sleep(6850 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) UpdateProgressBar() $Count += 1 $Mats += 2 EndIf Until $Stop = True Or $InventorySize >= 85 ;Transfer Loot to TrackEndFunc ;==>_farm_stonesFunc _farm_oranges() $Mode = 1 $Stop = False $InventoryIsFull = False $Clientpos = _GetWindowSize($Gamename, False) If Not IsArray($Clientpos) Then UpdateLog("GTM not found!") $Stop = True EndIf Do _SaveSettings() _LoadSettings() ;Check if Inventory is Open $Loot = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 1, 1579, 32, 1774, 210, $x, $y, 25) If $Loot = 1 Then UpdateLog("Inventory is Open, closing...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) UpdateLog("Wait for Inventory Cooldown...") Sleep($Sleeper) EndIf ; Farm Loot ; Check if Inventory is full If $Count > $LootAmount Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("LootAmount Reached! ( Total Loot collected yet: " & $Mats & " )") _TransferToTruck() $Sleeper = 3500 Else UpdateLog("Looting Oranges ( " & $Count & "/" & $LootAmount & " ) ...") ; _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_ALT, 1) ; Sleep(200) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_E, 10) ;_PostMessage_Click(WinGetHandle($Gamename), 1713, 641, "Left", 1, 10) Sleep(1500) $InventorySize = _ImageSearchArea(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Orange_Error.bmp", 1, 0, 0, 500, 500, $x, $y, 100) If $InventorySize = 1 Then $Count = 1 UpdateLog("Inventory is full!") $Sleeper = 5000 _TransferToTruck() EndIf Sleep(9350 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) UpdateProgressBar() $Count += 1 $Mats += 2 EndIf Until $Stop = True Or $InventorySize >= 85 ;Transfer Loot to TrackEndFunc ;==>_farm_orangesFunc _farm_gold() _SaveSettings() _LoadSettings() If Not WinExists($Gamename) Then UpdateLog("Game not found!") Return EndIf $Stop = False Do ;WinActive("Grand Theft Multiplayer") UpdateLog("Looting Gold (" & $Mats & ")...") ;ControlSend("Grand Theft Multiplayer","",0,"{e}") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_W, 10) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_W, 10) Sleep(5800 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) $Mats += 24 Until $Stop = True Or $BucketSize >= 7500EndFunc ;==>_farm_goldFunc _farm_Sand() _SaveSettings() _LoadSettings() If Not WinExists($Gamename) Then UpdateLog("Game not found!") Return EndIf $Stop = False Do ;WinActive("Grand Theft Multiplayer") UpdateLog("Looting Sand (" & $Mats & ")...") ;ControlSend("Grand Theft Multiplayer","",0,"{e}") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_E, 10) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_X, 10) Sleep(5800 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) $Mats += 24 Until $Stop = True Or $BucketSize >= 7500EndFunc ;==>_farm_SandFunc _TransferToTruck() $Item[0] = 0 $Item[1] = 0 UpdateLog("Open Inventory...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) $oldwin = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") $oldMouse = MouseGetPos() WinActivate($Gamename) Sleep(1000) $Loot = _ImageSearch(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 0, $x, $y, 100) If $Loot = 1 Then UpdateLog("Inventory Detected!") If $LootSlot = "AUTO" Then $Item = _GetLootSlot() If @error Then UpdateLog("Error while Detecting Loot Slot!") EndIf If IsArray($Item) Then UpdateLog("Disable Inputs...") BlockInput(1) UpdateLog("Set Transfer Amount...") MouseClick("left", 1713, 641, 50, 1) Sleep(50) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_9, 10) Sleep(50) UpdateLog("Move Loot to Truck...") MouseClickDrag("left", $Item[0], $Item[1], 1021, 341, 1) Else BlockInput(0) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) UpdateLog("No Loot Found, wait some Seconds and try again.") Sleep(3000) Return EndIf Else MouseClickDrag("left", $Inventory_Slots_X[$LootSlot], $Inventory_Slots_Y[$LootSlot], 1021, 341, 1) EndIf UpdateLog("Enable Inputs...") BlockInput(0) UpdateLog("Restore old Window...") WinActivate($oldwin) WinActivate($oldwin) WinActivate($oldwin) MouseMove($oldMouse[0], $oldMouse[1], 1) Sleep(50) UpdateLog("Close Inventory...") Sleep(100) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) UpdateLog("Wait for Inventory Cooldown...") GUICtrlSetData($Progress1, 0) Sleep(1500 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) ;Aditional Check for failed inventory Close. $Loot = _ImageSearch(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 0, $x, $y, 25) If $Loot = 1 Then UpdateLog("Failed to Close Inventory, closing again...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) Sleep(1600 + Random($CustomDelay1, $CustomDelay2, 1)) EndIf If $Mode = 1 Then _farm_oranges() ElseIf $Mode = 2 Then _farm_stones() ElseIf $Mode = 3 Then _farm_wheat() ElseIf $Mode = 4 Then _farm_Tomatoes() EndIf Else ; Can't find Loot in Inventory, force Close any Menues and repeat Function. UpdateLog("No Inventory Detected, try again...") WinActivate($oldwin) MouseMove($oldMouse[0], $oldMouse[1], 1) Sleep(200) _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_I, 10) Sleep(1000) If $Mode = 1 Then _farm_oranges() ElseIf $Mode = 2 Then _farm_stones() ElseIf $Mode = 3 Then _farm_wheat() ElseIf $Mode = 4 Then _farm_Tomatoes() EndIf EndIf Sleep(1000) If $Mode = 1 Then _farm_oranges() ElseIf $Mode = 2 Then _farm_stones() ElseIf $Mode = 3 Then _farm_wheat() ElseIf $Mode = 4 Then _farm_Tomatoes() EndIfEndFunc ;==>_TransferToTruck#cs Func _CheckDisconnect() $DisconectScreen = _ImageSearch(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Disconnected.bmp", 0, $x, $y, 50) If $DisconectScreen = 1 Then UpdateLog("Disconnected, trying to Connect...") _PostMessage_Send($Gamename, $VK_RETURN, 10) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_CheckDisconnect#ce#cs Func _WaitForInventory() While $tries > 10 $Loot = _ImageSearch(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 0, $x, $y, 50) If $Loot = 1 Then Return True Else $tries += 1 EndIf If $tries > 10 Then EndIf WEnd EndFunc ;==>_WaitForInventory#ce#cs Func _Reconnect() ; Disconnect Screen $DisconectScreen = PixelSearch(1251, 569, 1591, 637, 0xDF0101, 1) If IsArray($DisconectScreen) Then UpdateLog("Disconnect Screen Detected, Confirm...") EndIf ; News Screen $NewsScreen = PixelSearch(1251, 569, 1591, 637, 0xDF0101, 1) If IsArray($NewsScreen) Then UpdateLog("News Screen Detected, Reconnecting...") EndIf ; Auth Screen $AuthScreen = PixelSearch(725, 542, 1148, 591, 0xDC3545, 1) If IsArray($AuthScreen) Then UpdateLog("Auth Screen Detected! Confirm...") Sleep(15000) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_Reconnect#ceFunc _Stop() UpdateLog("Stopped!") $Stop = TrueEndFunc ;==>_StopFunc _LoadSettings() If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\") Then UpdateLog("No Directory found, creating Directory...") DirCreate(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\") EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\") Then UpdateLog("No Directory found, creating Directory...") DirCreate(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\") EndIf If Not FileExists(@ScriptDir & "\ImageSearchDLL.dll") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(.DLL)...") InetGet("", @ScriptDir & "\ImageSearchDLL.dll", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\ImageSearchDLL.dll") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(-1)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\ImageSearchDLL.dll", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Orange.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(0)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Orange.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Stone.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(1)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Stone.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(2)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Inventory.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Orange_Error.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(3)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Orange_Error.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\ServerRestart.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(4)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\ServerRestart.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Disconnected.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(5)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Disconnected.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wheat.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(6)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wheat.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wheat_Error.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(7)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Wheat_Error.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Tomatoes_Error.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(8)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Tomatoes_Error.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Tomatoes.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(9)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Tomatoes.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Stone_Error.bmp") Then UpdateLog("Downloading Assets(9)...") InetGet("", @AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Assets\Stone_Error.bmp", 0, 0) EndIf $Mode = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "Mode", 1) If $Mode = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio1, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 2 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio2, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 3 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio3, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 4 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio4, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 5 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio5, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 6 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio6, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 7 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio7, $GUI_CHECKED) ElseIf $Mode = 8 Then GUICtrlSetState($Radio8, $GUI_CHECKED) EndIf $CustomDelay1 = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "CustomDelay1", 500) $CustomDelay2 = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "CustomDelay2", 1000) $LootSlot = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "LootSlot", 4) $LootAmount = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "LootAmount", 12) $LootSlot = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "LootSlot", "AUTO") $Mats = IniRead(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "TotalMats", 0) GUICtrlSetData($Input1, $CustomDelay1) GUICtrlSetData($Input2, $CustomDelay2) GUICtrlSetData($Combo1, $LootSlot) GUICtrlSetData($Input3, $LootAmount) If ProcessExists("GrandTheftMultiplayer.Launcher.exe") Then UpdateLog("GTMP Launcher is Running, closing it to avoid issues.") ProcessClose("GrandTheftMultiplayer.Launcher.exe") EndIf If Not ProcessExists("GTA5.exe") Then UpdateLog("Game not found!") $Stop = True _idle() EndIfEndFunc ;==>_LoadSettingsFunc _SaveSettings() If Not FileExists(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\") Then UpdateLog("No Directory found, creating Directory...") DirCreate(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\") EndIf If GUICtrlRead($Radio1) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 1 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio2) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 2 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio3) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 3 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio4) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 4 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio5) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 5 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio6) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 6 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio7) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 7 ElseIf GUICtrlRead($Radio8) = $GUI_CHECKED Then $Mode = 8 EndIf IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "CustomDelay1", GUICtrlRead($Input1)) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "CustomDelay2", GUICtrlRead($Input2)) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "TotalMats", $Mats) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "LootAmount", GUICtrlRead($Input3)) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "LootSlot", GUICtrlRead($Combo1)) IniWrite(@AppDataDir & "\LootBoy\Settings.ini", "Settings", "Mode", $Mode)EndFunc ;==>_SaveSettingsFunc UpdateLog($Text) $Time = _NowTime() $CurrentTime = "[" & $Time & "]: " GUICtrlSetData($Edit1, GUICtrlRead($Edit1) & @CRLF & $CurrentTime & $Text) GUICtrlSendMsg($Edit1, $EM_LINESCROLL, 0, GUICtrlSendMsg($Edit1, $EM_GETLINECOUNT, 0, 0)) _GUICtrlRichEdit_ScrollToCaret($Edit1)EndFunc ;==>UpdateLog